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Changes for version 1.5.8
- On a bad-request error, the error message returned in the XML is supplied in $@, if available. (Otherwise, the HTTP status line message is returned, as was the previous action.)
- XML parser can now handle CDATA, and is more robust in general.
- Fixed an XML parser bug WRT numeric entities (thanks to Ask Hansen, who sent the report and fix in in November -- my bad for sitting on it so long).
Perl interface to the Yahoo! Search public API.
Container object for a Yahoo! Search request. (This package is included in, and automatically loaded by, the Yahoo::Search package.)
Container object for the result set of one query to the Yahoo! Search API. (This package is included in, and automatically loaded by, the Yahoo::Search package.)
class representing a single result (single web page, image, video file, etc) from a Yahoo! search-engine query. (This package is included in, and automatically loaded by, the Yahoo::Search package.)
Simple routines for parsing XML from Yahoo! Search. (This package is included in, and automatically loaded by, the Yahoo::Search package.)