OpenFrame::Installation - OpenFrame installation guide.


OpenFrame should be fairly simple to install for anybody who is familiar with Perl and more specifically, mod_perl.

OpenFrame modules

As with most perl modules, simply:

perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install

If you want to put OpenFrame in a specific directory, then append PREFIX=<path> to the perl Makefile.PL command.


To configure OpenFrame for the first time, simply execute the configbuilder script. This will place a file in your current directory called .openframe.conf. Edit the values in this file as you see fit.

Web Server Plug in

Simply install the handler for your server. In the case of Apache it's OpenFrame::Server::Apache. We map an entire server to the one handler. You could have multiple copies of OpenFrame running, but it's not a tested configuration.

Our configuration looks similar to:

<VirtualHost [SOME.IP.ADDRESS]> ServerName [Some Server Name] Port 80 DocumentRoot [Some Directory] <Directory [Some Directory> Options -Indexes -ExecCGI -FollowSymLinks -Includes </Directory> <Location / > SetHandler perl-script <Perl> # this is only needed if you use a PREFIX. use lib '/path/to/install/dir/lib/site_perl'; </Perl> PerlHandler OpenFrame::Server::Apache </Location> </VirtualHost>

Of course you need to edit some of those values to get any real mileage from the software, but you should have the general idea.