Changes for version 2.09 - 2002-01-30

  • fix to make sure we send cookies with a / path
  • promoted OpenFrame::Slot::SimpleGenerator to a real slot that we ship with OpenFrame as it is useful for testing OpenFrame applications
  • fixed "Odd number of elements in hash assignment" bug in OpenFrame::Server::HTTP
  • OpenFrame::Server::HTTP can now cope with redirects (and new redirect example)
  • added information about the new OpenFrame mailing list and IRC channel
  • set TT2's COMPILE_EXT to ".tt2" instead of "tt2" in OpenFrame::Slot::Generator
  • allow $epoints to be a subroutine reference to allow more flexibility (they are passed the request arguments)
  • yet another session change: sessions are now implemented using Cache::Cache rather than Apache::Session. Cache::Cache is easier to install, simpler and faster


OpenFrame Application Writers Guide
OpenFrame installation guide


An Application Framework for Perl and the Web
An abstract cookie class
An abstract request class
An abstract response class
Base class for all OpenFrame applications
Simple OpenFrame configuration
Constants for OpenFrame
Provides exception handling for OpenFrame
Class representing an OpenFrame installation
Apache extension for OpenFrame
Provide direct access to OpenFrame
Provide standalone HTTP access to OpenFrame
Provide standalone HTTP access to OpenFrame
Provide SOAP access to OpenFrame
Zeus extension for OpenFrame
Information about OpenFrame Slots
Debug OpenFrame applications
Dispatch applications
Dispatch applications locally
Dispatch applications remotely via SOAP
Slot that returns an error
demonstration slot
Generate HTML using TT
Serve static HTML files
Serve static image files
Decline serving image files
Handle cookie-based sessions
Handle cookie-based sessions
Generator that returns the session
parses XML documents
performs XSL transforms on XML documents


in lib/OpenFrame/
in lib/OpenFrame/
in lib/OpenFrame/
in lib/OpenFrame/