Changes for version 0.007

  • No changes to CatalystX::ControllerPerContext.
  • Catalyst::ControllerRole::View now supports the concept of view fragments. This obviously only works if your view supports it. Right now only the experiemental view that ships with Valiant does.
  • CatalystX::Moose an experimental extention to Moose that adds support for MethodAttributes out of the box as well as allows you to initialize component arguments from stash or context values. No docs because if you aren't good enough to figure it out from the codeyou probably shouldn't be using it at this stage. Ping me if you want to know more.


Context Scoped Controlelrs
Inject local URI helpers
Call Views from your Controller


in lib/CatalystX/
in lib/CatalystX/
in lib/CatalystX/