Changes for version 0.09

  • Now requiring that a "code" attribute be sent to Data::Maker::Field::Code
  • Removed erroneous import of MooseX::AttributeHelpers -- thanks to Andreas Koenig (RT #54237)
  • Removed lib/, which should have not been in the distribution.


Learning the basics of Data::Maker


Simple, flexibile and extensible generation of realistic data
a Moose role that is consumed by all Data::Maker field classes; the ones included with Data::Maker and the ones that you write yourself to extend Data::Maker's capabilities.
A Data::Maker field class that generates its data based on a code reference. It was written specifically to allow for certain fields to be based on the value of some other field in the same record.


in lib/Data/Maker/Field/
in lib/Data/Maker/Field/
in lib/Data/Maker/Field/
in lib/Data/Maker/Field/Person/
in lib/Data/Maker/Field/Person/
in lib/Data/Maker/Field/Person/
in lib/Data/Maker/Field/Person/
in lib/Data/Maker/Field/Person/
in lib/Data/Maker/