free_frame_id_func Optional code references to functions used to allocate and free frame IDs. If both are specified they will be called in place of the internal frame ID tracking functions allowing the user more control over how frame IDs are generated. The alloc_frame_id_func will be called when a new frame ID is needed and will be passed as a parameter the reference to the Device:XBee::API object and must return an integer between 1 and 255 inclusive. The free_frame_id_func will be called when the reply frame is received and the frame ID is no longer needed and will be passed as parameters a reference to the Device::XBee::API obect and the frame ID to be freed.

  See auto_reuse_frame_id for details on how this module uses frame IDs.

  Optional. If set to a true value, the module will automatically escape
  outgoing data and un-escape incoming data for use with XBee API mode 2.
  Defaults to false.

  See the XBee datasheet for details on API mode 2 and escaped characters.

  Send an AT command to the module. Accepts two parameters, the first is
  the AT command name (as two-character string), and the second is the
  expected data for that command (if any). See the XBee datasheet for a
  list of supported AT commands and expected data for each.

  Returns the frame ID sent for this packet. This method does not wait for
  a reply from the XBee, as the expected reply is dependent on the AT
  command sent. To retrieve the reply (if any), call one of the rx

  If no reply is expected, the caller should immediately free the returned
  frame ID via free_frame_id to prevent frame ID leaks.

  Send an AT command to a remote module. Accepts three parameters: a
  hashref with endpoint addresses, command options, frame_id; the AT
  command name (as two-character string); and the third as the expected
  data for that command (if any). See the XBee datasheet for a list of
  supported AT commands and expected data for each.

  Endpoint addresses should be specified as a hashref containing the
  following keys:

  sh  The high 32-bits of the destination address.

  sl  The low 32-bits of the destination address.

  na  The destination network address.

      If included ack is disabled

      If included changes applied immediate, if missing an AC command must
      be sent to apply changes

      If included the exteded transmission timeout is used

  Returns the frame ID sent for this packet. To retrieve the reply (if
  any), call one of the rx methods. If no reply is expected, the caller
  should immediately free the returned frame ID via free_frame_id to
  prevent frame ID leaks.

  Sends a transmit request to the XBee. Accepts three parameters, the
  first is the endpoint address, the second is a scalar containing the
  data to be sent, and the third is an optional flag (known as the async
  flag) specifying whether or not the method should wait for an
  acknowledgement from the XBee.

  Endpoint addresses should be specified as a hashref containing the
  following keys:

  sh  The high 32-bits of the destination address.

  sl  The low 32-bits of the destination address.

  na  The destination network address. If this is not specified, it will

  If both sh and sl are missing or the parameter is undefined,, they will

  The meaning of these addresses can be found in the XBee datasheet. Note:
  In the future, a Device::XBee::API::Node object will be an acceptable

  If the async flag is not set, the method will wait for an
  acknowledgement packet from the XBee. Return values depend on calling
  context. In scalar context, true or false will be returned representing
  transmission acknowledgement by the remote XBee device. In array
  context, the first return value is the delivery status (as set in the
  transmit status packet and documented in the datasheet), and the second
  is the actual transmit status packet (as a hashref) itself.

  If the async flag is set, the method will not wait for an
  acknowledgement packet and the tx frame ID will be returned. The caller
  will need to then receive the transmit status packet (via one of the rx
  methods) and free the frame ID (via free_frame_id) manually.

  No retransmissions will be attempted by this module, but the XBee device
  itself will likely attempt retransmissions as per its configuration (and
  subject to whether or not the packet was a "broadcast").

  Receives a packet from the XBee module. This packet may be a
  transmission from a remote XBee node or a control packet from the local
  XBee module.

  If no packet is received before the timeout period expires, undef is

  Returned packets will be as a hashref of the packet data, broken out by
  key for easy access. Note, as this module is a work in progress, not
  every XBee packet type is supported. Callers should check the "api_type"
  key to determine the type of the received packet. When possible, packed
  integers will be unpacked into the "data_as_int" key. If no packed
  integer is found this key will not be present. If unpacking is not
  possible (due to an unknown packet type, etc), the value will be undef.

  Accepts a single parameter, a flag indicating the received frame ID
  should NOT be freed automatically. See rx_frame_id for why you might
  want to use this flag (generally, cases when you expect multiple packets
  to arrive with the same frame ID).

  Like rx but only returns the packet with the requested frame ID number
  and then frees that frame ID. If no packet with the specified frame ID
  is received within the object's configured packet_timeout time, undef
  will be returned. Any other packets received will be enqueued for later
  processing by another rx function call.

  Accepts two parameters, the first being the desired frame ID and the
  second a flag denoting that the frame ID should NOT be automatically
  freed. In cases where multiple frames with the same ID are expected to
  be returned (such as after an AT ND command), it is preferable to set
  this flag to a true value and continue to call rx_frame_id until undef
  is returned, and then free the ID via free_frame_id.

  Performs a network node discovery via the ND 'AT' command. Blocks until
  no replies have been received in packet_timeout seconds.

  Returns a hashref of all known nodes indexed by their full serial number
  (i.e. $node->{sh} . '_' . $node->{sl}). Nodes that haven't been heard
  from in the configured node_forget_time will be automatically removed
  from this list if they've not been heard from in that time. Nodes are
  added to that list when a message is received from them or a
  discover_network call has been made.

  Note, the age-out mechanism may be susceptable to stepping of the system

EXAMPLES Miscellaneous code examples follow.

 Fetch modem baud rage
    use Device::SerialPort;
    use Device::XBee::API;

    # From XBee datasheet pg 73.
    my @baud_rate_table = (

    # Configure the serial port
    my $serial_port_device = Device::SerialPort->new( '/dev/ttyU0' )
        || die $!;
    $serial_port_device->baudrate( 9600 );
    $serial_port_device->databits( 8 );
    $serial_port_device->stopbits( 1 );
    $serial_port_device->parity( 'none' );
    $serial_port_device->read_char_time( 0 );
    $serial_port_device->read_const_time( 1000 );

    # Create the API object
    my $api = Device::XBee::API->new( { fh => $serial_port_device } )
        || die $!;

    # Send the BD API command
    my $at_frame_id = $api->at( 'BD' );
    die "Transmit failed" unless $at_frame_id;

    # Receive the reply
    my $rx = $api->rx_frame_id( $at_frame_id );
    die "No reply received" if !$rx;
    if ( $rx->{status} != 0 ) {
        die "API error" if $rx->{is_error};
        die "Invalid command" if $rx->{is_invalid_command};
        die "Invalid parameter" if $rx->{is_invalid_parameter};
        die "Unknown error";

    my $baud_rate = $baud_rate_table[ $rx->{data_as_int} ];
    if ( !$baud_rate ) {
        $baud_rate = $rx->{data_as_int};

    print "Modem baud rate is $baud_rate bps.\n";

CHANGES 0.7, 20130330 - jeagle Add ability to allow users to specify their own frame allocation routines.

  Update API mode 2 with latest version from jdodgen

0.6, 20120624 - jeagle
  Update documentation.

  Add support for API mode 2 escapes. Needs testing.

  Add constant for the "BD" baud rate table.

0.5, 20120401 - jeagle
  Add support for Win32::SerialPort to enable Windows support. (Thanks

  Fix issue with tx() in async mode. (Thanks Vicente)

  Add support for "explicit rx indicator" packets. (Thanks Vicente)

0.4, 20110831 - jeagle
  Fix packet timeout bug reported by Dave S.

  Replace call to die() in __data_to_int with return undef, update docs to
  reflect this.

0.3, 20110621 - jeagle, jdodgen
  Change from internal Device::SerialPort wrapper to accepting an fh.

  Add asynchronous support to tx and add some helpful methods to support

  Handle more command types (remote AT, ZigBee IO, node identification).

  Add an option to re-use frame IDs under high tx load.

  Many more changes!

0.2, 20101206 - jeagle
  Initial release to CPAN.