Rex::JobControl - Job-Control Webinterface for Rex
(R)?ex is a configuration- and deployment management framework. You can write tasks in a file named Rexfile.
You can find examples and howtos on
This is the official webinterface for Rex.
Web Site:
IRC: #rex
Bug Tracker:
To install Rex::JobControl you can use the normal cpan tools. We recommend using cpanm from
cpanm Rex::JobControl
After installing you have to create the configuration file in on of the locations mentioned in CONFIGURATION.
Before you first start the server you have to run the setup command.
rex_job_control jobcontrol setup
This command will create all the necesarry directories you have configured in your configuration file.
If you want to install Rex::JobControl on Ubuntu 14.04 you have to follow these steps.
- Install build dependencies
apt-get install cpanminus libdatetime-perl gcc make automake m4 bison flex libssh2-1-dev libssl-dev
- Install Rex::JobControl
cpanm Rex::JobControl
- Create a configuration file
For this, you can use the example configuration file from the git repostiroy.
mkdir /etc/rex wget -O /etc/rex/jobcontrol.conf
- Preparing to start the services
Now after you have configured Rex::JobControl you have to create all the necessary folders. You can do this with a build-in command.
rex_job_control jobcontrol setup
This will also create a user admin with password admin.
- Starting services
Rex::JobControl can create systemd unit files for you. To do this run the following command.
rex_job_control jobcontrol upstart -c
After this you can start the Rex::JobWorker server and worker daemon (minion).
service rex-jobcontrol start service rex-jobcontrol-minion start
- Accessing the Webfrontend
Now you can access the webfrontend via http://$your-server:8080/. If you can't connect, make sure the firewall doesn't block the traffic to post 8080.
If you want to install Rex::JobControl on CentOS 7 you have to follow these steps.
- Install build dependencies
yum install perl-DateTime perl-App-cpanminus gcc m4 flex bison git wget
- Install Rex::JobControl
cpanm Rex::JobControl
- Create a configuration file
For this, you can use the example configuration file from the git repostiroy.
mkdir /etc/rex wget -O /etc/rex/jobcontrol.conf
- Preparing to start the services
Now after you have configured Rex::JobControl you have to create all the necessary folders. You can do this with a build-in command.
rex_job_control jobcontrol setup
This will also create a user admin with password admin.
- Starting services
Rex::JobControl can create systemd unit files for you. To do this run the following command.
rex_job_control jobcontrol systemd -c
After this you can start the Rex::JobWorker server and worker daemon (minion).
systemctl start rex-jobcontrol.service systemctl start rex-jobcontrol-minion.service
- Accessing the Webfrontend
Now you can access the webfrontend via http://$your-server:8080/. If you can't connect, make sure the firewall doesn't block the traffic to post 8080.
The configuration file is looked up in 3 locations.
You find an example configuration file on
Rex::JobControl consists of 2 services. The Webinterface and the Worker.
To start the worker you have to run the following command. You can start as many worker as you need/want.
rex_job_control minion worker
To start the Webinterface you have to run this command. This will start a webserver at port 8080.
hypnotoad /usr/bin/rex_job_control
Currently there is no webinterface to manage the users, but you can use a cli command to do this.
Add user:
rex_job_control jobcontrol adduser -u $user -p $password
Remove user:
rex_job_control jobcontrol deluser -u $user
List user:
rex_job_control jobcontrol listuser