Parse::RandGen::Rule - Grammatical Rule object


    A Rule matches if any one of its Productions match the input text. In BNF notation, the relationship of Rules and Productions is:

    rule1:         production1
                 | production2
                 | production3

    For example:

    perlFuncCall:  /&?/ identifier '(' argument(s?) ')'
                 | scalar '->' identifier '(' argument(s?) ')'

    The two productions in this example could respectively match:

    "func()",  "func(x, y)",  or "&func(x)"



Creates a new Rule. The Rule name is the only required argument. Productions are optional.

Parse::RandGen::Rule->new (
    name => "perlFuncCall",     # Rule name (optional if an anonymous rule)

    # "prod" specifies a new Production object on this Rule
    prod => [ name => "staticFuncCall",   # Production name is optional
              cond => qr/&?/,                  # Regexp  Condition - 0 or 1 '&' characters
              cond => "indentifier",           # Subrule Condition - exactly 1 "identifier" rule
              cond => q{'('},                  # Literal Condition - single '(' character
              cond => "argument(s?)",          # Subrule Condition - 0 or more "argument" rules
              cond => q{')'}, ],               # Literal Condition - single ')' character
    prod => [ name => "objectFuncCall",   # Rule's second production
              cond => "scalar",
              cond => q{'->'},
              cond => "indentifier",
              cond => q{'('},
              cond => "argument(s?)",
              cond => q{')'}, ],


Return the name of the Rule.


Returns a reference to the Grammar that the Rule belongs to.


Takes a "match" boolean argument. The function returns random text that would match (or not match) the given rule.


Parse::RandGen, Parse::RandGen::Grammar, Parse::RandGen::Production, and Parse::RandGen::Condition


Jeff Dutton

2 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 210:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 247:

=back without =over