OpenFrame::Slot::Images - Serve static image files


# as part of the SLOTS entry in OpenFrame::Config:
dispatch => 'Local',
name     => 'OpenFrame::Slot::Images',
config   => { directory => 'htdocs/' },


OpenFrame::Slot::Images is an OpenFrame slot that can handle static images. It takes the path from the OpenFrame::AbstractRequest and looks for image files starting from the value of the "directory" configuration option. It returns an OpenFrame::AbstraceResponse containing the image file.

It will only serve the file if File::MMagic reckons the file does not have MIME type "text/html", and will set the proper MIME type for the image.


Leon Brocard <>


Copyright (C) 2001, Fotango Ltd.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.