TCOD::Event - A TCOD wrapper around SDL2 events


use TCOD;

# Block until there is an event
my $iter = TCOD::Event::wait;

# Get each event in turn
while ( my $event = $iter->() ) {
    exit if $event->type eq 'QUIT';


This class is a thin wrapper around SDL2 events.



$tcod_event = TCOD::Event->new( $sdl_event );

Wrap an SDL2 event in a TCOD event. You will most likely not have to use this yourself, but it is called internally by the methods below.



$iterator = TCOD::Event::wait( $timeout );

Block until events exist, then return an event iterator.

The value in $timeout is the maximum number of seconds to wait for the next event. If none is provided, or the value is 0, the code will block for as long as it takes for the next event to be registered.

Returns the same iterator as a call get.


$iterator = TCOD::Event::get;

Return a coderef that can be used as an iterator for all pending events. Calling the coderef will return the next avaialble event.

Events are processed as the iterator is consumed. Breaking out of, or discarding the iterator will leave the remaining events on the event queue.


All these events have a type method that returns a string identifying their type as a string, and wrap around an SDL2 event from which they get their data They also have a as_string method that can be used to transform the event into a printable string, useful for logging and debugging.


An application quit request event. See the SDL2 documentation for more info on when this event may be triggered.

  • type

    Always returns QUIT.


Triggered when a keyboard key is pressed.

  • type

    Always returns KEYDOWN.

  • sym

    Returns the sym value of the SDL2 keyboard event. This is a value in this module's Keycode enum.

  • scancode

    Returns the scancode value of the SDL2 keyboard event. This is a value in this module's Scancode enum.

  • mod

    Returns the mod value of the SDL2 keyboard event. This is a value in this module's Keymod enum.

  • repeat

    Returns a true value if this is a repeat event for this key (eg. this key is being held down).


Triggered when a keyboard key is released.

  • type

    Always returns KEYUP.

  • sym

    Returns the sym value of the SDL2 keyboard event. This is a value in this module's Keycode enum.

  • scancode

    Returns the scancode value of the SDL2 keyboard event. This is a value in this module's Scancode enum.

  • mod

    Returns the mod value of the SDL2 keyboard event. This is a value in this module's Keymod enum.

  • repeat

    Returns a true value if this is a repeat event for this key (eg. this key is being held down).


Triggered when a mouse button is released.

  • type

    Always returns MOUSEBUTTONUP.

  • xy

    Returns an array reference with the pixel coordinates of this mouse event. The individual components of this coordinate are also available through the x and y accessors.

  • tilexy

    If this event has been processed with TCOD::Context::convert_event, this will returns an array reference with the tile coordinates of this mouse event. Otherwise, this will return undef.

    The individual components of this coordinate are also available through the tilex and tiley accessors.

  • state

    A bitfield with all the buttons that are currently being held. This can be checked agains the values in this module's MouseButton enum.

  • button

    The button that triggered this mouse event. It will be one of the values in this module's MouseButton enum.


Triggered when a mouse button is pressed.

  • type

    Always returns MOUSEBUTTONDOWN.

  • xy

    Returns an array reference with the pixel coordinates of this mouse event. The individual components of this coordinate are also available through the x and y accessors.

  • tilexy

    If this event has been processed with TCOD::Context::convert_event, this will returns an array reference with the tile coordinates of this mouse event. Otherwise, this will return undef.

    The individual components of this coordinate are also available through the tilex and tiley accessors.

  • state

    A bitfield with all the buttons that are currently being held. This can be checked agains the values in this module's MouseButton enum.

  • button

    The button that triggered this mouse event. It will be one of the values in this module's MouseButton enum.


Triggered when the mouse is moved.

  • type

    Always returns MOUSEMOTION.

  • xy

    Returns an array reference with the pixel coordinates of this mouse event. The individual components of this coordinate are also available through the x and y accessors.

  • tilexy

    If this event has been processed with TCOD::Context::convert_event, this will returns an array reference with the tile coordinates of this mouse event. Otherwise, this will return undef.

    The individual components of this coordinate are also available through the tilex and tiley accessors.


Triggered when the mouse wheel is rolled.

  • type

    Always returns MOUSEWHEEL.

  • xy

    Returns an array reference with the amount that was scrolled, horizontally and vertically, in pixels. Negative values point left and up, while positive values point in the opposite direction.

    The individual components of this array reference are also available through the x and y accessors.

  • flipped

    Returns a true value if either the user or the operating system has set the mouse to be flipped.


Triggered when the user has entered some text.

  • type

    Always returns TEXTINPUT.

  • text

    The text that was input.


Triggered when the window manager has requested the window to be closed.

  • type

    Always returns WINDOWCLOSE.


Triggered when the window has gained mouse focus.

  • type

    Always returns WINDOWENTER.


Triggered when the window has lost mouse focus.

  • type

    Always returns WINDOWLEAVE.


Triggered when the window has been restored to its normal size and position.

  • type

    Always returns WINDOWRESTORED.


Triggered when the window has been minimized.

  • type

    Always returns WINDOWMINIMIZED.


Triggered when the window has been maximized.

  • type

    Always returns WINDOWMAXIMIZED.


Triggered when a part of the window that was hidden has been exposed. This normally means the window needs to be redrawn.

  • type

    Always returns WINDOWEXPOSED.


Triggered when the window has gained keyboard focus.

  • type

    Always returns WINDOWFOCUSGAINED.


Triggered when the window has lost keyboard focus.

  • type

    Always returns WINDOWFOCUSLOST.


Triggered when the window is being offered focus.

  • type

    Always returns WINDOWTAKEFOCUS.


Triggered when the window has been shown.

  • type

    Always returns WINDOWSHOWN.


Triggered when the window has been hidden.

  • type

    Always returns WINDOWHIDDEN.


Triggered when the window has had a hit test.

  • type

    Always returns WINDOWHITTEST.


Triggered when the window has been moved.

  • type

    Always returns WINDOWMOVED.

  • xy

    Returns an array reference with the screen coordinates the window has been moved to.

    The individual components of this coordinate are also available through the x and y accessors.


Triggered when the window has been resized.

  • type

    Always returns WINDOWRESIZED.

  • width

    Returns the window's new width in pixels.

  • height

    Returns the window's new height in pixels.


A default event generated when no mapping could be found.

  • type

    Always returns UNDEFINED.

package TCOD::Event::WindowEvent { our @ISA = 'TCOD::Event::Base'; sub init { my $self = shift;

    my ( $e, $k ) = @{ $self }{qw( sdl_event !key )};
    my $w = $e->$k if $k;

    $self->{type} = $TCOD::SDL2::WindowEventID{ $w->event }
        // return TCOD::Event::Undefined->new($e)->init;

    $self->{type} =~ s/WINDOWEVENT_/WINDOW_/;
    $self->{type} =~ s/([A-Z])([A-Z]*)_/$1\L$2/g;



The enums listed below are available as constants like the ones defined using constant, which means the same caveats apply here.

To provide introspection into the values of the enums, they are also made available as package variables with the names of each enum. This makes it possible to get the name of a value in a given enum with code like the following:

say $TCOD::Event::Keycode{ TCOD::Event::K_UP }; # Prints 'K_UP'


A translation of the SDL_Keycode enum in SDL2. Keys and values should be the same as those in SDL2, without the SDL_ prefix (so SDLK_UP becomes TCOD::Event::K_UP).


A translation of the SDL_Keymod enum in SDL2. Keys and values should be the same as those in SDL2 (eg. TCOD::Event::KMOD_SHIFT).


A translation of the SDL_Scancode enum in SDL2. Keys and values should be the same as those in SDL2, without the SDL_SCANCODE_ prefix (so SDL_SCANCODE_UP becomes TCOD::Event::UP).




Copyright 2021 José Joaquín Atria

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.