clobber - pragma to optionally prevent over-writing files
no clobber;
#Fails if /tmp/xyzzy exists
open(HNDL, '>/tmp/xyzzy');
use clobber;
#It's clobberin' time
open(HNDL, '>/tmp/xyzzy');
Do you occasionally get +>
and +<
mixed up, or accidentally leave off an > in the mode of an open
? Want to run some relatively trustworthy code--such as some spaghetti monster you created in the days of yore--but can't be bothered to check it's semantics? Then this pragma could help you from blowing away valuable data.
Like the noclobber variable of some shells, this module will prevent the use of open modes which truncate if a file already exists. This behavior can be controlled at the block level, as demonstrated in the "SYNOPSIS".
The pragma may throw the following exceptions:
- %s: File exists.
We saved data!
- Failed to parse EXPR of 2-arg open: %s
The module could not figure out what mode was used, and decided to bail for safety.
This shouldn't happen.
You may disable clobber protection at compile-time by setting the environment variable to 1. This allows you to include in PERL5OPT as -M-clobber for general protection, but override it as needed for programs invoked via a pipeline.
I've done some basic-testing with 2- and 3-arg forms of read/write/append, but more thorough testing of mode-parsing and/or invocation needs to be done.
Interactive ask to run the more complex tests, with timeout to skip them.
- interactive mode
Prompt for permission to clobber with Term::ReadKey
- sysopen
Should be easier? No parsing, just twiddle the bits of bad modes
Jerrad Pierce <JPIERCE circle-a CPAN full-stop ORG>
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