Device::Firmata::IO::SerialIO - implement the low level serial IO.
open ( serialPort , [opts] )
Establish a serial connection with a Firmata device. The first parameter is the name of the serial device connected with the Firmata device, e.g. '/dev/ttyUSB0' or 'COM9'. The second parameter is an optional hash of parameters for the serial port. The parameter baudrate
is supported and defaults to 57600
. Returns a Device::Firmata::IO::SerialIO
object. Typically called internally by the open
method of Device::Firmata.
attach ( serialPort )
Assign a Device::SerialPort (or Win32::SerialPort) as IO port and return a Device::Firmata::IO::SerialIO object. Typically used internally by the open()
Send a bunch of data to the Firmata device. Typically used internally by Device::Firmata::Platform.
Fetch up to given number of bytes from the serial port. This function is non-blocking. Returns the received data. Typically used internally by Device::Firmata::Platform.