Basset::DB::Table - used to define database tables, ways to load that data into memory and build queries based upon the table information


Jim Thomason,


For example,

 my $table = Basset::DB::Table->new(
	'name'				=> 'user',
	'primary_column'	=> 'id',
	'autogenerated'		=> 1,
	'definition'		=> {
		'id'		=> 'SQL_INTEGER',
		'username'	=> 'SQL_VARCHAR',
		'password'	=> 'SQL_VARCHAR',
		'name'		=> 'SQL_VARCHAR'

print $table->insert_query, "\n"; print $table->update_query, "\n"; print $table->delete_query, "\n";


Basset::DB::Table provides an abstract and consistent location for defining database tables, building queries based upon them, and so on. It is rarely (if ever) used directly in code, but is used extensively in packages which subclass from Basset::Object::Persistent.

Any queries returned by the query methods are simply strings that must be prepared by DBI in order bo be used.



    The name of the database table.

    For example, if you're creating an object to reference the table "foo",



    Stores the primary column or columns for this table. Either passed a single scalar or an array ref.

     $table->primary_column('id'); 		 #id is the primary column
    $table2->primary_column(['id', 'name']) #id & name are the primary columns

    It is recommended to access the primary columns of a table via the primary_cols method, since that method will always return an array.

     $table->primary_cols   #returns ('id')
    $table2->primary_cols   #returns ('id', 'name')
     $table->primary_column #returns 'id'
    $table2->primary_column #returns ['id', 'name']


    boolean flag, 1/0

    Sometimes, you may have your database auto-generate a column value for you. If you are using unique IDs for instance, it may be easier to have the database manage the auto-generation of new unique IDs for you. Set this flag if that's the case.

    #in your db
    create table foo (id int unsigned not null primary key auto_generated);
    #in your code


    This is the actual definition of your table. It should be given a hashref, with the keys being your column names, and the values being the sql_type as defined in DBI for that column.

    		'name'	=> 'SQL_VARCHAR',
    		'id'	=> 'SQL_INTEGER'

    Note that the type should be a quoted string containing the value, not the actual constant defined in DBI. If there is no corresponding sql_type for your column (for a MySQL text column, for example), then pass undef.

    		'name' => 'SQL_INTEGER',
    		'bigcomment' => undef

    Alternatively, if you happen to know the SQL type in advance, you can just pass that along.

    		'name' => SQL_INTEGER,	#if DBI was used here
    		'bigcomment' => undef
    		'name' => 4,	#if you just know it's 4
    		'bigcomment' => undef

    You should always use the quoted version unless you've received the numeric type from an authoritative source, such as having it returned from the database as the column type.

    Alternatively, if you don't want to use a definition, you can explicitly tell the constructor your non primary columns

    $table = Basset::DB::Table->new(
    	'primary_column' => 'id',
    	'non_primary_columns' => [qw(name age serial_number)],

    That takes the place of using the definition. It does a discover call behind the scenes, but only looks for the columns that you've specified, not everything in the table.


    Naturally, since you're using a relational database, you're going to have tables referencing other tables. You can store them in your Basset::DB::Table object inside the references parameter.

    		'user_id'	=> '',
    		'food_type'	=> 'food.type',

    That says that the 'user_id' column in your table is a foreign key into the user table and references its id column. 'food_type' is a foreign key into the food table and references its type column.

    Any foreign keys referencing primary columns can be used to auto-join the tables in a multiselect_query.


    Okay, as of v1.01 (heh, I finally incremented a version number!) Basset::DB::Table has gotten a power boost. It's now arbitrary out the ying-yang. Much more power in terms of what you can and cannot select, insert, update, etc.

    The first of the new toys is extra_select.

    Let's assume the following definition:

    		'name' => 'SQL_INTEGER',
    		'bigcomment' => undef

    That means that if you called select_query on that table, you'd get back this:

    select test.bigcomment, from test

    Which is peachy and marvelous. You can now initialize your object with the values from 'name' and 'bigcomment'. But what if you want more information from the database? Perhaps a value from a function, or some calculation upon the columns? Up until now, you'd have to do that stuff externally in Perl. Either calculating things yourself, or calling arbitrary_sql to get the data you need out of there.

    No more. extra_select does what it sounds like, it allows you to pass in extra information to select. Takes a hashref.

    		'current_time' => 'NOW()'

    Now, if you called select_query, you'd get back:

    select test.bigcomment,, NOW() as current_time from test

    And voila. Instant extra information.

    Keep in mind, naturally, that if you want that extra column you're getting out to *go* anywhere, that your object must have a method by that name ("current_time" in this case). Otherwise, the data will be loaded and then silently forgotten.

    If you're skipping ahead, you'll see that there are attributes called "db_write_translation", and "db_read_translation", and that Basset::Object::Persistent has 'perl_write_translation' and 'perl_read_translation'. Use whichever thing is appropriate for you.

    extra_select only affects select queries.


    New addition to the various things, since I finally thought of a use for it. The db_read_translation alters your columns as they come back from the database. Takes a hash of the form column => translation

    		'name' => 'lower(name)'

    And that would change as follows:

    print $table->select_query; #prints select as name from table

    with the translation:

    print $table->select_query; #prints select lower( as name from table

    Useful if you know at the database level that you'll need your data transformed in some fashion.


    This is the closest thing to an inverse method to extra_select. db_write_translation takes a hashref which decides how to re-write your insert, update, replace, or delete queries. Or all of them. An example is easiest.

    Let's assume the following definition:

    		'name' => 'SQL_INTEGER',
    		'bigcomment' => undef,
    		'current_time' => 'SQL_DATETIME',
    update test set current_time = ?, bigcomment = ?, name = ?

    Then, if you called update_query, you'd get back:

    update test set current_time = ?, bigcomment = ?, name = ?

    And your update_bindables are:

    current_time, bigcomment, name, name

    However, that wouldn't be setting current_time to the proper current time: it's just relaying through the value in the object. So it's up to you, the programmer, to set it yourself.

    sub commit {
     my $self = shift;
     my ($sec,$min,$hour,$day,$mon,$year) = (localtime(time))[0..5];
     $year+= 1900;
     $self->current_time("$year-$mon-$day $hour:$min:$sec");

    It works, it's effective, but it's a pain in the butt. More work for you. This is an instance where db_write_translation can come in handy.

    		'current_time' => {
    			'A' => {
    				'val' => 'NOW()',
    				'binds' => 0

    Now, your update_query is:

    update test set current_time = NOW(), bigcomment = ?, name = ?

    And your update_bindables are:

    bigcomment, name, name

    Voila. You no longer need to worry about setting current_time, the db does it for you.

    The hashref that db_write_translation uses is of a specific format:

    method => {
     query_type => {
      'val' => new_value
      'binds' => 0/1

    "method" is obviously the name of the method that's being re-written. "query_type" is the flag to indicate the type of query. "I" for insert, "U" for update, "D" for delete, "R" for replace, or "A" for all. "binds" is a boolean flag, 0 or 1. Set to 0 if you're inserting a new value that doesn't need a binded param, such as "NOW()". Set it to 1 if you're inserting a new value that does need a binded param, such as "LCASE(?)" to insert the value in lower case.

    And voila. When the query is constructed, internally it first looks for a re-write of the method for the given query type. If it doesn't find one, it looks for a re-write of type "A" (all queries), if it doesn't find one of those, then it just leaves it alone and preps the query to insert the value in as is, unchanged.

    One useful example that I will include, is to make a column read-only:

    		$column => {
    			'U' => {
    				'val' => $column,
    				'binds' => 0

    That way, when an object is committed on an update, $column's value will not change.

    Also, please note that return values are not quoted. So you can't use a db_write_translation to set a value that the database wouldn't understand.

    'val' => 'some constant value'

    will fail. Your query would become:

    update....set foo = some constant value...

    which chokes, of course. Use a perl_write_translation to alter the value you pass in at a higher level. The db_write_translation only alters your actual SQL statement.


    You can define different aliases for columns as they come out of your table.

    print $table->select_query; 	#prints select id from foo
    		'id' => 'user_id'
    print $table->select_query		#prints select id as user_id from foo

    Note that Basset::Object::Persistent assumes that if you're aliasing a column, that the aliased value is your method name. So in this case, any objects using that as a primary table would have a method name of 'user_id' that stores in the 'id' column in the table.



    Normally, when you get back an insert_query, update_query, etc. from the various DB::Table methods here, all columns in the table are included. You can use these methods to restrict the queries to only be called on particular methods.

    print $table->insert_query; 	#prints insert into foo (this, that, those) values (?,?,?) for example
    print $table->insert-query; 	#prints insert into foo (this) values (?) for example

    These methods are not thread-safe.

    You also have a set of negative non_*_columns that do an inverse.

    print $table->insert_query; 	#prints insert into foo (this, that, those) values (?,?,?) for example
    print $table->insert-query; 	#prints insert into foo (that, those) values (?,?,?) for example

    You may also use both at the same time

    print $table->insert_query; 	#prints insert into foo (this, that, those) values (?,?,?) for example
    $table->insert_columns('that', 'those');
    print $table->insert-query; 	#prints insert into foo (those) values (?,?) for example


    All databases grab the last inserted ID in a different fashion. last_insert_query allows us to specify the query we use to grab the last inserted ID for a given insert. This should probably be specified in the conf file, but you can do it in the individual modules, if you prefer. Note that this is a trickling class accessor, so you can re-define it as many times as you want, or just use the default specified for Basset::Object::Persistent.

    Certain databases don't need differeing queries. MySQL, for instance, is happy with just "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()" defined for the super class.



    Returns the columns defined for this table, in an unspecified order

    my @cols = $table->cols();


    Returns the column definitions defined for this table, in an unspecified order, but the same order as the columns returned by cols

    my @defs = $table->defs();


    Fairly straightforward method, given a column and a query type, will tell you if the column is bindable.

    $table->is_bindable('U', 'foo'); #returns 1 or 0, whether or not 'foo' can be bound on an update.

    Valid query types are 'U', 'I', 'R', 'D', 'S', and 'A'



    Returns the aliased version of the column if one is defined in the column_aliases hash. Returns the column otherwise.

    		'id' => 'user_id'
    print $table->alias_column('id');		#prints user_id (uses alias)
    print $table->alias_column('name');	#prints name (no alias)


    Returns the non-aliased version of the column if one is defined in the column_aliases hash. Returns the column otherwise.

    		'id' => 'user_id'
    print $table->alias_column('user_id');	#prints id (undoes alias)
    print $table->alias_column('name');	#prints name (no alias)


    Returns the columns in this table that should be bound with values upon an insert.

    my @insertables = $table->insert_bindables();


    Returns the columns in this table that should be bound with values upon a replace.

    my @replaceables = $table->replace_bindables();


    Returns the columns in this table that should be bound with values upon an update.

    my @updatables = $table->update_bindables();


    Returns the columns in this table that should be bound with values upon an delete.

    my @deletables = $table->delete_bindables();


    Returns an insert query for this table.

    my $insert_query = $table->insert_query();

    The query is a full insert with columns defined in the query. You may also pass in an array of columns to use in the insert. Otherwise, all columns defined in the table will be used.

    my $insert_qery = $table->insert_query('foo');

    Returns the insert query but only to be able to insert into column 'foo'. If you try to use a column that is not in the table, you'll get an error.


    Returns an replace query for this table.

    my $replace_query = $table->replace_query();

    The query is a full replace with columns defined in the query. You may also pass in an array of columns to use in the insert. Otherwise, all columns defined in the table will be used.

    my $replace_qery = $table->replace_query('foo');

    Returns the replace query but only to be able to replace into column 'foo'. If you try to use a column that is not in the table, you'll get an error.


    Returns an update_query query for this table.

    my $update_query = $table->update_query();

    The query is a full update with columns defined in the query. You may also pass in an array of columns to use in the insert. Otherwise, all columns defined in the table will be used.

    my $update_query = $table->update_query('foo');

    Returns the update query but only to be able to update column 'foo'. If you try to use a column that is not in the table, you'll get an error.

    Be warned that no where clause is attached


    returns a delete query for this table.

    my $delete_query = $table->delete_query

    Be warned that no where clause is attached


    Returns an select_query query for this table.

    my $select_query = $table->select_query();

    The query is a full update with columns defined in the query. You may also pass in an array of columns to use in the select. Otherwise, all columns defined in the table will be used.

    my $select_query = $table->select_query('foo');

    Returns the select query but only to be able to select column 'foo'. If you try to use a column that is not in the table, you'll get an error.

    Be warned that no where clause is attached


    Magic time. The multiselect_query allows you to auto-build and execute select queries across multiple tables. Expects up to two arguments, in a hash.


    The table objects that will be joined in this select statement. You need at least one table, but if you're only selecting one table, you should probably just use its select_query.


    The list of columns to select in the join. If this is not specified, then all columns in all tables will be used. NOTE THAT COLUMN ALIASES WILL NOT BE USED UNLESS YOU PASS THE use_aliases flag.

    $table->multiselect_query('tables' => $tables, 'use_aliases' => 1);

    This is by design, it is assumed that most of the time, you're using a multi select query when doing an arbitrary_sql call to get back massive amounts of data and you need to know the original column name, and the table it was from.

    Most of the time, hiding behind Basset's object persistence capabilities are more than sufficient. You can load up objects, manipulate them, write them back out. Everything's peachy. But some of the time, you just need data. Lots of data. And you need it fast. Real fast. Basset doesn't deal well with that.

    Let's say you have a table of users and a table (that serves as a log) of login information. Each time the user logs in, you insert an entry into the login table. You want to get a list of all users and the number of times they've logged in.

    You can do this with the standard methods.

    my $users = Some::User->load_all();
    foreach my $user (@$users) {
    	print $user->name, " logged in : ", $user->logininformation, "\n";	#assuming logininformation wrappers what we want

    But there's a lot of overhead involved in that and it's not necessarily the fastest way to do it. Sure, in this case, it makes sense. But it might not always. So, instead, you can do a multiselect_query. Let's define the tables for clarity, and we'll even assume they're in different packages.

    my $user_table = Basset::DB::Table->new(
    	'name' => 'user',
    	'primary_column' => 'id',
    	'definition' => {
    		'id'	=> 'SQL_INTEGER',
    		'name'	=> 'SQL_VARCHAR'
    my $login_table = Basset::DB::Table->new(
    	'name' => 'login',
    	'primary_column' => 'id',
    	'definition' => {
    		'id' => 'SQL_INTEGER'
    		'user_id'	=> 'SQL_INTEGER',
    		'login_time'=> 'SQL_TIMESTAMP'
    	'references' => {
    		'user_id' => ''
    my $q = Basset::DB::Table->multiselect_query(
    	'tables' => [$user_table, $login_table],
    print "$q\n";

    This prints out:

    	user inner join login
    on = login.user_id

    So now we have one query that will get us back all of our data. But we're still yanking back too much. We actually only care about the user and the total login info. We can fix that by specifying the columns we want. Please note that you need to qualify the column names.

    my $q = Basset::DB::Table->multiselect_query(
    	'tables' => [$user_table, $login_table],
    	'cols'	=> [qw[ count(*)]]
    ) or die Basset::DB::Table->errstring;
    print "$q\n";

    This prints out:

    	user inner join login
    on = login.user_id

    Closer, but still not quite there. For one thing, this will ignore any users that have never logged in, since they don't have an entry in the login table. Easy to fix, specify the join type:

     my $q = Basset::DB::Table->multiselect_query(
     	'tables' => [
     		['left', $login_table]
    	'cols'	=> [qw[ name], 'coalesce(count(*), 0) as count'],
     ) or die Basset::DB::Table->errstring;
     print "$q\n";

    This prints out:

     select as id, as name,
    	coalesce(count(*), 0) as count
     	user left join login
     on = login.user_id

    That's all of the data we want, but we're still missing something - the group by clause. So we attach one. We'll even tack on an order by clause for good measure so we don't need to sort later.

     my $q = Basset::DB::Table->attach_to_query(
    		'tables' => [
    			['left', $login_table]
    		'cols'	=> [qw[ name], 'coalesce(count(*), 0) as count'],
    	 ) ,
     		'group by' => ', name',
     		'order by' => 'count',
     print "$q\n";

    This prints out:

    select as id, as name,
    	coalesce(count(*), 0) as count
    	user left join login
    on = login.user_id
    group by, name
    order by

    And voila! We're done. Hand that query off to whatever method it is you use to run sql queries (such as Basset::Object::Persistent's arbitrary_sql method), get back your data, and you're all set.


    Returns a count query ("select count(*) from $table").

    my $count_query = $table->count_query();

    Be warned that no where clause is attached.


    Returns an optimize table query.

    my $optimize_query = $table->optimize_query();


    Returns an describe table query.

    my $describe_query = $table->describe_query();


    Given a column, returns a count query referencing the other table to determine whether the key is valid.

    		'user_id' => '',
    		'user_name' => ''
    print $table->reference_query('user_id');	#prints select count(1) from user where id = ?
    print $table->reference_query('login');	#prints nothing


    When passed a column name, returns a 1 if it is a column in this table, a 0 if it is not.

    print $table->is_column('foo');


    When passed a column name, returns a 1 if it is a primary column in this table, a 0 if it is not

    print $table->is_primary('foo');


    Returns a list of all of the non primary columns in the table.

    my @nons = $table->non_primary_cols();


    Returns a list of all the primary columns in the table.

    my @primaries = $table->primary_cols();


    Given a table and an optional list of columns, returns all of the columns in the present table that reference the columns in the second table. If no columns are passed, then the second table's primary columns are assumed.

    		'user_id' => '',
    		'user_name' => ''
    $table->foreign_cols($user_table);	#prints user_id
    $table->foreign_cols($user_table, 'id', 'name'); #prints user_id, user_name
    $table->foreign_cols($user_table, 'last_name', 'login'); #prints nothing - we have no references to those columns


    Given a column, returns the column it references in a foreign table or sets an error if references nothing.

    		'user_id' => '',
    		'user_name' => ''
    print $table->referenced_column('user_id');	#prints
    print $table->referenced_column('password');	#prints nothing


    Takes a table name as an argument. Returns a hashref of the columns in that table, suitable to be used in a definition call.

    my $definition = Basset::DB::Table->discover_columns('user_table');

    This should be typically be invoked via the discover flag to the constructor.

    my $table = Basset::DB::Table->new(
    	'discover' => 1


    Given a query string and a hashref of clauses, attaches the clauses to the query.

    my $update_query = $table->attach_to_query(
    		'where' => 'id = ?'
    Valid clauses are "where", "group by", "having", "order by" and "limit", reflecting the
    SQL clauses of the same kind.


    Magic time.

    join_tables is used internally by the multiselect_query, but you can use it yourself if you want.

    Takes an array of table objects or arrayrefs. arrayrefs must be of the following form:

    join type

    The type of join to be performed. Should be a string. "inner", "outer", "left outer", that sort of thing. Defaults to inner. This parameter is optional.

    table object

    The table object you're using.


    SQL clauses to override the auto-join. This parameter is optional.

    So, for example, if you have a usertable and a movietable, and movie.user references, you could do:

    ) || die Basset::DB::Table->errstring;

    which returns:

    	inner join
    			on = movie.user

    Say that was a foreign key to Then you'd get back:

    	inner join
    			on = movie.user
    			and =

    I can't say why you'd want to have two tables referencing each other, but it's important to know that it happens.

    3 tables is the same thing. Say that movie.genre references

     ) || die Basset::DB::Table->errstring;
    	inner join
    			on movie.user =
    	inner join
    			on movie.user =

    Okay, say that you want to use a left join between the user table and the movie table.

     	['left', $movietable],
     ) || die Basset::DB::Table->errstring;
    	left join
    			on movie.user =
    	inner join
    			on movie.user =

    You can also join with earlier tables. Say that snack.user references

     	['left', $movietable],
     ) || die Basset::DB::Table->errstring;
    	left join
    			on movie.user =
    	inner join
    			on movie.user =
    	inner join
    			on = snack.user

    Or, you can override the defaults specified in the table's references. For example, if the references don't exist for the table.

     	['left', $movietable],
     	[$snacktable, ' = snack.user AND user.status = snack.status'],
     ) || die Basset::DB::Table->errstring;
    	left join
    			on movie.user =
    	inner join
    			on movie.user =
    	inner join
    			on = snack.user
    			and user.status = snack.status


    Convenience method. Given a column and a list of values, returns a foo in (???) clause for use in queries.

    print $table->many_clause('id', qw(1 2 3 4));	#prints "id in (?, ?, ?, ?)"

    You may optionally pass your values in an arrayref, if it's more convenient.

    print $table->many_clause('id', [qw(1 2 3 4)]);	#prints "id in (?, ?, ?, ?)"

    Finally, if you pass your values in an arrayref, you may specify the 'not' parameter to build a 'not in' clause

    print $table->many_clause('id', 'not', qw(1 2 3 4));	#prints "id not in (?, ?, ?, ?)"


    Given a column name, returns the column name with the table name prepended.

    print $user->qualified_name('id');	#prints


    Given a column name, returns the column name without the table name prepended.

    print $user->qualified_name('id');	#prints id
    print $user->qualified_name('');	#prints id


    The where clause constructor is a class method that takes an arrayref of tables as its first argument, and then an arbitrary set of clauses in a list.

    my ($clause, @bindvalues) = Basset::DB::Table->construct_where_clause($tables, @clauses);

    This is used to hide SQL from your application layer. You can specify arbitrarily complex statements here to build where clauses. The tables array is used to qualify the names of the columns passed. The array will be walked and the first table encounted that has the given column will be used to qualify the name. Hence, if a column exists in multiple tables, you should qualify it to ensure that you get it from the place you expect.

    Easily pass in key value pairs.

    my ($stmt, @values) = Basset::DB::Table->construct_where_clause(
    	'id' => 7
    );  #returns (' = ?', 7)

    To specify an 'in' clause, pass in an array.

    my ($stmt, @values) = Basset::DB::Table->construct_where_clause(
    	'id' => [7, 8, 9]
    );  #returns (' in (?, ?, ?)', 7, 8, 9)

    Additional values are joined by AND statements.

    my ($stmt, @values) = Basset::DB::Table->construct_where_clause(
    	'id' => [7, 8, 9],
    	'status' => 1,
    );  #returns (' in (?, ?, ?) AND tablename.status = ?', 7, 8, 9, 1)

    You may specify alternative values for columns in a hashref.

    my ($stmt, @values) = Basset::DB::Table->construct_where_clause(
    	'id' => {
    		'>' => 7,
    		'<' => 14,
    	'status' => 1,
    );  #returns ('( > ? OR < ?) AND tablename.status = ?', 7, 14, 1)

    Groups of sets of values are joined with OR clauses.

    my ($stmt, @values) = Basset::DB::Table->construct_where_clause(
    	['id' => 7,'status' => 1,],
    	['id' => {'>' => 18'}, 'status' => 3],
    	['status' => 5'],
    );  #returns ('( = ? OR tablename.status = ?) OR ( > ? AND status = ?) OR (status = ?)', 7, 1, 18, 3, 5)

    groups may be nested

    my ($stmt, @values) = Basset::DB::Table->construct_where_clause(
    	'id' => 7,
    	['id' => {'>' => 20}, ['name' => 'test', status => 5]]
    );  #returns ('( = ?) OR ( > ? OR ( = ? AND tablename.status = ?))', 7, 20, test, 5)

    Column order may not be preserved.

    my ($stmt, @values) = Basset::DB::Table->construct_where_clause(
    	'id' => 7,
    	['id' => 8],
    	'name' => 'foo',
    );  #returns ('( = ? AND = ?) OR ( = ?)', 7, 'foo', 8)

    To group different columns with different and clauses, repeat the clause.

    my ($stmt, @values) = Basset::DB::Table->construct_where_clause(
    	'id' => {'>' => 8},
    	'id' => {'<' => 25},
    );  #returns (' > ? AND < ?', 8, 25)

    Finally, sometimes you just need to have a literal value in there that you can't bind to a place holder. In that case, you want to pass in a reference.

    my ($stmt, @values) = Basset::DB::Table->construct_where_clause(
    	'id' => {'>' => \8},
    	'id' => {'<' => \25},
    );  #returns (' > 8 AND < 25')
    This is most useful, obviously, for NULLs.
     my ($stmt, @values) = Basset::DB::Table->construct_where_clause(
    	'id' => {'is' => \'NULL', '=' => 4},
    );  #returns (' is NULL or = ?', 4)


    Wrappers Basset::Object::Persistent's arbitrary_sql method.

2 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 60:

You can't have =items (as at line 66) unless the first thing after the =over is an =item

Around line 1237:

You can't have =items (as at line 1241) unless the first thing after the =over is an =item