foodratio - calculate ingredient ratios


$ cat recipe
1 egg   wet
2 water wet
4 flour dry
$ foodratio recipe
$ foodratio --ratio id:flour
$ foodratio --mass 55 --weigh group:wet


Given a list of measurements of ingredients, foodratio will calculate the ratio between those various inputs, optionally using some ingredient (or group of ingredients) as the ratio key. The weights can be recalculated based on the measurement of a particular ingredient.

The input should be in columns, with the mass (or whatever measurement) as the first column. This must be a strictly positive number. If the second column contains % it will be ignored, on the presumption that that is a ratio. Thus the name (id) of the ingredient will come from either the second or third column. The remainder of the columns, if any, will be treated as group names that collect ingredients into groups, e.g. a custom flour group for recipes with different types of flour, or so forth.


mass positive-number

Sets the mass for the weigh method; ingredient measurements will be recalculated based on this amount.

ratio key:value

Sets the ingredient or ingredient group to use as the key value for the ratio calculation, e.g. flour in a bread recipe and not the default total mass. key must be id or group.

weigh key:value

Sets the ingredient or ingredient group to use as the basis for the mass argument, which by default is otherwise the total mass.




Copyright 2022 Jeremy Mates

This program is distributed under the (Revised) BSD License: