The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.


This file is an annotated version of a program found in the examples/ subdirectory,, interspersed with excerpts from a typescript of its output, tfll.typescript, also found in that subdirectory.


The program was developed to address a problem faced by the Perl 5 Porters (P5P) in October 2016 and discussed in RT #129953. Prior to that time smoke test reports were not being generated on the FreeBSD operating system's version 11.0. It was known that Perl 5.24.0, released in May 2016, built and tested successfully on that platform. But by October Perl's development was already up to 5.25.5, reflecting hundreds of commits to the main development branch known as blead. The smoke testing on FreeBSD-11.0 revealed test failures -- indeed, segfaults -- in lib/locale.t.

In this situation the first step which P5P would take would be to run a program found in the Perl 5 core distribution, Porting/, in order to determine the first commit at which lib/locale.t completed with FAIL (non-zero exit status) rather than a PASS. P5P would then build a debugging version of Perl at that commit, run lib/locale.t and capture its output for examination.

Both of these steps were done, but the outcome was surprising. The output of lib/locale.t at the point of first failure was different from that test's output at the HEAD of blead. This suggested that lib/locale.t had failed in multiple, different ways over the course of the five-month period. It became important to gather the output of lib/locale.t at each point where its test output had changed in any significant way.

The first solution to this problem was simple but non-scaleable: Build perl and run lib/locale.t at every commit to blead over the five-month range. This "worked" in the sense that points where the test output changed were identified -- but the program took more than eight hours to run.

It became apparent that we would have to use the concept of bisection to reduce the number of times perl had to be built in order to identify all the transitional commits. But Porting/ -- which is essentially a wrapper around git bisect -- was designed to identify single points of failure rather than multiple, different points of failure. A new tool was called for; the result was Devel-Git-MultiBisect.

The program below,, uses Devel::Git::MultiBisect::Transitions to traverse the range of commits in question and identify commits where the output of lib/locale.t on FreeBSD-11 changed. The program stores the output of lib/locale.t at commits visited during the multisection process on disk. It also collects data about the multisection and makes them available to the user as the result of method calls.


#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.10.1;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Data::Dump qw(pp);
use Cwd;

use Devel::Git::MultiBisect::Opts ( qw| process_options | );
use Devel::Git::MultiBisect::Transitions;

my ($homedir, $perlgitdir, $workdir, $outputdir);
my ($configure_command, $make_command, $test_command);
my (%args, $params, $self);
my ($first_commit, $last_commit);
my ($target_args, $full_targets);
my ($rv, $transitions);
my ($timings);

Devel::Git::MultiBisect requires the user to designate three directories for specific uses:

1 gitdir

The directory for the git checkout of the source code being studied.

2 workdir

The directory in which the program will be run.

3 outputdir

A directory set up by the user -- preferably different from gitdir or workdir -- to hold files capturing the output of different runs of the test programs (which are referred to as targets).

$homedir = "/home/username";
$perlgitdir = "$homedir/gitwork/perl";
$workdir = cwd();
$outputdir = "$homedir/multisect/outputs";

Devel::Git::MultiBisect requires the user to identify the first and last commits in the range to be traversed. You can use a git tag as well as a SHA.

$first_commit = 'v5.25.1';
$last_commit = 'd6e0ab90d221e0e0cbfcd8c68c96c721a688265f';

Devel::Git::MultiBisect requires the user to compose 3 shell commands to describe how to configure, build and test the code being studied. If we were multisecting a CPAN distribution these commands would typically be:

configure_command:      perl Makefile.PL
make_command:           make
test_command:           prove -vb <target>

When we're multisecting the Perl 5 core distribution these commands get more complicated:

$configure_command  = 'sh ./Configure -des -Dusedevel -Duseithreads 1>/dev/null';
$make_command       = 'make test_prep 1>/dev/null 2>&1';
$test_command       = 'harness';

During multisection we'll be running ./Configure and make many times, but we typically don't need to see warnings on each run. To keep the output simpler, we'll discard the output.

In the case of multisection of the Perl 5 core distribution, the value harness for $test_command is actually an alias to:

cd t; ./perl harness -v <target> > <outputfile> 2>&1; cd -

We collect our arguments in a hash which we pass to the helper function process_options().

%args = (
    gitdir              => $perlgitdir,
    workdir             => $workdir,
    outputdir           => $outputdir,
    first               => $first_commit,
    last                => $last_commit,
    configure_command   => $configure_command,
    make_command        => $make_command,
    test_command        => $test_command,
    verbose             => 1,
$params = process_options(%args);

Output (verbose mode):

Arguments provided to process_options():
$VAR1 = {
          'verbose' => 1,
          'test_command' => 'harness',
          'first' => 'v5.25.1',
          'configure_command' => 'sh ./Configure -des -Dusedevel -Duseithreads 1>/dev/null',
          'gitdir' => '/home/username/gitwork/perl',
          'outputdir' => '/home/username/multisect/outputs',
          'make_command' => 'make test_prep 1>/dev/null 2>&1',
          'last' => 'd6e0ab90d221e0e0cbfcd8c68c96c721a688265f',
          'workdir' => '/usr/home/username/multisect'

process_options() returns a hash ref which we pass to the Devel::Git::MultiBisect::Transitions constructor.

$self = Devel::Git::MultiBisect::Transitions->new($params);

Now suppose we want a listing of all the commits in the range under study. (This is a diagnostic aid but is not, strictly speaking, needed for multisection.) We call get_commits_range(), whose output we can examine with Data::Dumper or, as here, Data::Dump::pp() and which we excerpt here:

my $commits_range = $self->get_commits_range();
say STDERR "ZZZ: get_commits_range:";
say STDERR "ZZZ: items in get_commits_range: ", scalar(@{$commits_range});


ZZZ: get_commits_range:
  # snip over 200 commits
ZZZ: items in get_commits_range: 220

We now must identify the targets -- the test files to be run by the test_command at each commit selected for multisection. The set_targets() method returns a hash ref with the full paths to the targets.

$target_args = [
$full_targets = $self->set_targets($target_args);
say STDERR "AAA: set_targets";


AAA: set_targets
    path => "/home/username/gitwork/perl/lib/locale.t",
    stub => "lib_locale_t",

We now get to the real deal: multisect_all_targets().

$rv = $self->multisect_all_targets();

Output (verbose mode):

Testing commit: 001761daee58d9e33b457b762adae1f44a887a2d
Running 'sh ./Configure -des -Dusedevel -Duseithreads 1>/dev/null'
Running 'make test_prep 1>/dev/null 2>&1'
Running 'cd t; ./perl harness -v /home/username/gitwork/perl/lib/locale.t >/home/username/multisect/outputs/001761d.lib_locale_t.output.txt 2>&1; cd -'
Created /home/username/multisect/outputs/001761d.lib_locale_t.output.txt
Tested commit:  001761daee58d9e33b457b762adae1f44a887a2d; returning to: blead
Commit counter: 1
Testing commit: d6e0ab90d221e0e0cbfcd8c68c96c721a688265f
Running 'sh ./Configure -des -Dusedevel -Duseithreads 1>/dev/null'
Running 'make test_prep 1>/dev/null 2>&1'
Running 'cd t; ./perl harness -v /home/username/gitwork/perl/lib/locale.t >/home/username/multisect/outputs/d6e0ab9.lib_locale_t.output.txt 2>&1; cd -'
Created /home/username/multisect/outputs/d6e0ab9.lib_locale_t.output.txt
Tested commit:  d6e0ab90d221e0e0cbfcd8c68c96c721a688265f; returning to: blead
Commit counter: 2
target count|sum of status values: 1|0
Targeting file: /home/username/gitwork/perl/lib/locale.t

The program configures and builds perl at the first and last commits in the test range, runs the target and writes the output of the test_command to a file in the outputdir. Internally, Devel::Git::MultiBisect stores an md5_hex digest of the outputfile for the purpose of uniquely identifying its content.

Once we know what's happening at the beginning and end of the commit range, we start to apply a bisection algorithm.

Output (continued):

At commit counter 2, preparing to test commit 110 of 220
Testing commit: 9c88bb56d60636172f099f56a2808249de0c55a6
Running 'sh ./Configure -des -Dusedevel -Duseithreads 1>/dev/null'
Running 'make test_prep 1>/dev/null 2>&1'
Running 'cd t; ./perl harness -v /home/username/gitwork/perl/lib/locale.t >/home/username/multisect/outputs/9c88bb5.lib_locale_t.output.txt 2>&1; cd -'
Created /home/username/multisect/outputs/9c88bb5.lib_locale_t.output.txt
Tested commit:  9c88bb56d60636172f099f56a2808249de0c55a6; returning to: blead
Commit counter: 3

After each commit visited during multisection we compare the digest of the outputfile with the digest of the very first commit's outputfile to determine which way to turn, earlier or later, for the next commit to be run. However, since we are concerned with the transition in the output from one commit to the next (not just with a change from, say, PASS to FAIL), we must first run the configure/build/test cycle on the immediately preceeding commit to see if we're at a transition point.

Output (continued):

At commit counter 3, preparing to test commit 109 of 220
Testing commit: f71079d3db9617c58ae7b6af4dbc508997966529
Running 'sh ./Configure -des -Dusedevel -Duseithreads 1>/dev/null'
Running 'make test_prep 1>/dev/null 2>&1'
Running 'cd t; ./perl harness -v /home/username/gitwork/perl/lib/locale.t >/home/username/multisect/outputs/f71079d.lib_locale_t.output.txt 2>&1; cd -'
Created /home/username/multisect/outputs/f71079d.lib_locale_t.output.txt
Tested commit:  f71079d3db9617c58ae7b6af4dbc508997966529; returning to: blead
Commit counter: 4

We don't have a transition point, so we apply the bisection principle and continue.

Output (continued):

At commit counter 4, preparing to test commit 55 of 220
Testing commit: f17bc913886cd59ab68fde7bec9131dbb90186a0
Running 'sh ./Configure -des -Dusedevel -Duseithreads 1>/dev/null'
Running 'make test_prep 1>/dev/null 2>&1'
Running 'cd t; ./perl harness -v /home/username/gitwork/perl/lib/locale.t >/home/username/multisect/outputs/f17bc91.lib_locale_t.output.txt 2>&1; cd -'
Created /home/username/multisect/outputs/f17bc91.lib_locale_t.output.txt
Tested commit:  f17bc913886cd59ab68fde7bec9131dbb90186a0; returning to: blead
Commit counter: 5

At commit counter 5, preparing to test commit 82 of 220
Testing commit: e67bc19562c85b51b0d54a3997beeb3ceee2447a
Running 'sh ./Configure -des -Dusedevel -Duseithreads 1>/dev/null'
Running 'make test_prep 1>/dev/null 2>&1'
Running 'cd t; ./perl harness -v /home/username/gitwork/perl/lib/locale.t >/home/username/multisect/outputs/e67bc19.lib_locale_t.output.txt 2>&1; cd -'
Created /home/username/multisect/outputs/e67bc19.lib_locale_t.output.txt
Tested commit:  e67bc19562c85b51b0d54a3997beeb3ceee2447a; returning to: blead
Commit counter: 6

At commit counter 6, preparing to test commit 81 of 220
Testing commit: c389e68f6ee2168540f4380398361c24e9b985aa
Running 'sh ./Configure -des -Dusedevel -Duseithreads 1>/dev/null'
Running 'make test_prep 1>/dev/null 2>&1'
Running 'cd t; ./perl harness -v /home/username/gitwork/perl/lib/locale.t >/home/username/multisect/outputs/c389e68.lib_locale_t.output.txt 2>&1; cd -'
Created /home/username/multisect/outputs/c389e68.lib_locale_t.output.txt
Tested commit:  c389e68f6ee2168540f4380398361c24e9b985aa; returning to: blead
Commit counter: 7

We'll skip to the end (see examples/tfll.typescript for full output):

Output (continued):

At commit counter 22, preparing to test commit 59 of 220
Testing commit: 59c018b996263ec705a1e7182f7fa996b72207da
Running 'sh ./Configure -des -Dusedevel -Duseithreads 1>/dev/null'
Running 'make test_prep 1>/dev/null 2>&1'
Running 'cd t; ./perl harness -v /home/username/gitwork/perl/lib/locale.t >/home/username/multisect/outputs/59c018b.lib_locale_t.output.txt 2>&1; cd -'
Created /home/username/multisect/outputs/59c018b.lib_locale_t.output.txt
Tested commit:  59c018b996263ec705a1e7182f7fa996b72207da; returning to: blead
Commit counter: 23
Ran 23 runs; elapsed: 4297 sec; mean: 186.83 sec

We see above that, out of 220 commits in the commit range, we only had to visit 23 of them to complete the multisection process. Given that, in the FreeBSD-11 virtual machine in which this process was run, multisection took only 72 minutes (3 minutes and 7 seconds for each configure/build/test cycle), the time saving over running all commits was considerable.

What did multisect_all_targets() return? How did we get the timings?

say STDERR "BBB: multisect_all_targets: $rv";

$timings = $self->get_timings();
say STDERR "CCC: get_timings";


BBB: multisect_all_targets: 1
CCC: get_timings
{ elapsed => 4297, mean => 186.83, runs => 23 }

We call get_multisected_outputs() to get a comprehensive report:

$rv = $self->get_multisected_outputs();
say STDERR "DDD: get_multisected_outputs";

get_multisected_outputs() returns a hash ref keyed on a "stub" version of the name of each test file targeted. The value for each target is an array, each of whose elements is a hash ref whose elements identify the commit, the output file created when running the target at that commit and the digest for that output file. There's one element in the array for each commit in the commit range -- but if we didn't need to visit a particular commit during multisection, that element is undef.

Output (excerpt):

DDD: get_multisected_outputs
  lib_locale_t => [
      commit => "001761daee58d9e33b457b762adae1f44a887a2d",
      commit_short => "001761d",
      file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/001761d.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
      md5_hex => "09431b9e74d329ef9ae0940eb0d279fb",
    # snip 'undef' for commits we didn't need to visit
      commit => "f17bc913886cd59ab68fde7bec9131dbb90186a0",
      commit_short => "f17bc91",
      file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/f17bc91.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
      md5_hex => "09431b9e74d329ef9ae0940eb0d279fb",
      commit => "4e615abd31bcd0bb8f321ae4687e5aef1a8aa391",
      commit_short => "4e615ab",
      file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/4e615ab.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
      md5_hex => "01ec704681e4680f683eaaaa6f83f79c",
      commit => "00bf60caa5125511dc13041a21f3d1cf2abff837",
      commit_short => "00bf60c",
      file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/00bf60c.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
      md5_hex => "01ec704681e4680f683eaaaa6f83f79c",
      commit => "165a1c52807daa7ad3ecc83f0811047937088904",
      commit_short => "165a1c5",
      file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/165a1c5.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
      md5_hex => "01ec704681e4680f683eaaaa6f83f79c",
      commit => "59c018b996263ec705a1e7182f7fa996b72207da",
      commit_short => "59c018b",
      file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/59c018b.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
      md5_hex => "01ec704681e4680f683eaaaa6f83f79c",
      commit => "6696cfa7cc3a0e1e0eab29a11ac131e6f5a3469e",
      commit_short => "6696cfa",
      file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/6696cfa.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
      md5_hex => "b29d11b703576a350d91e1506674fd80",
      commit => "4ebeff162503a0f3c404305458e4730ff29f1dea",
      commit_short => "4ebeff1",
      file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/4ebeff1.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
      md5_hex => "b29d11b703576a350d91e1506674fd80",
      commit => "ff52fcf1dae90deb49f680d7cdbf78a04458ac47",
      commit_short => "ff52fcf",
      file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/ff52fcf.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
      md5_hex => "b29d11b703576a350d91e1506674fd80",
      commit => "a4a439fb9cd74c575855119abb55dc091955bdf4",
      commit_short => "a4a439f",
      file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/a4a439f.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
      md5_hex => "481032a28823c8409a610e058b34a047",
      commit => "78d57975d5aa732ef6dfba842558183e8880539c",
      commit_short => "78d5797",
      file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/78d5797.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
      md5_hex => "481032a28823c8409a610e058b34a047",
      commit => "2fcc0ca9e3b59e6224af067db588ef3249137029",
      commit_short => "2fcc0ca",
      file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/2fcc0ca.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
      md5_hex => "481032a28823c8409a610e058b34a047",
      commit => "b9f119beb209b721e37523a5a5d1d72c901f3316",
      commit_short => "b9f119b",
      file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/b9f119b.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
      md5_hex => "481032a28823c8409a610e058b34a047",
      commit => "cbef69c1c0b28f5a8e50e67afea1ff67dcce20aa",
      commit_short => "cbef69c",
      file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/cbef69c.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
      md5_hex => "481032a28823c8409a610e058b34a047",
      commit => "c389e68f6ee2168540f4380398361c24e9b985aa",
      commit_short => "c389e68",
      file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/c389e68.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
      md5_hex => "481032a28823c8409a610e058b34a047",
      commit => "e67bc19562c85b51b0d54a3997beeb3ceee2447a",
      commit_short => "e67bc19",
      file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/e67bc19.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
      md5_hex => "481032a28823c8409a610e058b34a047",
    # snip 'undef' for commits we didn't need to visit
      commit => "bdc905d035d4f835a808f1825dad9a8cd726d1ec",
      commit_short => "bdc905d",
      file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/bdc905d.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
      md5_hex => "481032a28823c8409a610e058b34a047",
      commit => "6830146276953868aad3dab123e7048a786f9452",
      commit_short => 6830146,
      file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/6830146.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
      md5_hex => "481032a28823c8409a610e058b34a047",
    # snip 'undef' for commits we didn't need to visit
      commit => "f71079d3db9617c58ae7b6af4dbc508997966529",
      commit_short => "f71079d",
      file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/f71079d.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
      md5_hex => "481032a28823c8409a610e058b34a047",
      commit => "9c88bb56d60636172f099f56a2808249de0c55a6",
      commit_short => "9c88bb5",
      file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/9c88bb5.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
      md5_hex => "481032a28823c8409a610e058b34a047",
    # snip 'undef' for commits we didn't need to visit
      commit => "ee072c898947f5fee316f1381b29ad692addcf05",
      commit_short => "ee072c8",
      file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/ee072c8.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
      md5_hex => "481032a28823c8409a610e058b34a047",
      commit => "8c4723656080526a8392690f30ec46d642de80ba",
      commit_short => "8c47236",
      file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/8c47236.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
      md5_hex => "481032a28823c8409a610e058b34a047",
    # snip 'undef' for commits we didn't need to visit
      commit => "d6e0ab90d221e0e0cbfcd8c68c96c721a688265f",
      commit_short => "d6e0ab9",
      file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/d6e0ab9.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
      md5_hex => "481032a28823c8409a610e058b34a047",

That's comprehensive output, but what we really want is just a look at the transition points, i.e., the commits where the output of a target's run changed from that of the immediately preceding commit. We get that with inspect_transitions().

$transitions = $self->inspect_transitions($rv);
say STDERR "EEE: inspect_transitions";


EEE: inspect_transitions
  lib_locale_t => {
    oldest => {
      file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/001761d.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
      idx => 0,
      md5_hex => "09431b9e74d329ef9ae0940eb0d279fb",
    newest => {
      file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/d6e0ab9.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
      idx => 219,
      md5_hex => "481032a28823c8409a610e058b34a047",
    transitions => [
        older => {
                   file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/f17bc91.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
                   idx => 54,
                   md5_hex => "09431b9e74d329ef9ae0940eb0d279fb",
        newer => {
                   file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/4e615ab.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
                   idx => 55,
                   md5_hex => "01ec704681e4680f683eaaaa6f83f79c",
        older => {
                   file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/59c018b.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
                   idx => 58,
                   md5_hex => "01ec704681e4680f683eaaaa6f83f79c",
        newer => {
                   file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/6696cfa.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
                   idx => 59,
                   md5_hex => "b29d11b703576a350d91e1506674fd80",
        older => {
                   file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/ff52fcf.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
                   idx => 64,
                   md5_hex => "b29d11b703576a350d91e1506674fd80",
        newer => {
                   file => "/home/username/multisect/outputs/a4a439f.lib_locale_t.output.txt",
                   idx => 65,
                   md5_hex => "481032a28823c8409a610e058b34a047",

The return value from inspect_transitions() is a hash ref keyed on the stub version of each target file. Each element's value is another hash ref with keys oldest, newest and transitions. oldest and newest, as you would expect, hold information about the very first and very last commits in the range.

transitions holds an array of hash refs, one for each pair of commits (older, newer) between which the output of running the target changed in a material way. It turns out that, over a range of 220 commits, the output of lib/locale.t changed only 3 times:

1 Between indexes 54 and 55

Inspection of the older and newer output file elements suggested that the output here changed only because P5P added one unit test and changed test descriptions in lib/locale.t. The outcome was PASS in both older and newer.

2 Between indexes 58 and 59

Inspection of the older and newer output file elements showed that 2 unit tests were added in commit 6696cfa, giving a total of 677 unit tests. One showed a not ok, so overall the run now got a FAIL. Review of the source code recommended at this commit point.

3 Between indexes 64 and 65

Inspection of the older and newer output file elements showed that lib/locale.t stopped running after test 380. Re-building and testing at commit a4a439f showed that this was the point where the segfault first appeared. Again, review of the source code was recommended.