Basset::Machine - used to state machines
Jim Thomason,
Basset::Machine implements a state machine. This is useful for any thing that requires a process flow. web applications, shell scripts, tk apps, you name it. Anything that you want that requires user interaction and a flow of control.
An example is best. Let's try a simple one.
package My::Machine;
use Basset::Object;
Basset::Object->inherits(__PACKAGE__, 'machine');
sub start {
return shift->state('login');
sub login {
my $self = shift;
my $heap = $self->heap;
if ($heap->{'loggedin'}) {
return $self->state('success');
} else {
return $self->state('prompt');
sub prompt {
my $self = shift;
print "Please enter your username (must be 'bob'): ";
chomp(my $name = <STDIN>);
$self->{'heap'}->{'loggedin'} = 1 if $name eq 'bob';
return $self->state('login');
sub success {
my $self = shift;
print "You are logged in\n";
return $self->terminate;
use My::Machine;
Look at the for more info.
- state
This is the current state of the machine. This is how you move around in the flow of your machine. The default start state is 'start'. If you don't provide a state when your machine starts executing, it will try to enter the start state. You may always provide the state that you want. It is traditional to return the next state from your current state.
sub current_state { my $self = shift; return $self->state('next_state'); }
States are usually methods in your machine module. But, if you have a complicated state, you may put it into its own class, in a subdirectory of the Machine class. methods in the machine class take precedence over external states. External states are entered via their 'main' method.
package My::Machine; sub some_state { return shift->state('login'); } package My::Machine::Login; sub main { my $self = shift; my $machine = $self->m; return $self->m->state('jump_pt'); }
All machines implicitly start in a setup state when they begin running, and end with a terminate state, if those are defined. Note that these states will be entered any time the machine starts or stops running, respectively, so you may need to explicitly check the current state as appropriate.
When entering a state, you receive 1 argument - the state you came from. You may receive additional arguments that the prior state handed in to you.
See Basset::Machine::State for more information.
- heap
The heap is a hashref that contains useful information that's local to the machine. You can think of it as a global namespace as far as the states are concerned, but local to the machine.
This is how data is passed from state to state.
sub state1 { my $self = shift; $self->heap->{'value1'} = 'foo'; return $self->state('state2'); } sub state2 { my $self = shift; print 'value1 is ', $self->heap->{'value1'}, "\n"; return $self->terminate; }
- transitions
transitions provides a layer of insulation for you. Instead of explicitly specifying your machine's states in code (for example, in a web app where every html page needs to return the machine's state), you can instead define a transition. This allows you to hide the actual states from the external world. So you can re-define states as desired, but the transitions will always remain the same.
My::Machine->transitions({ 'login' => 'login_prompt', 'analyze' => 'analyze_2', #changed from old 'analyze' method });
You then invoke it via a transition call, instead of a state call.
sub state { my $self = shift; return $self->transition('analyze'); }
- reentry_is_fatal
object attribute, which defaults to true. Normally, this will prevent you from re-entering a state from itself. Most of the time, this means that you forgot to transition out of it at the end of the state.
Nonetheless, there are times when you may want to stay where you are. If you have a machine that functions that way, then make this attribute false, and best of luck to you.
- execute
convenience method which allows you to create and run a machine in one step.
is the same as:
my $m = My::Machine->new(); $m->run();
Will return undef if the machine aborts or is not constructed, and the machine itself upon its termination.
- run
Actually runs the machine, transitions states, does all the magic.
- setup
implicit state that executes when the machine starts running. Does not actually affect the current state of the machine (that is, you can check $self->state and it won't return 'setup'). By default, it just returns success and the machine then begins running.
This is a good place to do things like setup database connections, look up frequently used classes, cache data, etc.
If setup aborts, it will teardown the machine and nothing will run.
- teardown
implicit state that executes when the machine stops running. Will receive no arguments if the machine terminates normally (terminate or interrupt), will receive the single word "aborted" if the machine is stopping due to an abort. Does not actually affect the last run state (that is, you can check $self->state and it won't return 'teardown'). By default, it just returns success and the machine is done running.
This is a good place to do things like close database connections, write things to disk, log messages, etc.
- start
start is the only state that must be defined within the machine class itself. This super method is abstract and aborts the machine. You must override it.
- terminate
terminate stops the machine normally and clears out the current state.
- interrupt
interrupt expects to be given a state. It will stop the machine from running, and advance it to the state that was provided. This is useful to temporarily suspend the machine and return to it later. Note that re-running the machine will cause setup to be re-run, and that you will still run teardown after the interrupt.
- abort
aborts the machine immediately, tears it down, and returns the error passed in. This should be used to report machine errors in place of ->error.
- machine
simply returns self. This is a convenience method to make states more readily interchangeable between methods and explicit state modules
- transition
transitions the machine to the next state, as per the transitions table.