Win32::IPConfig - Windows NT/2000 IP Configuration Settings
use Win32::IPConfig;
$host = shift || "";
if ($ipconfig = Win32::IPConfig->new($host)) {
print "hostname=", $ipconfig->get_hostname, "\n";
print "domain=", $ipconfig->get_domain, "\n";
print "nodetype=", $ipconfig->get_nodetype, "\n";
for $adapter (@{$ipconfig->get_adapters}) {
print "\nAdapter ";
print $adapter->get_id, "\n";
print $adapter->get_description, "\n";
if ($adapter->is_dhcp_enabled) {
print "DHCP is enabled\n";
} else {
print "DHCP is not enabled\n";
@ipaddresses = @{$adapter->get_ipaddresses};
print "ipaddresses=@ipaddresses (", scalar @ipaddresses, ")\n";
@gateways = @{$adapter->get_gateways};
print "gateways=@gateways (", scalar @gateways, ")\n";
print "domain=", $adapter->get_domain, "\n";
@dns = @{$adapter->get_dns};
print "dns=@dns (", scalar @dns, ")\n";
@wins = @{$adapter->get_wins};
print "wins=@wins (", scalar @wins, ")\n";
Win32::IPConfig is a module for retrieving TCP/IP network settings from a Windows NT/2000 host machine. Specify the host and the module will retrieve and collate all the information from the specified machine's registry (using Win32::TieRegistry). For this module to retrieve information from a host machine, you must have read access to the registry on that machine.
- $ipconfig = Win32::IPConfig->new($host);
Creates a new Win32::IPConfig object. $host is passed directly to Win32::TieRegistry, and can be a computer name or an IP address.
- $ipconfig->get_hostname
Returns a string containing the DNS hostname of the machine.
- $ipconfig->get_domain
Returns a string containing the domain name of the machine. In the case of a Windows 2000 machine (which can have connection-specific domain names), this is the primary domain name.
- $ipconfig->get_nodetype
Returns the node type of the machine. Note that this is not always there. It will default to
0x1 - B-node
- $ipconfig->get_adapters
The real business of the module. Returns a reference to list of Win32::IPConfig::Adapter objects. See the following section for more information.
Collecting IP Settings for a list of PCs
use Win32::IPConfig;
print "hostname,domain,dhcp?,ipaddresses,gateways,dns servers,wins servers\n";
while (<DATA>) {
$ipconfig = Win32::IPConfig->new($_);
print $ipconfig->get_hostname, ",", $ipconfig->get_domain, ",";
if (@adapters = @{$ipconfig->get_adapters}) {
$adapter = $adapters[0];
if ($adapter->is_dhcp_enabled) {
print "Y,";
} else {
print "N,";
@ipaddresses = @{$adapter->get_ipaddresses};
print "@ipaddresses,";
@gateways = @{$adapter->get_gateways};
print "@gateways,";
@dns = @{$adapter->get_dns};
print "@dns,";
@wins = @{$adapter->get_wins};
print "@wins";
print "\n";
IP configuration information is stored in a number of registry keys under HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services.
To access adapter-specific configuration information, you need the adapter id, which can be found by examining the list of installed network cards at HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkCards.
Note that in NT the adapter id will look like a service or driver, while in 2000 it will be a GUID.
There are some variations in where Windows NT and Windows 2000 store TCP/IP configuration data. This is shown in the following lists. Note that Windows 2000 sometimes stores data in the old location as well as the new 2000 adapter-specific location. In these cases, the module will read the data from the new registry location.
IP Address Information
Value: IPAddress (REG_MULTI_SZ)
NT: <adapter>\Parameters\Tcpip
2000: <adapter>\Parameters\Tcpip
2000: Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\<adapter>
Value: SubnetMask (REG_MULTI_SZ)
NT: <adapter>\Parameters\Tcpip
2000: <adapter>\Parameters\Tcpip
2000: Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\<adapter>
Value: DefaultGateway (REG_MULTI_SZ)
NT: <adapter>\Parameters\Tcpip
2000: <adapter>\Parameters\Tcpip
2000: Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\<adapter>
Value: EnableDHCP (REG_DWORD)
NT: <adapter>\Parameters\Tcpip
2000: <adapter>\Parameters\Tcpip
2000: Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\<adapter>
DNS Information
Value: Hostname (REG_SZ)
NT: Tcpip\Parameters
2000: Tcpip\Parameters
Value: NV Hostname (REG_SZ)
2000: Tcpip\Parameters
Value: Domain (REG_SZ)
NT: Tcpip\Parameters
2000: Tcpip\Parameters (primary)
2000: Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\<adapter> (connection-specific)
Value: NameServer (REG_SZ) (a space delimited list)
NT: Tcpip\Parameters
2000: Tcpip\Parameters (although it was blank; is it used?)
2000: Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\<adapter>
Value: SearchList (REG_SZ) (space delimited on NT, comma delimited on 2000)
NT: Tcpip\Parameters
2000: Tcpip\Parameters
WINS Information
Value: NameServer (REG_SZ)
NT: Netbt\Adapters\<adapter>
Value: NameServerBackup (REG_SZ)
NT: Netbt\Adapters\<adapter>
Value: NameServerList (REG_MULTI_SZ)
2000: Netbt\Parameters\Interfaces\Tcpip_<adapter>
Q120642 and Q314053 talk about NameServer and NameServerBackup existing on 2000 in the Netbt\Parameters\Interfaces\Tcpip_<adapter> registry key, but this appears to be wrong.
Value: NodeType (REG_DWORD)
NT: Netbt\Parameters
2000: Netbt\Parameters
James Macfarlane, <>
The following Microsoft support articles were helpful:
Q120642 TCP/IP and NBT Configuration Parameters for Windows 2000 or Windows NT
Q314053 TCP/IP and NBT Configuration Parameters for Windows XP