Rex - Remote Execution
(R)?ex is a small script to ease the execution of remote commands. You can write small tasks in a file named Rexfile.
You can find examples and howtos on
Web Site:
IRC: #rex
Bug Tracker:
user "root";
password "ch4ngem3";
desc "Show Unix version";
task "uname", sub {
say run "uname -a";
bash# rex -H "server[01..10]" uname
See Rex::Commands for a list of all commands you can use.
- get_current_connection
This function is deprecated since 0.28! See Rex::Commands::connection.
Returns the current connection as a hashRef.
- server
The server name
- ssh
1 if it is a ssh connection, 0 if not.
- is_ssh
Returns 1 if the current connection is a ssh connection. 0 if not.
- is_local
Returns 1 if the current connection is local. Otherwise 0.
- is_sudo
Returns 1 if the current operation is executed within sudo.
- get_sftp
Returns the sftp object for the current ssh connection.
- connect
Use this function to create a connection if you use Rex as a library.
use Rex; use Rex::Commands::Run; use Rex::Commands::Fs; Rex::connect( server => "remotehost", user => "root", password => "f00b4r", private_key => "/path/to/private/key/file", public_key => "/path/to/public/key/file", ); if(is_file("/foo/bar")) { print "Do something...\n"; } my $output = run("uptime");
Many thanks to the contributors for their work (alphabetical order).
- Alexandr Ciornii
- Anders Ossowicki
- Andrej Zverev
- Boris Däppen
- Chris Steigmeier
- complefor
- Cuong Manh Le
- Daniel Baeurer
- David Golovan
- Dominik Danter
- Dominik Schulz
- eduardoj
- fanyeren
- Ferenc Erki
- Fran Rodriguez
- Franky Van Liedekerke
- Gilles Gaudin, for writing a french howto
- Hiroaki Nakamura
- Jean Charles Passard
- Jean-Marie Renouard
- Jeen Lee
- Jonathan Delgado
- Jon Gentle
- Joris
- Jose Luis Martinez
- Kasim Tuman
- Keedi Kim
- Laird Liu
- Mario Domgoergen
- Niklas Larsson
- Nikolay Fetisov
- Nils Domrose
- Peter H. Ezetta
- Piotr Karbowski
- Rao Chenlin (Chenryn)
- RenatoCRON
- Renee Bäcker
- Samuele Tognini
- Sascha Guenther
- Simon Bertrang
- Stephane Benoit
- Sven Dowideit
- Tianon Gravi
- Tokuhiro Matsuno
- Tomohiro Hosaka