Changes for version 0.57
- Features:
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Window:
- on window close FormFactory->close is called automatically if the Window is the 1st child of the FormFactory, unless a closed_hook is set. Thanks to Kaare Rasmussen for the hint.
- added 'quit_on_close' option, which quits the Gtk2 main loop as well in that case.
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::List:
- scroll to selected row only on first show, to prevent unneccessary scrolling.
- trigger selection dependency updates only when the selection really changed (but only for Lists with attr_select and attr_select_column set, because otherwise a selection change can't be detected safely)
- Documentation updates & fixes
- Bugfixes:
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Layout: setting 'scrollbars' for non-scrollable widgets didn't work
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Notebook: restore selected page only if an object attribute is associated with the Widget.
- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory: POD typo fixed, thanks for the report to Christian Marillat.
Makes building complex GUI's easy
A Button in a FormFactory framework
A CheckButton in a FormFactory framework
A group of checkbuttons
A Combo in a FormFactory framework
A container in a FormFactory framework
Context in a FormFactory framework
Standard Ok, Apply, Cancel Buttons
An Entry in a FormFactory framework
An Expander in a FormFactory framework
A Form in a FormFactory framework
Wrap arbitrary Gtk widgets
A HBox in a FormFactory framework
A HSeparator in a FormFactory framework
An Image in a FormFactory framework
Introduction into the FormFactory framework
A Label in a FormFactory framework
Do layout in a FormFactory framework
A List in a FormFactory framework
Dynamic loading of FormFactory modules
A Menu in a FormFactory framework
A Notebook in a FormFactory framework
A Popup in a FormFactory framework
A ProgressBar in a FormFactory framework
Proxy class for application objects
A RadioButton in a FormFactory framework
Rule checking in a FormFactory framework
Complex table layouts made easy
A TextView in a FormFactory framework
Enter a valid timestamp
A ToggleButton in a FormFactory framework
A VBox in a FormFactory framework
A VSeparator in a FormFactory framework
Base class for all FormFactory Widgets
A Window in a FormFactory framework
Yes/No radio buttons in a FormFactory framework
in tutorial/
in tutorial/
in tutorial/
in tutorial/
in tutorial/
in tutorial/