jiraprint - Generate printable XeTeX code to print JIRA tickets on Postits
This is a standard Perl package. Install on system perl:
sudo cpan -i App::JIRAPrint
Or in your cpanminus favorite destination:
cpanm App::JIRAPrint
To process the generated LaTeX code into a usable PDF, you'll have to have a full TeXLive (or MacTeX) distribution on your machine.
See Or
jiraprint --project PROJ --sprint 52 --output proj-52.tex
xelatex proj-52.tex
You can also pipe directly from this to xelatex if you're lazy:
jiraprint --project PROJ --sprint 52 | xelatex
This will create a pdf named 'texput.pdf'
Note that the 'project' option is optional and can live in the configuration file.
This script relies on configuration files and on command line options for its configuration.
This will attempt to load three configuration files: $PWD/.jiraprint.conf
, $HOME/.jiraprint.conf
and /etc/jiraprint.conf
Each configuration files in in Perl format and can contain the following keys:
url => '',
username => 'jirausername',
password => 'jirapassword',
project => 'PROJ',
url, username and password have to be defined in config files.
project can be specified in a config file, but overriden by the command line switch --project
Note that each level (going from /etc/, to $HOME, to $PWD) will override the precedent level.
This allows you to define properties (like project) at project, user or global level. A typical setup is to define your project specific stuff in your project directory, your personnal login details in your $HOME/.jiraprint.conf
and the organisation wide URL at machine level (in /etc/jiraprint.conf).
- --project (-p) PROJ
The name of the jira project. Typically a 4 letter uppercase identifier. Like
for instance.Mandatory in the config file(s) or in the command line.
- --sprint (-s) 52
The number of the sprint to print tickets from. Mandatory in the command line.
- --url
The root URL of your jira project. For instance:
. Mandatory in the config file(s) or on the command line. - --username
The username to connect as to pull the tickets. Mandatory in the config file(s) or on the command line.
Copyright Jerome Eteve 2015- jerome dot eteve at a well known email provider with a name that starts with 'g'.