This class represents one of two things:
Arguments in a call to a service
Use the attributes of this class as arguments to methods. You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the calls that expect this type of object.
As an example, if Att1 is expected to be a Paws::EC2::Explanation object:
$service_obj->Method(Att1 => { Acl => $value, ..., VpnGateway => $value });
Results returned from an API call
Use accessors for each attribute. If Att1 is expected to be an Paws::EC2::Explanation object:
$result = $service_obj->Method(...);
This class has no description
Acl => Paws::EC2::AnalysisComponent
The network ACL.
AclRule => Paws::EC2::AnalysisAclRule
The network ACL rule.
Address => Str
The IPv4 address, in CIDR notation.
Addresses => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]
The IPv4 addresses, in CIDR notation.
AttachedTo => Paws::EC2::AnalysisComponent
The resource to which the component is attached.
AvailabilityZones => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]
The Availability Zones.
Cidrs => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]
The CIDR ranges.
ClassicLoadBalancerListener => Paws::EC2::AnalysisLoadBalancerListener
The listener for a Classic Load Balancer.
Component => Paws::EC2::AnalysisComponent
The component.
CustomerGateway => Paws::EC2::AnalysisComponent
The customer gateway.
Destination => Paws::EC2::AnalysisComponent
The destination.
DestinationVpc => Paws::EC2::AnalysisComponent
The destination VPC.
Direction => Str
The direction. The following are possible values:
ElasticLoadBalancerListener => Paws::EC2::AnalysisComponent
The load balancer listener.
ExplanationCode => Str
The explanation code.
IngressRouteTable => Paws::EC2::AnalysisComponent
The route table.
InternetGateway => Paws::EC2::AnalysisComponent
The internet gateway.
LoadBalancerArn => Str
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the load balancer.
LoadBalancerListenerPort => Int
The listener port of the load balancer.
LoadBalancerTarget => Paws::EC2::AnalysisLoadBalancerTarget
The target.
LoadBalancerTargetGroup => Paws::EC2::AnalysisComponent
The target group.
LoadBalancerTargetGroups => ArrayRef[Paws::EC2::AnalysisComponent]
The target groups.
LoadBalancerTargetPort => Int
The target port.
MissingComponent => Str
The missing component.
NatGateway => Paws::EC2::AnalysisComponent
The NAT gateway.
NetworkInterface => Paws::EC2::AnalysisComponent
The network interface.
PacketField => Str
The packet field.
Port => Int
The port.
PortRanges => ArrayRef[Paws::EC2::PortRange]
The port ranges.
PrefixList => Paws::EC2::AnalysisComponent
The prefix list.
Protocols => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]
The protocols.
RouteTable => Paws::EC2::AnalysisComponent
The route table.
RouteTableRoute => Paws::EC2::AnalysisRouteTableRoute
The route table route.
SecurityGroup => Paws::EC2::AnalysisComponent
The security group.
SecurityGroupRule => Paws::EC2::AnalysisSecurityGroupRule
The security group rule.
SecurityGroups => ArrayRef[Paws::EC2::AnalysisComponent]
The security groups.
SourceVpc => Paws::EC2::AnalysisComponent
The source VPC.
State => Str
The state.
Subnet => Paws::EC2::AnalysisComponent
The subnet.
SubnetRouteTable => Paws::EC2::AnalysisComponent
The route table for the subnet.
Vpc => Paws::EC2::AnalysisComponent
The component VPC.
VpcEndpoint => Paws::EC2::AnalysisComponent
The VPC endpoint.
VpcPeeringConnection => Paws::EC2::AnalysisComponent
The VPC peering connection.
VpnConnection => Paws::EC2::AnalysisComponent
The VPN connection.
VpnGateway => Paws::EC2::AnalysisComponent
The VPN gateway.
This class forms part of Paws, describing an object used in Paws::EC2
The source code is located here:
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