Logic::TruthTable::Util - provide utility functions to Logic::TruthTable


This module provides various utilities designed for (but not limited to) creating or manipulating term lists for Logic::TruthTable.




push_minterm_columns($idx, $dir, \@colx, \@coly, \@colz);


push_maxterm_columns($idx, $dir, \@colx, \@coly, \@colz);

Often the outputs to be simulated by boolean expressions are values that are split across more than one column. For example, say that you want to model a function to direct a pointer that uses the eight cardinal and ordinal compass directions, from North (value 0) to NorthWest (value 7).

Numbering these directions takes three bits, which means you'd need three columns to represent them.

To make it easier to create these columns, push_minterm_columns() (or, if you prefer, push_maxterm_columns()) will take a value from your function and, for each set bit (or if using maxterms, unset bit), will push the minterm (or maxterm) onto each array corresponding to its column.

For example, if the value of row 20 is 5 (in binary 0b101), then a call to push_minterm_columns(20, 5, \@x, \@y, \@z); will push 20 onto array variables @x, and @z, while a call to push_maxterm_columns(20, 5, \@x, \@y, \@z); will push a 20 onto array variable @y only.

Bit values past the available columns will simply be dropped, while excess columns will either never have terms pushed on them (push_minterm_columns()) or always have terms pushed on them (push_maxterm_columns()).

For example:

# Each column gets its own term list.
# The don't-care terms will be common across
# all columns.
my(@col2, @col1, @col0, @dontcares);

# For each cell, return a direction.
for my $idx (0..63)
    my $dir = sp_moveto($idx);

    # In this example, a cell that cannot be exited cannot
    # be entered either, so mark it as a don't-care.
    if ($dir < 0 or $dir > 7)
        push @dontcares, $idx;
        # For any set bit in $dir, push $idx onto the corresponding
        # column list.
        push_minterm_columns($idx, $dir, \@col2, \@col1, \@col0);

You will then have the minterms available for each column of your truth table.

my $dir_table = Logic::TruthTable->new(
            title => "Sandusky Path",
            width => 6,
            vars => [qw(a b c d e f)],
            functions => [qw(m2 m1 m0)],
            columns => [
                    minterms => \@col2,
                    dontcares => \@dontcares,
                    minterms => \@col1,
                    dontcares => \@dontcares,
                    minterms => \@col0,
                    dontcares => \@dontcares,
                } ],


Return the list of terms that correspond to the set bits of a variable's column.

my @terms = var_column($width, $col);

For example, in a three-variable table

     x  y  z  | f
0  | 0  0  0  |
1  | 0  0  1  |
2  | 0  1  0  |
3  | 0  1  1  |
4  | 1  0  0  |
5  | 1  0  1  |
6  | 1  1  0  |
7  | 1  1  1  |

column 2 (the x column) has terms (4, 5, 6, 7) set, while column 0 (the z column) has terms (1, 3, 5, 7) set.


Reverses the list of terms by index. For example, within a four-bit range:

$width = 4;                  # values range 0 .. 15.
@terms = (1, 3, 6, 8, 13, 14);
@terms = reverse_terms($width, \@terms);

The values in @terms will become (14, 12, 9, 7, 2, 1).


Rotates the list of terms by index. For example, within a four-bit range:

$width = 4;                  # values range 0 .. 15.
$shift = 5;                  # term 0 becomes term 5, term 1 becomes term 6
@terms = (1, 3, 7, 9, 13, 15);
@terms = rotate_terms($width, \@terms, $shift);

The values in @terms will become will be (6, 8, 12, 14, 2, 4), with the last two list items rotated around to the beginning, having been rotated past what $width allows. A negative-valued shift rotates the terms backward.


Shifts the list of terms by index. For example, within a four-bit range:

$width = 4;                  # values range 0 .. 15.
$shift = 5;                  # term 0 becomes term 5, term 1 becomes term 6
@terms = (1, 3, 7, 9, 13, 15);
@terms = shift_terms($width, \@terms, $shift);

The values in @terms will become (6, 8, 12, 14), with the last two list items dropped, having been shifted past what $width allows. A negative-valued shift shifts the terms downward.




John M. Gamble <>