Rex::Apache::Deploy::rpm - Deploy rpm package


With this module you can deploy a RedHat package.

If the package is not build yet, it will pass all the arguments to the build() function and executes the build on the local machine.


deploy "my-software.rpm";

deploy "my-software",
  type   => "rpm",
  version => "1.0",
  # below this, it is all optional
  source  => "/path/to/your/software",
  path   => "/path/to/deploy/target",
  description   => "some description of your package",
  url        => "website of the package",
  depends      => [qw/httpd perl/],
  release      => 1,
  epoch       => 1,
  vendor      => "some vendor",
  license      => "your license for ex. GPL2",
  section      => "some/section",
  conflicts    => [qw/somepkg/],
  provides     => "some-package-name",
  arch        => "x86_64",
  target      => "linux / the platform",
  post_install  => "filename or script to run after installation",
  pre_install   => "filename or script to run before installation",
  post_uninstall => "filename or script to run after uninstall",
  pre_uninstall  => "filename or script to run before uninstall",
  exclude      => [qw/file1 file2/],
  maintainer    => "your name",
  config_files  => [qw/special files for configuration mostly for etc directory/];