OpenFrame::Server::Direct - Provide direct access to OpenFrame


my $url = "http://localhost/myapp/?param=5";
my $cookietin = OpenFrame::Cookietin->new();
my $direct = OpenFrame::Server::Direct->new();
my $response;
($response, $cookietin) = $direct->handle($url, $cookietin);

if ($response->code() == ofOK) {
  print $response->message() . "\n";
} else {
  print "Some sort of error. Drat.\n";


OpenFrame::Server::Direct provides direct access to an OpenFrame application (without having to set up Apache). It takes a URL as input and returns the OpenFrame::Response object resulting from processing that URL. Note that you have to create a cookietin at the beginning, and keep on getting it back and passing it in in order for cookies to work.


Leon Brocard <>


Copyright (C) 2001-2, Fotango Ltd.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.