lim-cli - Lim CLI Interface
lim-cli [options]
- --conf <file>
Specify the configuration file to use (default ~/.limrc).
- --option <name=<value>>
Specify configuration on the command line, these settings overrides settings in configuration files. Syntax <name>=<value> will set <name> to <value> and <name>[]=<value> will treat <name> as an multi option array and append <value>. Option subgroups are seperated by . (for example log.obj_debug=0).
- --host <ip>
Specify the host/IP to connect to (default localhost).
- --port <port>
Specify the port to listen on (default 5353).
- --log4perl <file>
Specify a Log::Log4perl configure file (default output to cli or stderr).
- --help
Print a brief help message and exits.
- --man
Prints the manual page and exits.