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DBM::Deep - A pure perl multi-level hash/array DBM


use DBM::Deep;
my $db = new DBM::Deep "foo.db";

$db->{key} = 'value'; # tie() style
print $db->{key};

$db->put('key', 'value'); # OO style
print $db->get('key');

# true multi-level support
$db->{my_complex} = [
	'hello', { perl => 'rules' }, 
	42, 99 ];


A very unique DBM, written in pure perl. True multi-level hash/array support (unlike MLDBM, which is faked), hybrid OO / tie() interface, cross-platform FTPable files, and quite fast. Can handle millions of keys and unlimited hash levels without significant slow-down. Written from the ground-up in pure perl -- this is NOT a wrapper around a C-based DBM. Out-of-the-box compatibility with Unix, Mac OS X and Windows.


Construction can be done OO-style (which is the recommended way), or using Perl's tie() function. Both are examined here.


The recommended way to construct a DBM::Deep object is to use the new() method, which gets you a a blessed, tied hash or array reference.

my $db = new DBM::Deep "foo.db";

This opens a new database handle, mapped to the file "foo.db". If this file does not exist, it will automatically be created. DB files are opened in "w+" (read/write) mode, and the type of object returned is a hash, unless otherwise specified (see OPTIONS below).

You can pass a number of options to the constructor to specify things like locking, autoflush, etc. This is done by passing an inline hash:

my $db = new DBM::Deep(
	file => "foo.db",
	locking => 1,
	autoflush => 1

Notice that the filename is now specified inside the hash with the "file" parameter, as opposed to being the sole argument to the constructor. This is required if any options are specified. See OPTIONS below for the complete list.

You can also start with an array instead of a hash. For this, you must specify the type parameter:

my $db = new DBM::Deep(
	file => "foo.db",
	type => DBM::Deep::TYPE_ARRAY

Note: Specifing the type parameter only takes effect when beginning a new DB file. If you create a DBM::Deep object with an existing file, the type will be loaded from the file header.


Alternatively, you can create a DBM::Deep handle by using Perl's built-in tie() function. This is not ideal, because you get only a basic, tied hash which is not blessed, so you can't call any functions on it.

my %hash;
tie %hash, "DBM::Deep", "foo.db";

my @array;
tie @array, "DBM::Deep", "bar.db";

As with the OO constructor, you can replace the DB filename parameter with a hash containing one or more options (see OPTIONS just below for the complete list).

tie %hash, "DBM::Deep", {
	file => "foo.db",
	locking => 1,
	autoflush => 1


There are a number of options that can be passed in when constructing your DBM::Deep objects. These apply to both the OO- and tie- based approaches.

  • file

    Filename of the DB file to link the handle to. You can pass a full absolute filesystem path, partial path, or a plain filename if the file is in the current working directory. This is a required parameter.

  • mode

    File open mode (read-only, read-write, etc.) string passed to Perl's FileHandle module. This is an optional parameter, and defaults to "w+" (read/write).

  • type

    This parameter specifies what type of object to create, a hash or array. Use one of these two constants: DBM::Deep::TYPE_HASH or DBM::Deep::TYPE_ARRAY. This only takes effect when beginning a new file. This is an optional parameter, and defaults to hash.

  • locking

    Specifies whether locking is to be enabled. DBM::Deep uses Perl's Fnctl flock() function to lock the database in exclusive mode for writes, and shared mode for reads. Pass any true value to enable. This affects the base DB handle and any child hashes or arrays that use the same DB file. This is an optional parameter, and defaults to 0 (disabled). See LOCKING below for more.

  • autoflush

    Specifies whether autoflush is to be enabled on the underlying FileHandle. This obviously slows down write operations, but is required if you have multiple processes accessing the same DB file (also consider enable locking or at least volatile). Pass any true value to enable. This is an optional parameter, and defaults to 0 (disabled).

  • volatile

    If volatile mode is enabled, DBM::Deep will stat() the DB file before each STORE() operation. This is required if an outside force may change the size of the file between transactions. Locking also implicitly enables volatile. This is useful if you want to use a different locking system or write your own. Pass any true value to enable. This is an optional parameter, and defaults to 0 (disabled).

  • debug

    Currently, debug mode does nothing more than print all errors to STDERR. However, it may be expanded in the future to log more debugging information. Pass any true value to enable. This is an optional paramter, and defaults to 0 (disabled).


With DBM::Deep you can access your databases using Perl's standard hash/array syntax. Because all Deep objects are tied to hashes or arrays, you can treat them as such. Deep will intercept all reads/writes and direct them to the right place -- the DB file. This has nothing to do with the "TIE CONSTRUCTION" section above. This simply tells you how to use DBM::Deep using regular hashes and arrays, rather than calling functions like get() and put() (although those work too). It is entirely up to you how to want to access your databases.


You can treat any DBM::Deep object like a normal Perl hash. Add keys, or even nested hashes (or arrays) using standard Perl syntax:

my $db = new DBM::Deep "foo.db";

$db->{mykey} = "myvalue";
$db->{myhash} = {};
$db->{myhash}->{subkey} = "subvalue";

print $db->{myhash}->{subkey} . "\n";

You can even step through hash keys using the normal Perl keys() function:

foreach my $key (keys %$db) {
	print "$key: " . $db->{$key} . "\n";

Remember that Perl's keys() function extracts every key from the hash and pushes them onto an array, all before the loop even begins. If you have an extra large hash, this may exhaust Perl's memory. Instead, consider using Perl's each() function, which pulls keys/values one at a time, using very little memory:

while (my ($key, $value) = each %$db) {
	print "$key: $value\n";


As with hashes, you can treat any DBM::Deep object like a normal Perl array. This includes length(), push(), pop(), shift(), unshift() and splice(). The object must have first been created using type DBM::Deep::TYPE_ARRAY, or simply be a child array reference. Examples:

my $db = new DBM::Deep "foo.db"; # hash
$db->{myarray} = []; # new array ref inside hash

$db->{myarray}->[0] = "foo";
push @{$db->{myarray}}, "bar", "baz";
unshift @{$db->{myarray}}, "bah";

my $last_elem = pop @{$db->{myarray}}; # baz
my $first_elem = shift @{$db->{myarray}}; # bah
my $second_elem = $db->{myarray}->[1]; # bar


In addition to the tie() interface, you can also use a standard OO interface to manipulate all aspects of DBM::Deep databases. Each type of object (hash or array) has its own methods, but both types share the following methods: put(), get(), exists(), delete() and clear().

  • put()

    Stores a new hash key/value pair, or sets an array element value. Takes two arguments, the hash key or array index, and the new value. The value can be a scalar, hash ref or array ref. Returns true on success, false on failure.

    $db->put("foo", "bar");
  • get()

    Fetches the value of a hash key or array element. Takes one argument: the hash key or array index. Returns a scalar, hash ref or array ref, depending on the data type stored.

    my $value = $db->get("foo");
  • exists()

    Checks if a hash key or array index exists. Takes one argument: the hash key or array index. Returns true if it exists, false if not.

    if ($db->exists("foo")) { print "yay!\n"; }
  • delete()

    Deletes one hash key/value pair or array element. Takes one argument: the hash key or array index. Returns true on success, false if not found. For arrays, the remaining elements located after the deleted element are NOT moved over. The deleted element is essentially just undefined. Please note that the space occupied by the deleted key/value or element is not reused again -- see "UNUSED SPACE RECOVERY" below for details and workarounds.

  • clear()

    Deletes all hash keys or array elements. Takes no arguments. No return value. Please note that the space occupied by the deleted keys/values or elements is not reused again -- see "UNUSED SPACE RECOVERY" below for details and workarounds.



For hashes, DBM::Deep supports all the common methods described above, and the following additional methods: first_key() and next_key().

  • first_key()

    Returns the "first" key in the hash. As with built-in Perl hashes, keys are fetched in an undefined order (which appears random). Takes no arguments, returns the key as a scalar value.

    my $key = $db->first_key();
  • next_key()

    Returns the "next" key in the hash, given the previous one as the sole argument. Returns undef if there are no more keys to be fetched.

    $key = $db->next_key($key);

Here are some examples of using hashes:

my $db = new DBM::Deep "foo.db";

$db->put("foo", "bar");
print "foo: " . $db->get("foo") . "\n";

$db->put("baz", {}); # new child hash ref
$db->get("baz")->put("buz", "biz");
print "buz: " . $db->get("baz")->get("buz") . "\n";

my $key = $db->first_key();
while ($key) {
	print "$key: " . $db->get($key) . "\n";
	$key = $db->next_key($key);	

if ($db->exists("foo")) { $db->delete("foo"); }


For arrays, DBM::Deep supports all the common methods described above, and the following additional methods: length(), push(), pop(), shift(), unshift() and splice().

  • length()

    Returns the number of elements in the array. Takes no arguments.

    my $len = $db->length();
  • push()

    Adds one or more elements onto the end of the array. Accepts scalars, hash refs or array refs. No return value.

    $db->push("foo", "bar", {});
  • pop()

    Fetches the last element in the array, and deletes it. Takes no arguments. Returns undef if array is empty. Returns the element value.

    my $elem = $db->pop();
  • shift()

    Fetches the first element in the array, deletes it, then shifts all the remaining elements over to take up the space. Returns the element value. This method is not recommended with large arrays -- see "LARGE ARRAYS" below for details.

    my $elem = $db->shift();
  • unshift()

    Inserts one or more elements onto the beginning of the array, shifting all existing elements over to make room. Accepts scalars, hash refs or array refs. No return value. This method is not recommended with large arrays -- see "LARGE ARRAYS" below for details.

    $db->unshift("foo", "bar", {});
  • splice()

    Performs exactly like Perl's built-in function of the same name. See "perldoc -f splice" for usage -- it is too complicated to document here. This method is not recommended with large arrays -- see "LARGE ARRAYS" below for details.

Here are some examples of using arrays:

my $db = new DBM::Deep(
	file => "foo.db",
	type => DBM::Deep::TYPE_ARRAY

$db->push("bar", "baz");
$db->put(3, "buz");

my $len = $db->length();
print "length: $len\n"; # 4

for (my $k=0; $k<$len; $k++) {
	print "$k: " . $db->get($k) . "\n";

$db->splice(1, 2, "biz", "baf");

while (my $elem = shift @$db) {
	print "shifted: $elem\n";


Enable automatic file locking by passing a true value to the locking parameter when constructing your DBM::Deep object (see SETUP above).

my $db = new DBM::Deep(
	file => "foo.db",
	locking => 1

This causes Deep to flock() the underlying FileHandle object with exclusive mode for writes, and shared mode for reads. This is required if you have multiple processes accessing the same database file, to avoid file corruption. Please note that flock() does NOT work for files over NFS. See "DB OVER NFS" below for more.


You can explicitly lock a database, so it remains locked for multiple transactions. This is done by calling the lock() method, and passing an optional lock mode argument (defaults to exlusive mode). This is particularly useful for things like counters, where the current value needs to be fetched, incremented, then stored again.

my $counter = $db->get("counter");
$db->put("counter", $counter);

# or...


You can pass lock() an optional argument, which specifies which mode to use (exclusive or shared). Use one of these two constants: DBM::Deep::LOCK_EX or DBM::Deep::LOCK_SH. These are passed directly to flock(), and are the same as the constants defined in Perl's Fcntl module.

$db->lock( DBM::Deep::LOCK_SH );
# something here

If you want to implement your own file locking scheme, be sure to create your DBM::Deep objects setting the volatile option to true. This hints to Deep that the DB file may change between transactions. See "LOW-LEVEL ACCESS" below for more.


Most DBM::Deep methods return a true value for success, and a false value for failure. Upon failure, the actual error message is stored in an internal scalar, which can be fetched by calling the error() method.

my $db = new DBM::Deep "foo.db"; # hash
$db->push("foo"); # ILLEGAL -- array only func

print $db->error(); # prints error message

You can then call clear_error() to clear the current error state.


It is always a good idea to check the error state upon object creation. Deep immediately tries to open() the FileHandle, so if you don't have sufficient permissions or some other filesystem error occurs, you should act accordingly before trying to access the database.

my $db = new DBM::Deep("foo.db");
if ($db->error()) {
	die "ERROR: " . $db->error();

If you set the debug option to true when creating your DBM::Deep object, all errors are printed to STDERR.


If you have a 64-bit system, and your Perl is compiled with both largefile and 64-bit support, you may be able to create databases larger than 2 GB. DBM::Deep by default uses 32-bit file offset tags, but these can be changed by calling the static set_pack() method before you do anything else.

DBM::Deep::set_pack(8, 'Q');

This tells DBM::Deep to pack all file offsets with 8-byte (64-bit) quad words instead of 32-bit longs. After setting these values your DB files have a theoretical maximum size of 16 XB (exabytes).

Note: Changing these values will NOT work for existing database files. Only change this for new files, and make sure it stays set throughout the file's life. If you set these values, you can no longer access 32-bit DB files. You can call set_pack(4, 'N') to change back to 32-bit mode.

Note: I have not personally tested files > 2 GB -- all my systems have only a 32-bit Perl. If anyone tries this, please tell me what happens!


If you require low-level access to the underlying FileHandle that Deep uses, you can call the fh() method, which returns the handle:

my $fh = $db->fh();

This method can be called on the root level of the datbase, or any child hashes or arrays. All levels share a root structure, which contains things like the FileHandle, a reference counter, and all your options you specified when you created the object. You can get access to this root structure by calling the root() method.

my $root = $db->root();

This is useful for changing options after the object has already been created, such as enabling/disabling locking, volatile or debug modes. You can also store your own temporary user data in this structure (be wary of name collision), which is then accessible from any child hash or array.


This section describes all the known issues with DBM::Deep. It you have found something that is not listed here, please send e-mail to


One major caveat with Deep is that space occupied by existing keys and values is not recovered when they are deleted. Meaning if you keep deleting and adding new keys, your file will continuously grow. I am working on this, but in the meantime you can call the built-in optimize() method from time to time (perhaps in a crontab or something) to rekindle all your unused space.

$db->optimize(); # returns true on success

This rebuilds the ENTIRE database into a new file, then moves it on top of the original. The new file will have no unused space, thus it will take up as little disk space as possible. Please note that this operation can take a long time for large files, and you need enough disk space to hold 2 copies of your DB file. The temporary file is created in the same directory as the original, named with ".tmp", and is deleted when the operation completes. Oh, and if locking is enabled, the DB is automatically locked for the entire duration of the copy.

WARNING: Only call optimize() on the top-level node of the database, and make sure there are no child references lying around. Deep keeps a reference counter, and if it is greater than 1, optimize() will abort and return undef.


Unfortunately, autovivification doesn't always work. This appears to be a bug in Perl's tie() system, as Jakob Schmidt encountered the very same issue with his DWH_FIle module (see Basically, your milage may vary when issuing statements like this:

$db->{a} = { b => [ 1, 2, { c => [ 'd', { e => 'f' } ] } ] };

This causes 3 hashes and 2 arrays to be created in the database all in one fell swoop, and all nested within each other. Perl may choke on this, and fail to create one or more of the nested structures. This doesn't appear to be a bug in DBM::Deep, but I am still investigating it. The problem is intermittent. For safety, I recommend creating nested structures using a series of commands instead of just one, which will always work:

$db->{a} = {};
$db->{a}->{b} = [];

my $b = $db->{a}->{b};
$b->[0] = 1;
$b->[1] = 2;
$b->[2] = {};
$b->[2]->{c} = [];

my $c = $b->[2]->{c};
$c->[0] = 'd';
$c->[1] = {};
$c->[1]->{e} = 'f';

undef $c;
undef $b;

Note: I have yet to recreate this bug with Perl 5.8.1. Perhaps the issue has been resolved? Will update as events warrant.


The current level of error handling in Deep is minimal. Files are checked for a 32-bit signature on open(), but other corruption in files can cause segmentation faults. Deep may try to seek() past the end of a file, or get stuck in an infinite loop depending on the level of corruption. File write operations are not checked for failure (for speed), so if you happen to run out of disk space, Deep will probably fail in a bad way. These things will be addressed in a later version of DBM::Deep.


Beware of using DB files over NFS. Deep uses flock(), which works well on local filesystems, but will NOT protect you from file corruption over NFS. I've heard about setting up your NFS server with a locking daemon, then using lockf() to lock your files, but your milage may vary there as well. From what I understand, there is no real way to do it. However, if you need access to the underlying FileHandle in Deep for using some other kind of locking scheme, see the "LOW-LEVEL ACCESS" section above.


Beware of copying tied objects in Perl. Very bad things can happen. Instead, use Deep's clone() method which safely copies the object and returns a new, blessed, tied hash or array to the same level in the DB.

my $copy = $db->clone();


Beware of using shift(), unshift() or splice() with large arrays. These functions cause every element in the array to move, which can be murder on DBM::Deep, as every element has to be fetched from disk, then stored again in a different location. This will be addressed in a later version.


Joseph Huckaby,


perltie, Tie::Hash, flock(2)


Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Joseph Huckaby. All Rights Reserved. This is free software, you may use it and distribute it under the same terms as Perl itself.