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ODF::lpOD_Helper - fix and enhance ODF::lpOD


use ODF::LpOD;
use ODF::LpOD_Helper;
use feature 'unicode_strings';

# Find "Search Phrase" even if it is segmented or crosses span boundaries
@matches = $context->Hsearch("Search Phrase");

# Replace "{famous author}" with "Stephen King" in bold, large red text.
$body->Hreplace("{famous author}",
                [["bold", size => "24pt", color => "red"], "Stephen King"]

# Call a callback function to control replacement and searching
$body->Hreplace("{famous author}", sub{ ... });

# Work around bugs/limitations in ODF::lpOD::Element::insert_element
# so that position => WITHIN works when $context is a container.
$new_elt = $context=>Hinsert_element($thing, position=>WITHIN, offset=>...)

# Similar, but inserted segment(s) described by high-level spec
$context=>Hinsert_content([ "The author is ", ["bold"], "Stephen King"],
                          position=>WITHIN, offset => ... );

# Work around bug in ODF::lpOD::Element::get_text(recursive => TRUE)
# so that tab, line-break, and spacing objects are expanded correctly
$text = $context->Hget_text(); # include nested paragraphs

# Create or reuse an 'automatic' (pseudo-anonymous) style
$style = $doc->Hautomatic_style($family, properties...);

# Remove problematic 'rsid' styles left by LibreOffice which interfere
# with cloning content
do_something( $context->clone );

# Format a node or entire tree for debug messages
say fmt_node($elt);
say fmt_tree($elt);

The following funcions are exported by default:

The Hr_* constants used by the Hreplace method.
fmt_match fmt_node fmt_tree fmt_node_brief fmt_tree_brief


ODF::lpOD_Helper enables transparent Unicode support, provides higher-level multi-segment text search & replace methods, and works around ODF::lpOD bugs and limitations.

Styles may be specified with a high-level notation and the necessary span and style objects are automatically created and fonts registered.

Transparent Unicode Support

By default ODF::lpOD_Helper patches ODF::lpOD so that all methods accept and return arbitrary Perl character strings.

You will always want this unless your application really, really needs to pass un-decoded octets directly between file/network resources and ODF::lpOD without looking at the data along the way. This can be disabled for legacy applications. Please see ODF::lpOD_Helper::Unicode.

Currently this patch has global effect but might someday become scoped; to be safe put use ODF::lpOD_Helper at the top of every file which calls ODF::lpOD or ODF::lpOD_Helper methods.

Prior to version 6.000 transparent Unicode was not enabled by default, but required a now-deprected ':chars' import tag.


"Hxxx" methods are installed as methods of ODF::lpOD::Element so they can be called the same way as native ODF::lpOD methods ('H' denotes extensions from ODF::lpOD_Helper).

@matches = $context->Hsearch($expr)

$match = $context->Hsearch($expr, OPTIONS)

Finds $expr within the "virtual text" of paragraphs below $context (or $context itself if it is a paragraph or leaf node).

    Virtual Text

    This refers to logically-consecutive characters irrespective of how they are stored. They may be arbitrarily segmented, may use the special ODF nodes for tab, newline, and consecutive spaces, and may be partly located in different spans.

    By default all Paragraphs are searched, including nested paragraphs inside frames and tables. Nested paragraphs may be excluded using option prune_cond => 'text:p|text:h'.

Each match must be contained within a paragraph, but may include any number of segments and need not start or end on segment boundaries.

A match may encompass leaves under different spans, i.e. matching pays no attention to style boundaries.

$expr may be a plain string or qr/regex/s. \n matches a line-break. Space, tab and \n in $expr match the corresponding special ODF objects as well as regular PCDATA text.

OPTIONS may be

offset => NUMBER  # Starting position within the combined virtual
                  # texts of all paragraphs in C<$context>

multi  => BOOL    # Allow multiple matches? (FALSE by default)

prune_cond => STRING or qr/Regex/
                  # Do not descend below nodes matching the indicated
                  # condition.  See "Hnext_elt".

A hash is returned for each match:

  match        => The matched virtual text
  segments     => [ *leaf* nodes containing the matched text ]
  offset       => Offset of match in the first segment's virtual text
  end          => Offset+1 of end of match in the last segment's v.t.

  para         => The paragraph containing the match
  para_voffset => Offset of match within the paragraph's virtual text

  voffset      => Offset of match in the combined virtual texts in $context
  vend         => Offset+1 of match-end in the combined virtual texts

The following illustrates the 'offset' OPTION and match results:

Para.#1 ║ Paragraph #2 containing a match  │
(ignored║  straddling the last two segments│
 due to ║                                  │
 offset)║                                  │
------------match voffset---►┊             │
--------match vend---------------------►┊  │
        ║                    ┊          ┊  │
        ║              match ┊   match  ┊  │
        ║             ║-off-►┊ ║--end--►┊  │
║xx║xxxx║xx║xxxx║xxSEA║RCHED VI║IRTUAL TEXT║
┊─OPTION 'offset'─►┊

Note: text:tab and text:line-break nodes count as one virtual character and text:s represents any number of consecutive spaces. If the last segment is a text:s then 'end' will be the number of spaces included in the match.


    In array context, zero or more hashrefs.

    In scalar context, a hashref or undef if there was no match (option 'multi' is not allowed when called in scalar context).

Regex Anchoring

If $expr is a qr/regex/ it is matched against the combined virtual text of each paragraph. The match logic is

$paragraph_text =~ /\G.*?(${your_regex})/

with pos set to the position implied by $offset, if relevant, or to the position following a previous match (with multi => TRUE).

Therefore \A will match the start of the paragraph only on the first match (when pos is zero), provided $offset is not specified or points at or before the start of the current paragraph.

\z always matches the end of the current paragraph.

$context->Hreplace($expr, [content], multi => bool, OPTIONS)

$context->Hreplace($expr, sub{...}, OPTIONS)

Like Hsearch but replaces or calls a callback for each match.

$expr is a string or qr/regex/s as with Hsearch.

In the first form, the first matched substring in the virtual text is replaced with [content]; with multi => TRUE, all instances are replaced.

In the second form, the specified sub is called for each match, passing a match hashref (see Hsearch) as the only argument. Its return value determines whether any substitutions occur. The sub must


   No substition is done; searching continues.

return(Hr_SUBST, [content])

   [content] is substituted for the matched text and searching continues,
   starting immediately after the replaced text.

return(Hr_SUBST | Hr_STOP, [content])

   [content] is substituted for the matched text and then "Hreplace"
   terminates immediately.


   "Hreplace" just terminates.

Hreplace returns a list of hashes describing the substitutions which were performed:

  voffset      => offset into the total virtual text of $context of the
                  the replacement (depends on preceding replacements)

  vlength      => length of the replacement content's virtual text

  para         => The paragraph where the match/replacement occurred

  para_voffset => offset into the paragraph's virtual text

Nodes following replaced text might be merged out of existence.

Content Specification

A [content] value is a ref to an array of zero or more elements, each of which is either

  • A string which may include spaces, tabs and newlines, or

  • A reference [list of format properties]

Each [list of format properties] describes a character style which will be applied only to the immediately-following text string.

Format properties may be any of the key => value pairs accepted by odf_create_style, as well as these single-item abbreviations:

"center"      means  align => "center"
"left"        means  align => "left"
"right"       means  align => "right"
"bold"        means  weight => "bold"
"italic"      means  style => "italic"
"oblique"     means  style => "oblique"
"normal"      means  style => "normal", weight => "normal"
"roman"       means  style => "normal"
"small-caps"  means  variant => "small-caps"
"normal-caps" means  variant => "normal", #??

<NUM>         means  size => "<NUM>pt,   # bare number means point size
"<NUM>pt"     means  size => "<NUM>pt,

Internally, an ODF "automatic" Style is created for each unique combination of properties, re-using styles when possible. Fonts are automatically registered.

Alternatively, you can specify an existing (or to-be-created) ODF Style with

[style-name => "name of style"]

$node = $context->Hinsert_element($elem_to_insert, OPTIONS)

This is an enhanced version of ODF::lpOD::Element::insert_element().

  • $context may be any node, including a textual leaf, a text container (paragraph, heading or span), or an ancestor of a text container such as the document body or a frame.

    If option position => WITHIN then offset refers to the combined Virtual Text of $context; the appropriate textual leaf is located and split if appropriate.

      If offset==0 then a PREV_SIBLING is inserted before the first existing leaf if one exists (which may be $context itself, which ODF::lpOD 1.015 does not handle correctly); otherwise a FIRST_CHILD is inserted into $context if it is a text container, otherwise the first descendant which is a text container (which must exist).

      If offset > 0 and equals the total existing virtual length then a NEXT_SIBLING is inserted after the last existing leaf.

    If position => NEXT_SIBLING or PREV_SIBLING then $context must be a textual leaf or a span.

    If position => FIRST_CHILD or LAST_CHILD then $context must be a text container.

  • The special ODF textual nodes (text:s, text:tab, text:line-break) are handled and the characters they imply are counted by $offset when inserting WITHIN $context. If a text:s node representing multiple spaces must be split then another text:s node is created to "contain" the spaces to the right of $offset.

  • Option prune_cond => ... may be used to ignore text in nested paragraphs, frames, etc. when counting 'offset' with position => WITHIN (see Hnext_elt).

$context->Hinsert_content([content], OPTIONS)

This is similar to Hinsert_element() except that multiple segments may be inserted and they are described by a high-level [content] specification.

[content] is the same as with Hreplace.

If [content] includes format specifications, the affected text will be stored inside a span using an "automatic" style.

If a new span would be nested under an existing span, the existing span is partitioned and the new span hoised up to the same level.

The first new node will be inserted at the indicated position relative to $context and others will follow as siblings.

OPTIONS may contain:

position => ...  # default is FIRST_CHILD.  Always relative to $context.
                 # See L<Hinsert_content> herein and L<ODF::lpOD::Element>.

offset   => ...  # Used when position is 'WITHIN', and counts characters
                 # in the virtual text of $context

prune_cond => qr/^text:[ph]$/  # (for example) skip over nested
                 # paragraphs when counting 'offset'

chomp => BOOL    # remove \n, if present, from the end of content

Returns a hashref:

  vlength => total virtual length of the new content
  # (no other public fields are defined)

To facilitate further processing, pre-existing segments are never merged; Hnormalize() should later be called on $context or the nearest container.

$boolean = $elt=>His_textual()

Returns TRUE if $elt is a leaf node which represents text, either PCDATA/CDATA or one of the special ODF nodes representing tab, line-break or consecutive spaces.

$boolean = $elt=>His_text_container()

Returns TRUE if $elt is a paragraph, heading or span.

$newelt = $elt=>Hsplit_element_at($offset)

Hsplit_element_at is like XML::Twig's split_at but also knows how to split text:s nodes.

If $elt is a textual leaf (PCDATA, text:s, etc.) it is split, otherwise it's first textual child is split. Even a single-character leaf may be "split" if $offset==0 or 1, see below.

The "right half" is moved to a new next sibling node, which is returned.

$offset must be between 0 and the existing length, inclusive. If $offset is 0 then all existing content is moved to the new sibling and the original node will be empty upon return. if $offset equals the existing length then the new sibling will be empty.

If a text:s node is split then the new node will also be a text:s node "containing" the appropriate number of spaces. The 'text:c' attribute will be zero if the node is "empty".

If a text:tab or text:line-break node is split then either the new node will be an empty PCDATA node or the original will be transmuted in-place to become an empty PCDATA node.


$context->Hget_text(prune_cond => COND)

Gets the combined "virtual text" in or below $context, by default including in nested paragraphs (e.g. in Frames or Tables). The special nodes which represent tabs, line-breaks and consecutive spaces are expanded to the corresponding characters.

Option prune_cond may be used to omit text below specified node types (see Hnext_elt).


ODF::lpOD::TextElement::get_text() with option recursive > TRUE looks like it should do the same thing as Hget_text(), but it has bugs:

  1. The special nodes for tab, etc. are expanded only when they are the immediate children of $context. With the 'recursive' option #PCDATA nodes in nested paragraphs are expanded but tabs, etc. are ignored.

  2. If $context is itself a text leaf, it is expanded only if it is a #PCDATA node, not if it is a tab, etc. node.

I think get_text's "recursive" option was probably intended to include text from paragraphs in possibly-nested frames and tables, and it was an oversight that that special text nodes are not always handled correctly.

Note that Hget_text is "recursive" by default; the 'prune_cond' option is the only way to restrict recursion.


Similar to XML::Twig's normalize() method but also "normalizes" text:s usage.

Nodes are edited so that spaces are represented with the first or only space in a #PCDATA node and subsequent consecutive spaces in a text:s node. Adjacent nodes of the same type are merged, and empties deleted.

$context may be any text container or ancestor up to the document body.

$next_elt = $prev_elt->Hnext_elt($subtree_root, $cond, $prune_cond);

This are like the "next_elt" method in XML::Twig but accepts an additional argument giving a "prune condition", which if present suppresses decendants of matching nodes.

A pruned node is itself returned if it also matches the primary condition.

$subtree_root is never pruned, i.e. it's children are always visited.

If $prune_cond is undef then Hnext_elt works exactly like XML::Twig's next_elt.

@elts = $context->Hdescendants($cond, $prune_cond);

@elts = $context->Hdescendants_or_self($cond, $prune_cond);

These are like the similarly-named non-H methods of XML::Twig but can suppress descendants of nodes matching a "prune condition".

EXAMPLE 1: In an ODF document, paragraphs may contain frames which in turn contain encapsulated paragraphs. To find only top-level paragraphs and treat frames as opaque:

# Iterative
my $elt = $doc->get_body;
while($elt = $elt->Hnext_elt($body, qr/^text:[ph]$/, 'draw:frame'))
{ ...process paragraph $elt }

# Same thing but getting all the paragraphs at once
@paras = $doc->get_body->Hdescendants(qr/^text:[ph]$/, 'draw:frame');

EXAMPLE 2: Get all the leaf nodes representing ODF text in a paragraph (including under spans), and also any top-level frames; but not any content stored inside a frame:

$para = ...
my $elt = $para;
while ($elt = $elt->Hnext_elt(
{ ...process PCDATA/CDATA/tab/line-break/spaces or frame $elt  }

If the $prune_cond parameter is omitted or undef then these methods work exactly like the correspoinding non-H methods.

Hnext_elt, Hdescendants and Hdescendants_or_self Hparent and Hself_or_parent are installed as methods of XML::Twig::Elt.

$node->Hparent($cond, [$stop_cond])

Returns the nearest ancestor which matches condition $cond.

If $stop_cond is defined, then 0 is returned if the search would ascend above the nearest ancestor matching the stop condition. Undef is returned no ancestor matches either $cond or $stop_cond.

For exmaple,

my $row = $elt->Hparent("table:table-row", "draw:frame");

would locate the table row containing $elt but return false if $elt was encapsulated in a frame within the row (or if it is in a table at all).

$node->Hself_or_parent($cond, [$stop_cond])

Like Hparent but returns $node itself if it matches $cond.

$cond = Hor_cond(COND, ...)

This function combines multiple XML::Twig search conditions, which may be any mixture of string, regex, or code-ref conditions. The resulting condition will match any of the input conditions (hence "or").

This is useful to augment conditions exported by another module when you are not certain how the other condition is implemented, for example

use ODF::lpOD_Helper qw(:DEFAULT PARA_FILTER);
use constant MY_PARAORFRAME_FILTER => Hor_cond(PARA_FILTER, 'draw:frame');
@elts = $context->descendants(MY_PARAORFRAME_FILTER)

This would collect all paragraphs or frames below $context. Note that PARA_FILTER might be 'text:p|text:h' or qr/^text:[ph]$/ or sub{ $_[0] eq 'text:p' || $_[0] eq 'text:h' } etc.

Hor_cond optimizes a few regex forms into equivalent string conditions, which have been measured to be 30% faster.

$context->Hgen_style_name($family, SUFFIX)


Generate a style or table name not currently in use.

In the case of a style, the $family must be specified ("text", "table", etc.).

SUFFIX is an optional string which will be appended to a generated unique name to make it easier for humans to recognize.

$context may be the document itself or any Element.

$doc->Hautomatic_style($family, PROPERTIES...)

Find or create an 'automatic' (i.e. functionally anonymous) style with the specified high-level properties (see Hreplace).

Styles are re-used when possible, so the returned style object should not be modified because it might be shared.

$family must be "text" or another supported style family name (TODO: specify)

When family is "paragraph", PROPERTIES may include recognized 'text area' properties, which are internally segregated and put into the required 'text area' sub-style. Fonts are registered.

The invocant must be the document object.

$doc->Hcommon_style($family, PROPERTIES...)

Create a 'common' (i.e. named by the user) style from high-level properties.

The name, which must not name an existing style, is given by name => "STYLENAME" somewhere in PROPERTIES.



Returns a signature string uniquely representing the members (keys and values in the case of a hash). References are represented using their 'refaddr'.

Note that referenced data is not recursively examined. Signatures of different structures will match only if corresponding first-level non-ref values are 'eq' and refs are exactly the same refs.

fmt_node($node, OPTIONS)

Format a single ODF::lpOD (really XML::Twig) node for debug messages, without a final newline.

wi => NUM may be given in OPTIONS to indent wrapped lines by the indicated number of spaces.

fmt_tree($subtree_root, OPTIONS)

Format a node and all of it's children (sans final newline).


Some versions of LibreOffice track revisions by installing special spans using "rsid" styles which interfere with cloning. The problem is that LO expectes these styles to be referenced exactly once. The Hclean_for_cloning() method will remove them.

There is some evidence that it was supposed to be possible to save LO documents without 'rsid's but AFAIK such a feature is not currently available. See


This unpleasant hack removes all "rsid" properties from all styles the document.

Hclean_for_cloning should be called before cloning anything in a document if the cloned items might have been edited by Libre Office. It may be called multiple times; second and subsequent calls do nothing.

Gory detail: Every style in the document is examined and officeooo:rsid and officeooo:paragraph-rsid attributes are deleted.

(This next step is currently disabled:) Then every span in the document body is examined and if the span's style is a style which no longer has any properties (i.e. it existed only to record an rsid property), then the span is erased, moving up the span's children.


The original ODF::lpOD_Helper was written in 2012 and used privately. In early 2023 the code was released to CPAN. In Aug 2023 a major overhaul was released as rev 6.000 with API changes.

As of Feb 2023, the underlying ODF::lpOD is not actively maintained (last updated in 2014, v1.126), and is unusable as-is. However with ODF::lpOD_Helper, ODF::lpOD is once again an extremely useful tool.

Motivation: ODF::lpOD by itself can be inconvenient because

  1. Method arguments must be passed as encoded binary bytes, rather than character strings. See ODF::lpOD_Helper::Unicode for why this is a problem.

  2. search() can not match segmented strings, and so can not match text which was internally fragmented by LibreOffice, or which crosses style boundaries; nor can searches match tab, newline or consecutive spaces (which are represented by specialized elements). replace() has analogous limitations.

  3. Nested paragraphs (which can occur via frames and tables) are difficult or impossible to deal with because of various limitations of ODF::lpOD (notably with get_text()).

  4. "Unknown method DESTROY" warnings occur without a patch (ODF::lpOD v1.126;

Why not just fix ODF::lpOD ?

Ideally bugs in ODF::lpOD would simply be fixed. Enhancements should be added in a compatible way with integrated documentation for everything.

However the original author of ODF::lpOD, Jean-Marie Gouarne, is no longer active and some bugs (notably with get_text) appear to require non-trivial changes. Making substantial changes to the ODF::lpOD code base would be too risky at this point in history.

ODF::lpOD_Helper introduced higher-level APIs which should get further study and revision to fully comport with Jean-Marie's vision and usage model. Ideally that would be done but it would require too much effort (again, at this point in history). At least for this author!


Jim Avera (jim.avera AT gmail)


ODF::lpOD_Helper is in the Public Domain or CC0 license. However it requires ODF::lpOD to function so as a practical matter you must comply with ODF::lpOD's license.

ODF::lpOD (v1.126) may be used under the GPL 3 or Apache 2.0 license.