Changes for version v3.8.1 - 2021-08-07
- Bug Fixes
- avoid non-destructive substitution to support older perls
- avoid randomly skipping Fedora IRIs, by normalizing property names
- avoid randomly skipping chinese IRIs, by fully aligning with DefHash spec 1.0.13 which permits uppercase chararacters in properties
- drop alternate names related to Thrift from objects bsl bsl_1: Different not yet included license
- expand annotation [ / ]
- fix default name for object antlr_pd
- fix license pattern for object wordnet_3
- fix licenseversion hint for object cecill_2
- fix scope for glide and gpl_2 license patterns
- rename attribute alt.archive.date_* -> alt.archive.time-* for iri property of wordnet
- rename attribute lang -> alt.lang to comply with DefHash spec
- Documentation
- add examples to objcts gpl_3 gpl_3_only
- Test Suite
- add test to check DefHash structure
- improve test library to dinstinguish default name from no name, and check for caption and summary regardless of org-specific name
- rename large test to improve parallelization
- restructure test function license_org_metadata() to take options as hashref
- simplify tests to rely on examples (not inspect raw regex code)
- test object mit_unixcrypt
- tighten test 03-match-normalized.t by wrapping lines more aggressively
- Other
- add alternative camelcase shortname for CeCill objects
- add annotations [. ] [". ]
- add default name for objects mit_cmu_warranty mpich2
- add description with origin to object cua_opl_1
- add steward's alternative caption for object cnri_jython
- add/update lots of names and captions, and historical names for some GNU licenses
- annotate characters / + ( ), in synthesized patterns, and stop escape space or comma
- consistently use attribute iri (not web or none) for IRI-related properties
- minor optimizations
- optimize annotation expansion
- optimize module bootstrapping
- optimize synthesizing metadata iri from name or caption, and stop synthesize useless metadata name from caption
- optimize tag parsing
- optimize: stop duplicate patterns and metadata to group objects
- reduce DefHash size by annotating traits as (:...:)
- update object beerware to fix examples and add IRI
- use annotation [*)] in object catosl_1_1 and in cc objects
- use attribute, dropping (coding but not license naming) organizers facebook freebsd gzip inria python
Regular expressions for legal licenses
Regular expressions for licensing sub-parts