Text::FIGlet - a perl module to provide FIGlet abilities, akin to banner
my $font = Text::FIGlet-E<gt>new(-f=>"doh");
$font->figify(-A=>"Hello World");
FIGlet reproduces its input using large characters made up of ordinary screen characters. FIGlet output is generally reminiscent of the sort of signatures many people like to put at the end of e-mail and UseNet messages. It is also reminiscent of the output of some banner programs, although it is oriented normally, not sideways.
FIGlet can print in a variety of fonts, both left-to-right and right-to-left, with adjacent characters kerned and smushed together in various ways. FIGlet fonts are stored in separate files, which can be identified by the suffix .flf. Most FIGlet font files will be stored in FIGlet's default font directory.
FIGlet can also use control files, which tell it to map certain input characters to certain other characters, similar to the Unix tr command. Control files can be identified by the suffix .flc. Most FIGlet control files will be stored in FIGlet's default font directory.
- -C=>controlfile
Creates a control object. Text::File::Control for control object specific options to new, and how to use the object.
- -f=>fontfile
Creates a font object. Text::File::Font for font object specific options to new, and how to use the object.
- -d=>fontdir
Whence to load files.
Defaults to /usr/games/lib/figlet
with no options will create a font object using the default font.
perl -MText::FIGlet -e 'print Text::FIGlet->new()->figify(-A=>"Hello World")'
To generate headings for webserver directory listings, for that warm and fuzzy BBS feeling.
Text based clocks or counters at the bottom of web pages.
Provide e-mail addresses etc. in a difficult to harvest manner, AUTHOR.
Text::FIGlet will make use of these environment variables if present
The default font to load. If undefined the default is standard.flf. It should reside in the directory specified by FIGLIB.
The default location of fonts. If undefined the default is /usr/games/lib/figlet
FIGlet font files and control files are available at
- Negative character codes
There is limited support for negative character codes, at this time only characters -2 through -65_535 are supported.
Jerrad Pierce
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