

Used by Finance::Bank::Wachovia::Account to represent transactions. After instantiating a Finance::Bank::Wachovia::Account object you can get a list of all the transactions for that account using the $account->transactions() method. It returns a reference to an array of transaction objects.

my $tran = $account->transactions->[-1];

print "Most recent transaction: ",
      $tran->description, " -- ",
      $tran->date,        " -- ",
      ( $tran->withdrawal_amount || $deposit_amount ), "\n";

By default, the transactions are stored in oldest to newest.


All the methods (except new) are merely accessors for the attributes of the transaction. The names of the methods pretty much describe the data as well as is needed. The ones that don't have what could best be described as a generally well understood meaning (by myself anyways), I don't know what they are either. The ones that I don't really know what purpose they serve are: 'action', 'seq_no', and 'check_num'. You would think that 'check_num' corresponded to the number on any checks processed, but this doesn't appear to be the case. In my experience 'action' has always been empty, and seq_no I don't know what it is used for. If you know how to use it, there it is.

  • date

  • action

  • description

  • withdrawal_amount

  • deposit_amount

  • balance

  • seq_no

  • trans_code

  • check_num


Finance::Bank::Wachovia Finance::Bank::Wachovia::Account

2 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 57:

=begin without a target?

Around line 113:

Unknown directive: =cu