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Asterisk::LCR - Least Cost Routing for Asterisk


Asterisk::LCR is an open-source, Perl-based collection of tools to help you manage efficiently multiple VoIP providers with your Asterisk installation.

It attempts to be sort of clean, simple and well documented.


Once Asterisk::LCR is installed, you need to write a configuration file.

  $] cat /etc/asterisk-lcr.cfg
  package  = Asterisk::LCR::Comparer::XERAND
  currency = eur
  package  = Asterisk::LCR::Dialer::MinCost
  locale   = eu
  package  = Asterisk::LCR::Importer::VoIPJet
  uri      =
  target   = voipjet.txt
  dial     = us IAX2/login@voipjet/REPLACEME
  package  = Asterisk::LCR::Importer::NuFone
  uri      =
  target   = nufone.txt
  dial     = us IAX2/login@NuFone/REPLACEME

Let's examine the few sections of this configuration file:

comparer section

There needs to be a configuration section named [comparer], which defines what comparing strategy to use.

  package  = Asterisk::LCR::Comparer::XERAND
  currency = eur

You can switch comparing strategies using the 'package' attribute. At the moment of this writing there are only two packages:

You can write you own comparer modules by subclassing the Asterisk::LCR::Comparer package.

comparer - Asterisk::LCR::Comparer::Dummy

Compares rates without paying attentions to details like currency, connection charge or per minute billing.

Pretty dumb, but useful to see how things work and for debugging.

comparer - Asterisk::LCR::Comparer::XERAND

Compares rates by converting currency using XE's website.

Then, compares, say, a 30/6 with a 1/1 rate by running a simulation of how much it would actually cost with calls of random value between 0 and 200 seconds.

dialer section

You can choose between two strategies:

dialer - Asterisk::LCR::Dialer::MinCost

This strategy minimizes cost by trying from cheapest to most expensive provider for any given route, in the limit of 3 providers.

  package  = Asterisk::LCR::Dialer::MinCost
  locale   = fr
  limit    = 3

dialer - Asterisk::LCR::Dialer::MinTime

This strategy minimizes PDD (Post-Dialing-Delay) by trying dialing out the 3 cheapest providers at the same time.

  package  = Asterisk::LCR::Dialer::MinCost
  locale   = fr
  limit    = 3

import modules

ATTENTION: ALL import sections must be named [import:<something>] and ALL of them must have a unique name.

These modules are used to import / download rates from various providers. The following modules are available.

import - Asterisk::LCR::Import::VoIPJet

Import module for VoIPJet.

  package  = Asterisk::LCR::Importer::VoIPJet
  target   = voipjet.txt
  dial     = us IAX2/login@voipjet/REPLACEME

Note the 'dial' parameter which is a dial template. In this example, 'us' indicate that VoIPJet uses US style dialing and IAX2/login@voipjet/REPLACEME is a dial template which needs to be replaced with your own login. REPLACEME is automagically replaced with the right "stuff" when the dialplan is generated.

This dial template assumes that voipjet's peer definition is placed under [voipjet] in iax.conf.

import - Asterisk::LCR::Import::NuFone

Import module for NuFone. (Unfortunately, NuFone no longer has international destinations on its price list).

  package  = Asterisk::LCR::Importer::NuFone
  target   = nufone.txt
  dial     = us IAX2/login@NuFone/REPLACEME

This dial template assumes that nufone's peer definition is placed under [NuFone] in iax.conf.

import - Asterisk::LCR::Import::PlainVoip

Import module for PlainVoip.

  package  = Asterisk::LCR::Importer::PlainVoip
  target   = plainvoip.txt
  dial     = us IAX2/login@PlainVoip/REPLACEME

This dial template assumes that plainvoip's peer definition is placed under [PlainVoip] in iax.conf.

import - Asterisk::LCR::Import::CanonicalCSV

Any CSV file which uses a specific .CSV format can be used by Asterisk::LCR. In fact, VoIPJet and NuFone's importers simply convert their CSV format into a standardized, canonical format. The format is as follows:

  $] cat some_other_provider.txt
  262,Reunion Island,Ykoz,EUR,0.035,0,1,1
  262692,Reunion Island Mobile,Ykoz,EUR,0.15,0,1,1

Any provider providing this CSV format can instantly be used with Asterisk::LCR. Encourage yours to provide rates in this format today!


First you need to create a working directory in which you will use the LCR tools.

mkdir /tmp/lcrstuff

Once you have written your configuration file, you can do three things:

STEP 1 : Import your provider's rates

  cd /tmp/lcr

This will import all the providers you have defined in the [provider:something] sections and write them onto disk in a canonical format.

STEP 2 : Generate the LCR database tree

  cd /tmp/lcr

This will generate a <prefix> => [ list of sorted rates ] tree from the rates which you have imported.

STEP 3 : Generate your optimized dialplan

  cd /tmp/lcr
  asterisk-lcr-dialplan >/etc/asterisk/lcr-dialplan.conf

This will generate an optimized dialplan which you can cut and paste (or more likely include) in your Asterisk's dialplan.


Asterisk::LCR is capable of generating dialplans which implement your local dialing conventions.

Locales are located in text files which can be found in this distribution under ./lib/Asterisk/LCR/Locale/

At the time of this writing there are two implemented translation tables: us.txt (for US-style dialing) and fr.txt (for France + overseas departments dialing).

Feel free to submit your own translations tables to me! I will add them in the distribution.

US Locale translation tables:

  "011"   ""         # International prefixes are removed
  "1"     "1"        # If it start with a '1', then it's all good

FR Locale translation tables:

The remains of what used to be the 'French Empire' make things a little more complicated...

  # local prefix  <tab>   global number replacement
  "00"    ""         # international prefix is replaced by nothing, i.e 0044X. => 44X.
  "0262"  "262262"   # These prefixes are for overseas department, which within France are
  "0692"  "262692"   # dialed as a national number but have separate country codes at the
  "0590"  "590590"   # international telephony level
  "0690"  "590690"
  "0594"  "594594"
  "0694"  "594694"
  "0596"  "596596"
  "0696"  "596696"
  "0"     "33"       # 0X. => 0033X.


  Copyright 2006 - Jean-Michel Hiver - All Rights Reserved

  Asterisk::LCR is under the GPL license. See the LICENSE file for details.

  Mailing list: not yet. Someone fancy setting one up for me?

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 201:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'rates ]'. Assuming UTF-8