Changes for version 0.7
- now allows keyboard input
- now allows direct mouseclicks on the buttons
- AAC::Pvoice::Panel
- now uses a round cornered background and
- no longer simply sets the background for the normal and selected state, but draws a round cornered border around the rows and buttons that are selected
- finally got the screensizing more weird calculating stuff...
- AAC::Pvoice::Bitmap
- now produces round cornered bitmaps
- AAC::Pvoice::Row
- no longer uses too large images (screensizing update)
- AAC::Pvoice::EditableRow
- no longer uses too large images (screensizing update)
Create GUI software for disabled people
Easily create resized bitmaps with options
Draw a pVoice row where items can be edited directly
A class that handles the input that controls a pVoice-like application
The base where a pVoice application consists of
A row of selectable items