Changes for version 2.12
- changed Slot::Dispatch to warn if there is an error loading a particular application. Got annoying having to turn debugging on for such an obvious case.
- new single-process OpenFrame::Server::HTTPPoe server (and tests)
- cache the File::MMagic information in OpenFrame::Slot::Images and OpenFrame::Slot::HTML for speed reasons
- move from FileHandle to IO::File as FileHandle no longer really exists
- fixed memory leak in OpenFrame::SlotStore
- while waiting for the introduction of drivers, have added last modified time to OpenFrame::Response so that static content can be cached by drivers
- updated OpenFrame::Slot::Session docs
- no longer save the request parameters as part of the session in OpenFrame::Slot::SessionSaver
- fix problem with trying to call what() on modules that don't exist
- removed warnings during a few tests
- fix weird POE uploading bug
- changed to use File::Find::Rule
OpenFrame Application Writers Guide
OpenFrame installation guide
An Application Framework for Perl and the Web
Base class for all OpenFrame applications
Simple OpenFrame configuration
Constants for OpenFrame
An abstract cookie class
Provides exception handling for OpenFrame
An abstract request class
An abstract response class
Class representing an OpenFrame installation
Apache extension for OpenFrame
Provide direct access to OpenFrame
Provide standalone HTTP access to OpenFrame
Provide standalone HTTP access to OpenFrame
Provide SOAP access to OpenFrame
Zeus extension for OpenFrame
Information about OpenFrame Slots
Debug OpenFrame applications
Dispatch applications locally
Dispatch applications remotely via SOAP
Slot that returns an error
demonstration slot
Generate HTML using TT
Serve static HTML files
Serve static image files
Decline serving image files
Handle cookie-based sessions
Handle cookie-based sessions
Generator that returns the session
parses XML documents
performs XSL transforms on XML documents
general storage for slot data
in lib/OpenFrame/
in lib/OpenFrame/
in lib/OpenFrame/
in lib/OpenFrame/Slot/
- examples/apache/
- examples/apache/conf/httpd.conf.default
- examples/apache/conf/mime.types
- examples/apache/htdocs/README
- examples/apache/logs/README
- examples/debug/
- examples/debug/
- examples/debug/templates/index.html
- examples/debug/templates/single.html
- examples/eliza/
- examples/eliza/templates/index.html
- examples/hangman/
- examples/hangman/images/h0.gif
- examples/hangman/images/h1.gif
- examples/hangman/images/h2.gif
- examples/hangman/images/h3.gif
- examples/hangman/images/h4.gif
- examples/hangman/images/h5.gif
- examples/hangman/images/h6.gif
- examples/hangman/words.txt
- examples/hangman2/
- examples/hangman2/templates/index.html
- examples/redirect/
- examples/soap/
- examples/soap/
- examples/soap_app/
- examples/soap_app/
- examples/soap_slot/
- examples/soap_slot/
- examples/upload/htdocs/index.html
- examples/upload/
- examples/webserver/htdocs/index.html
- examples/webserver/htdocs/perl.gif
- examples/webserver/
- examples/zeus/README
- examples/zeus/htdocs/index.html
- examples/zeus/htdocs/zeus.fcgi