Changes - List of significant changes to DBIx::Pg::CallFunction

Changes in 0.011 Added ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTIONS FROM PUBLIC; to documentation, to avoid granting access to stored procedures by default, which is not good when you have functions with SECURITY DEFINER, better to grant execute rights explicity for all functions. Included inc/, necessary for users without Module::Install.

Changes in 0.010 Updated Documentation.

Changes in 0.009 Updated Documentation.

Changes in 0.008 Updated Documentation and made the call method private, renamed to _call.

Changes in 0.007 Changed pg_proc_jsonrpcd into a plain PSGI App to let for e.g. Apache2, mod_perl and Plack::Handler::Apache2 handle the server task. Added how-to on how to setup pg_proc_jsonrpc.psgi.

Changes in 0.006 Optimized _proretset SQL query Makefile.PL format changed to Module::Install Add script pg_proc_jsonrpc, starting a JSON-RPC daemon

Changes in 0.005

Added Plack PSGI example on how to create a JSON-RPC server,
exposing the PostgreSQL database as a JSON-RPC service.
Added support for functions with no arguments.

Changes in 0.004

Added test-case to check if error is thrown when multiple functions
Moved entire proretset check to SQL. Before the SQL only selected
  candidate functions matching the arguments, while Perl filtered
  out the OUT arguments and compared the arguments. Now it is all
  done using SQL only.
Updated documentation, mention DBIx::ProcedureCall under SEE ALSO.

Changes in 0.003

No changes, but had to change version number to upload to PAUSE,
  as you cannot upload the same file twice.

Changes in 0.002

Changed license to MIT
Various indentation and regex fixes
Added description of the pg_catalog.pg_proc.proretset column
Make sure we get the proretset value for the right function,
  the WHERE statement could possibly match other functions
  sharing the only part of the arguments, as some of the
  arguments could be OUT arguments. This is now fixed
  by comparing only the IN arguments.
  If two functions matches exactly the same IN argument
  names, an error is thrown.
  Thus, overloading of functions with the same argument
  names is not possible. Would be possible to implement,
  but that would make the interface more cumbersome,
  as you would need to specify the data types of all
  input arguments. Perhaps this could be added as an
  optional third argument to the call() function.
  I don't need this now, so I'll put it on the TODO
  until someone needs it and complains. Better to keep it
  simple for now.

Changes in 0.001

First version.