prefix - prefixes hostname time information or more to lines from stdin (or read from files)


% tail -f /var/log/some.log | prefix -host -timestamp 

tails a file, showing each line with a hostname and a timestamp like. So if we were tailing a growing file with lines like:

OK: System operational
Warning: Disk bandwidth saturated

we would get real-time output like: 2013-10-13 16:51:26 OK: System operational 2013-10-13 16:55:47 Warning: Disk bandwidth saturated 2013-10-13 16:55:49 Warning: Things are wonky: disks spinning backwards 2013-10-13 16:55:50 Error: Data read wackbards 2013-10-13 16:56:10 OK: Spacetime reversal complete

Note that the hostname ( and the date have been prepended to the lines from the file


A text filter that prepends (or appends) data to lines read from stdin or named files, and echos them to stdout


--text='arbitrary text here'

add any particular string you like. For example

% ./some_program | prefix -text="TestRun17:" -utime > logfile.txt

The above example would prefix each line output from some_program with the time and the text 'TestRun17:' (without the quotes).


Add a timestamp to each line


Add a timestamp, showing fractions of a second to each line


% ls -l | prefix -timestamp 


Add the hostname to each line


Don't put a space between the original line read and the data added to each line


Show added data at end of line, not start of line

For example:

% echo "abc" | prefix -suffix -text=:Run17:

will output

abc "Run17:


% echo "abc" | prefix -text=:Run17:

would output

:Run17: abc


Show time elapsed since last line seen. Shows fractional time.


Show each original line read in single quotes


Josh Rabinowitz <joshr>