Atom - unique symbols
use Atom qw (red yellow blue);
my $color = red;
print "Just as we thought!\n" if $color eq red;
print "This will never happen.\n" if $color eq blue;
print "Atoms never equal strings!\n" if $color eq 'red';
print "Color is ".$color->name."\n";
#The following raises an exception, because addition isn't defined for Atom objects.
$color + 1;
Unlike constants declared with constant
, Atoms are not associated with any specific scalar value. Instead, Atoms have their own independent identity, and will only compare positively (via the 'eq' test) with other identical Atoms. All other operations on Atoms are undefined, including casting to a string and casting to a number.
Atoms are used in place of constants in situations where a unique value is needed to represent some idea or program state, but where that value is not naturally associated with a scalar value, and shouldn't be confused with one. Atoms are similar to C enums in this respect, except that Atoms do not have an ordinal value.
Below is an example of where an Atom would solve a problem:
use constant 'error' => 999999;
sub bar {
my($arg) = @_;
#Return error no matter what, just for demonstration purposes.
return not(1) ? $arg : error;
#We just happen to call bar with this number, not knowing that this is the error value
my $foo = bar(999999);
print $foo eq error ? "Foo returned error." : "Foo returned $foo.";
Output: Foo returned error.
In the above example, the programmer is trying to choose some unlikely value to alias 'error' to. The problem is, if 'bar' is ever accidently called with this same value, the program will mistakenly believe that 'error' had been returned.
This doesn't happen with Atoms.
use constant Atom 'error';
sub bar {
my($arg) = @_;
return not(1) ? $arg : error; #Return error no matter what, just for demonstration purposes.
my $foo = bar(999999);
print $foo eq error ? "Foo returned error." : "Foo returned $foo.";
Output: Foo returned 999999.
An alternative to using an Atom is to use a constant aliased to a reference to an arbitrary scalar:
use constant myconstant => \"";
There are two advantages of Atoms over this kind of constant
- Scalar references can compare positively to numeric values:
use constant myconstant => \"";
my $numeric_value = myconstant + 0;
die "Trapped!" if $numeric_value == myconstant;
- Atoms maintain their identity through serialization, even between processes:
use Atom 'myatom';
use Storable qw (freeze thaw);
print "Just as we thought!" if myatom eq thaw(freeze(myatom));
An atom cast (stringified) into a tring produces a representation that may be useful for debugging purposes:
use Atom 'myatom';
my $value = myatom;
print "Myatom cast into a string: $value\n";
Output: Myatom cast into a string: Atom=SCALAR(0x18508dc)=main::myatom
Stringified Atoms can be used used as hash keys, matched to a regexps, etc. When this happens, the string value is not guarunteed to be unique. Although it is unlikely that you will ever accidently cast an Atom into a string, and even more unlikely that another string value will equal the string representation of the Atom, you might want to use Atom::Strict to be 100% safe:
use Atom::Strict 'myatom';
my $value = myatom;
print "Myatom cast into a string: $value\n";
Output: Can't cast Atom::Strict object 'main::myatom' into a string. Use the 'fullname' method for a string representation of this object at C:\ line 5
package Languages; use Atom qw (English); my $language = English; #Get the name of the constant print "Language: ".English->name."\n";
Output: English
package Languages; use Atom qw (English); my $language = English; #Get the string-representation of the constant, which is simply the fully-qualified symbol name. "$language" eq $language->fullname or die "These should be the same.";
Output: Languages::English
Jonathan R. Warden <>
Copyright 2004 Jonathan R. Warden. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
2 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 204:
'=item' outside of any '=over'
- Around line 226:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'