
Manage worker pools
Print last log entries generated by worker pools
Gracefully restart remote pool of workers
Display real-time performance metrics of running workers


Framework for building applications with a microservices architecture
A lightweight asynchronous STOMP 1.1 / 1.2 client.
Make RPC calls through message bus
Read configuration files
Representation of JSON-RPC objects
Access to request auth headers
Representation of a JSON-RPC error.
Representation of a JSON-RPC notification.
Representation of a JSON-RPC request.
Representation of a JSON-RPC response.
Default logger used by worker processes.
Buffer log entries
Route messages between buses
Route messages between backend and frontend
Handle unserviced job queues
Worker pool supervisor.
Worker pool supervisor.
Basic STOMP 1.2 broker
Base class for creating services
Locally mirrored shared cache
Manage worker pools
Daemonize processes
