Changes for version 2.01

  • Major version # bumped for EWS V2. All changes neccessary to support V2 added.


an interface for Yahoo! Search Marketing's Web Services.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing Account.
an object that provides access to Yahoo Marketing's Account SOAP Service.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing Ad.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing AdEditorialReasons.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing AdGroup.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing AdGroupOptimizationGuidelines.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing AdGroupOptimizationGuidelinesResponse.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing AdGroupResponse.
an object that provides access to Yahoo Marketing's AdGroup SOAP Service.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing AdResponse.
an object that provides access to Yahoo Marketing's Ad SOAP Service.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing Address.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing AmbiguousGeoMatch.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing ApiFault.
an object to represent an association between a role and an account. The user is assumed to be known.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing BasicReportRequest.
an object that provides access to Yahoo Marketing's Report SOAP Service.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing BasicResponse.
an object to represent the current bid and cutoff bid required for a keyword to make it to the best rank.
an object that provides operations that return the current bid and cutoff bid required for a keyword to make it to best rank. You can use this information to optimize your keyword bid in real-time.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing BillingUser.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing BucketType.
an object that provides operations for setting, updating, and viewing the daily spend limits of your account and campaign budgets.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing Campaign.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing CampaignOptimizationGuidelines.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing CampaignOptimizationGuidelinesResponse.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing CampaignResponse.
an object that provides access to Yahoo Marketing's Campaign SOAP Service.
an object to represent a group of operations that a user can execute based on their assigned role within the system. Each role has a set of defined capabilities.
an object to represent the status of the account as set by the user and the online status of the account as set by the system.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing Company.
an object that provides access to Yahoo Marketing's Company SOAP Service.
a base class for complex types.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing CreditCardInfo.
provides a tweak to Class::Accessor's set method to handle date time fields specially
a base class for various EditoralReasons types.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing Error.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing ErrorType.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing ExcludedWord.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing ExcludedWordResponse.
an object that provides operations for adding, deleting, and viewing excluded words at the account and ad group level. Excluded words are words or phrases that you want to exclude from the matching process when Advanced Match is enabled.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing FileOutputFormat.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing ForecastKeyword.
an object to returns forecasted results for a set of keywords.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing ForecastRequestData.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing ForecastResponse.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing ForecastResponseData.
an object that let you know the results you might expect from your ads (impressions, clicks, cost, and other performance metrics). Keep in mind that the results from a forecast are estimates only and are not guaranteed. You can perform forecasts for ad groups or keywords.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing Keyword.
an object contains the specific reason code related to an editorial annotation of an keyword.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing KeywordInfoRequestType.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing KeywordInfoResponseType.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing KeywordInfoType.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing KeywordOptimizationGuidelines.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing KeywordOptimizationGuidelinesResponse.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing KeywordRejectionReasons.
an object that provides operations for generating keyword recommendations based on advertiser bidded data.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing KeywordResponse.
an object that provides access to Yahoo Marketing's Keyword SOAP Service.
an object that provides access to Yahoo Marketing's Location SOAP Service.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing MasterAccount.
an object that provides access to Yahoo Marketing's MasterAccount SOAP Service.
an object to represent a request for keyword suggestions based on the content of a specified web page.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing PaymentMethodInfo.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing RangeDefinitionRequestType.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing RangeDefinitionResponseType.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing RangeDefinitionType.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing RangeValueType.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing RelatedKeywordRequestType.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing RelatedKeywordResponseType.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing RelatedKeywordType.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing ReportInfo.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing ResponseStatusType.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing CampaignResponse. A base class for the various Response complexTypes, e.g. CampaignResponse, AdGroupResponse, AdResponse, etc.
an object to represent a user role for an account, for example, AccountAdministrator or CampaignManager. Roles determine the capabilities that a user has, which in turn determine the operations a user can execute within the system. The association between a User, a Role, and an Account is an Authorization.
a base class for Service modules
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing SetGeographicLocationResponse.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing UpdateForAd.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing UpdateForKeyword.
an object to represent a Yahoo Marketing User.
an object to represent an association between a User, a Role and an Account.
provides operations for user, authorization, and payment method management.