Catalyst::View::EmbeddedPerl::PerRequest::ValiantRole - Add Valiant Formbuilder methods


Declare a view in your Catalyst application:

package Example::View::Hello;

use Moose;
extends 'Catalyst::View::EmbeddedPerl::PerRequest';
with 'Catalyst::View::EmbeddedPerl::PerRequest::ValiantRole';

has 'name' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str');

__PACKAGE__->config(prepend => 'use v5.40', content_type=>'text/html; charset=UTF-8');

%= form_for('person', sub ($self, $fb, $model) {
  %= $fb->input('name');
  %= $fb->input('age');
% });

Produces the following output:

<p>Hello Perl Hacker!</p>


This is just a role that proxies methods from Valiant::HTML::Util::Form into you instance of Catalyst::View::EmbeddedPerl::PerRequest. These are used to create HTML form elements. All methods are also exposed as helpers directly into your template.

Since Valiant::HTML::Util::Form inherits from Valiant::HTML::Util::FormTags, which inherits from Valiant::HTML::Util::TagBuilder, this adds quite a few methods to your namespace:

From Valiant::HTML::Util::TagBuilder

tags tag content_tag join_tags text link_to

From Valiant::HTML::Util::FormTags

field_value field_id field_name button_tag checkbox_tag fieldset_tag
legend_tag form_tag label_tag radio_button_tag option_tag text_area_tag 
input_tag password_tag hidden_tag submit_tag select_tag options_for_select

From Valiant::HTML::Util::Form

form_for fields_for

You will also have all the methods that are public for Catalyst::View::EmbeddedPerl::PerRequest.


By default the view will escape all output to prevent cross site scripting attacks. If you want to output raw HTML you can use the raw helper. For example:

<%= raw $self->html %>

See Template::EmbeddedPerl::SafeString for more information.

You can disable this feature by setting the auto_escape option to false in the view configuration. For example if you are not using this to generate HTML output you might not want it.


Ideas for using this module.

Creating a base view

Given you will need to make a lot of view classes (at least one class per template) you might be well off to create a common base class:

package Example::View::HTML;

use Moose;

extends 'Catalyst::View::EmbeddedPerl::PerRequest';
with 'Catalyst::View::EmbeddedPerl::PerRequest::ValiantRole';

  prepend => 'use v5.40', 
  content_type=>'text/html; charset=UTF-8'

Used like this:

package Example::View::Hello;

use Moose;
extends 'Example::View::HTML';

has 'name' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str');

%= form_for('person', sub ($self, $fb, $model) {
    %= $fb->input('name');
    %= $fb->input('age');
% });


Related reading


John Napiorkowski <>


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.