Changes for version 0.2.0 - 2014-09-27
- Add build tag option
- Add init command
- ospkg configuration stored in ~/.ospkg by default
OS Package Management System
OS::Package Object
OS::Package::Application object.
OS::Package::Artifact object.
Provides the download method for Artifact role.
Provides the extract method for Artifact role.
Provides the validation methods for Artifact role.
OS::Package application initialization.
Load OS::Package configuration object.
Initialize an OS::Package object.
Initializes ospkg
Load OS::Package LOGGER object.
Default Abstract Description, Please Change.
Default Abstract Description, Please Change.
Default Abstract Description, Please Change.
Default Abstract Description, Please Change.
Default Abstract Description, Please Change.
Default Abstract Description, Please Change.
Provides the clean method.
Default Abstract Description, Please Change.
Default Abstract Description, Please Change.