Changes for version 1.1.4

  • Added support for 'Lat' and 'Long' args to a 'Local' query. See:
  • No longer restrict a Language arg to a specific set of values -- let the web services return an error if the language is not known. I made this change because I suspect that the list of languages will be somewhat dynamic, and I don't want people to have to install a new version of this package just because Yahoo! added, say, Serbian to the list of languages.
  • Removed the prepended "ERROR " from all $@ values -- dunno why I had it there in the first place.
  • Documented %Yahoo::Search::KnownLanguage (and added %Yahoo::Search::KnownCountry).
  • Documented $Yahoo::Search::UseXmlSimple
  • Documented the PreRequestCallback argument
  • Added support for a 'Country' arg to a 'Doc' query.


Perl interface to the Yahoo! Search public API.
container object for a Yahoo! Search request.
container object for the result set of one query to the Yahoo! Search API.
class representing a single result (single web page, image, video file, etc) from a Yahoo! search-engine query.
simple routines for parsing XML from Yahoo! Search.