Changes for version 0.11

  • Two modules required by only one Field class each were not declared in Makefile.PL. I added them, though I need to consider making each Data::Maker::Field subclass that requires other CPAN modules having its own distribution and not being required for Data::Maker itself.
  • Added the Set and Lorem classes to the Data::Maker man page, because all classes are listed there -- which I forgot. I need a checklist! :)
  • Got rid of all signs of Data::Maker::Field::Person::SSN. I still want to have it as an example of how you can easily add your own Format subclass, but I obviously something since that original idea and I have to give it fresh thought.
  • Added Data::Maker::Field::Person, which right now is nothing more than a way to import all of the Person classes.
  • Added a `before` trigger to record_count to reset the `generated` to zero whenever `record_count` is changed. This might come back to bite me, but the only time it really makes sense to change the `record_count` is when you want to start over.
  • Added the Data::Maker->random class method for when you just need a really simple random pick. I added this specifically for hierarchical data, so you can have a maker object called in between `next_record` calls of another maker object that creates a random number of child objects. It made sense to use $maker2->record_count( Data::Maker->random ).


Learning the basics of Data::Maker


Simple, flexibile and extensible generation of realistic data
a Moose role that is consumed by all Data::Maker field classes; the ones included with Data::Maker and the ones that you write yourself to extend Data::Maker's capabilities.
A Data::Maker field class that generates its data based on a code reference. It was written specifically to allow for certain fields to be based on the value of some other field in the same record.
A Data::Maker field class that uses Text::Lorem to generate random Latin-looking text, given a number of words, sentences or paragraphs.
A Data::Maker field class that generates its data based on a list of potential values.


in lib/Data/Maker/Field/
in lib/Data/Maker/Field/
in lib/Data/Maker/Field/
in lib/Data/Maker/Field/
in lib/Data/Maker/Field/Person/
in lib/Data/Maker/Field/Person/
in lib/Data/Maker/Field/Person/
in lib/Data/Maker/Field/Person/
in lib/Data/Maker/