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MKDoc::Auth::User - Simple user class for MKDoc::Auth



Returns the MKDoc::SQL::Table object associated with this class. This object represents the table in which MKDoc::Auth::User objects are stored.


Returns the name of the SQL table in which MKDoc::Auth::User objects are stored.


Instanciates and returns the MKDoc::SQL::Table object in which MKDoc::Auth::User objects are stored.


The maximum length of the login field.


The minimum length of the login field.


The maximum length of the password.


The minimum length of the password.


Validates this object. For each error encountered, instanciates MKDoc::Core::Error objects. If you are using a MKDoc::Core::Plugin object.

Possible error flags:

auth/user/id/undefined - The object is not new, but it has no ID field
auth/user/id/no_match - The object is not new, but its ID field was not in the database
auth/user/login/empty - This object Login attribute is empty
auth/user/login/too_short - This object Login attribute is too short
auth/user/login/loo_long - This object Login attribute is too long
auth/user/login/exists - This object is new, but the login already exists in the database
auth/user/login/changed - This object is not new. Its login cannot be changed
auth/user/password/empty - This object 'Password_1' attribute is empty
auth/user/password/too_short - This object 'Password_1' attribute is too short
auth/user/password/too_long - This object 'Password_1' attribute is loo long
auth/user/password/mismatch - This object 'Password_1' and 'Password_2' attributes do not match
auth/user/password/empty - No password was set for this object
auth/user/email/empty - This object 'Email' attribute is empty
auth/user/email/invalid - This object 'Email' attribute is not valid
auth/user/full_name/empty - This object 'Full_Name' attribute is undefined or empty
auth/user/full_name/too_short - This object 'Full_Name' attribute is too short
auth/user/full_name/too_long - This object 'Full_Name' attribute is too long

$class->new (%args);

Creates a new MKDoc::Auth::User object. %args must be:

  email      => $email_address,
  full_name  => $full_name,
  password_1 => $user_password,
  password_2 => $user_password,

The 'email' argument will also be used as the login of the user.


Returns all MKDoc::Auth::User objects which have been saved.

$class->load ($id);

Returns the MKDoc::Auth::User object from its object id.

$class->load_from_login ($login);

Returns the MKDoc::Auth::User object with login $login.

$class->find_from_email ($email);

Finds all the users whose email address is matching $email.


Saves the object into the database. If the object is new, inserts it. Otherwise updates it.


Deletes the object from the database.


Returns the identifier of this object.


Returns the Login attribute of this object.

$self->set_login ($login);

Sets the Login attribute for this object.


Returns the proposed new password of this object.

$self->set_password_1 ($new_password);

Sets the proposed new password for this object.


Returns the proposed new password verification of this object.

$self->set_password_2 ($new_password_verify);

Sets the proposed new password verification for this object.


Returns the encrypted password of this object.


Sets the encrypted password of this object.

$self->check_password ($pass);

Checks wether the encrypted $pass matches $self->password().


Returns the full name of this object.

$self->set_full_name ($full_name);

Sets the full name of this object.


Returns the email of this object.

$self->set_email ($email);

Sets the email of this object.

$self->crypt_and_set_temp_password ($clear_password);

Encryps $clear_password and sets it as a temporary password.

$self->set_temp_password ($crypted_pass);

Sets the encrypted password of this object.


Gets the encrypted password of this object.

$self->check_temp_password ($pass);

Checks wether the encrypted $pass matches $self->temp_password().


Deletes the current temporary password.