HTML::Object::DOM::Element::Video - HTML Object DOM Video Class


use HTML::Object::DOM::Element::Video;
my $video = HTML::Object::DOM::Element::Video->new || 
    die( HTML::Object::DOM::Element::Video->error, "\n" );




This interface provides special properties and methods for manipulating video objects. It also inherits properties and methods of HTML::Object::DOM::Element::Media and HTML::Object::DOM::Element.

<video controls width="250">
    <source src="/some/where/video.webm" type="video/webm">
    <source src="/some/where/video.mp4" type="video/mp4">
    Sorry, your browser does not support embedded videos.


+-----------------------+     +---------------------------+     +-------------------------+     +----------------------------+     +-----------------------------------+     +-----------------------------------+
| HTML::Object::Element | --> | HTML::Object::EventTarget | --> | HTML::Object::DOM::Node | --> | HTML::Object::DOM::Element | --> | HTML::Object::DOM::Element::Media | --> | HTML::Object::DOM::Element::Video |
+-----------------------+     +---------------------------+     +-------------------------+     +----------------------------+     +-----------------------------------+     +-----------------------------------+


Inherits properties from its parent HTML::Object::DOM::Element::Media


The autoPictureInPicture property reflects the HTML attribute indicating whether the video should enter or leave picture-in-picture mode automatically when the user switches tab and/or applications.

See also Mozilla documentation


The disablePictureInPicture property reflects the HTML attribute indicating whether the user agent should suggest the picture-in-picture feature to users, or request it automatically.

See also Mozilla documentation


Is a string that reflects the height HTML attribute, which specifies the height of the display area, in CSS pixels.

See also Mozilla documentation


Is a string that reflects the poster HTML attribute, which an URL for an image to be shown while the video is downloading. If this attribute is not specified, nothing is displayed until the first frame is available, then the first frame is shown as the poster frame.

See also Mozilla documentation


Under perl, this returns undef by default, but you can set whatever number value you want.

Under JavaScript, this is read-only and returns an unsigned integer value indicating the intrinsic height of the resource in CSS pixels, or 0 if no media is available yet.


my $v = $doc->getElementById("myVideo");

$v->addEventListener( resize => sub
    my $w = $v->videoWidth;
    my $h = $v->videoHeight;

    if( $w && $h )
        $v->style->width = $w;
        $v->style->height = $h;
}, { capture => 0 });

See also Mozilla documentation


Under perl, this is read-only and returns undef by default, but you can set whatever number value you want.

Under JavaScript, this returns an unsigned integer value indicating the intrinsic width of the resource in CSS pixels, or 0 if no media is available yet.

See also Mozilla documentation


Is a string that reflects the width HTML attribute, which specifies the width of the display area, in CSS pixels.

See also Mozilla documentation


Inherits methods from its parent HTML::Object::DOM::Element::Media


Under perl, this always returns undef.

Under JavaScript, this returns a VideoPlaybackQuality object that contains the current playback metrics. This information includes things like the number of dropped or corrupted frames, as well as the total number of frames.

See also Mozilla documentation


Under perl, this always returns undef obviously.

Under JavaScript, this requests that the user agent make video enters picture-in-picture mode

See also Mozilla documentation


Event listeners for those events can also be found by prepending on before the event type:

For example, enterpictureinpicture event listeners can be set also with onenterpictureinpicture method:

$e->onenterpictureinpicture(sub{ # do something });
# or as an lvalue method
$e->onenterpictureinpicture = sub{ # do something };


Sent to a HTML::Object::DOM::Element::Video when it enters Picture-in-Picture mode. The associated event handler is HTML::Object::DOM::Element::Video.onenterpictureinpicture


my $video = $doc->querySelector('#$video');
my $button = $doc->querySelector('#$button');

sub onEnterPip
    say( "Picture-in-Picture mode activated!" );

$video->addEventListener( enterpictureinpicture => \&onEnterPip, { capture => 0 });

$button->onclick = sub

my $video = $doc->querySelector('#$video');
my $button = $doc->querySelector('#$button');

sub onEnterPip
    say( "Picture-in-Picture mode activated!" );

$video->onenterpictureinpicture = \&onEnterPip;

$button->onclick = sub

See also Mozilla documentation


Sent to a HTML::Object::DOM::Element::Video when it leaves Picture-in-Picture mode. The associated event handler is HTML::Object::DOM::Element::Video.onleavepictureinpicture


my $video = $doc->querySelector('#$video');
my $button = $doc->querySelector('#$button');

sub onExitPip
    say( "Picture-in-Picture mode deactivated!" );

$video->addEventListener( leavepictureinpicture => \&onExitPip, { capture => 0 });

$button->onclick = sub
    if( $doc->pictureInPictureElement )

my $video = $doc->querySelector('#$video');
my $button = $doc->querySelector('#$button');

sub onExitPip
    say( "Picture-in-Picture mode deactivated!" );

$video->onleavepictureinpicture = \&onExitPip;

$button->onclick = sub
    if( $doc->pictureInPictureElement )

See also Mozilla documentation


<h1>Ask a question at a given point in a video</h1>

<p>The question is displayed after 10 seconds, if the answer given is correct, the video continues, if not it starts again from the beginning</p>

<video id="myVideo" controls="">
    <source src="" />
    <source src="" />

// This only works in a web browser, so this is intentionally in JavaScript
// First identify the video in the DOM
var myVideo = document.getElementById( 'myVideo' );
myVideo.ontimeupdate = function()
    // Remove the decimal numbers from the time
    var currentTime = Math.floor( myVideo.currentTime );
    if( currentTime == 10 )
        myVideo.pause ();
        // Ask the question with a promt
        var r = prompt( "What is the video about?" );
        // check the answer
        if( r.toLowerCase() == "Example" )
            myVideo.currentTime = 11; // Add a second otherwise the question will be displayed again;
            myVideo.currentTime = 0; // Put the video back to 0;

Example taken from EduTech Wiki

Picture in Picture (a.k.a. PiP)

The W3C states that "the specification intends to provide APIs to allow websites to create a floating video window always on top of other windows so that users may continue consuming media while they interact with other content sites, or applications on their device."

<video id="videoElement" controls="true" src="demo.mp4"></video>

<!-- button will be used to toggle the PiP mode -->
<button id="togglePipButton">Toggle Picture-in-Picture Mode!</button> 

Call "requestPictureInPicture" on click of togglePipButton button element.

When the promise resolves, the browser will shrink the video into a mini window that the user can move around and position over other windows.

let video = document.getElementById('videoElement');
let togglePipButton = document.getElementById('togglePipButton');

togglePipButton.addEventListener('click', async function (event) {
    togglePipButton.disabled = true; //disable toggle button while the event occurs
    try {
        // If there is no element in Picture-in-Picture yet, request for it
        if (video !== document.pictureInPictureElement) {
            await video.requestPictureInPicture();
        // If Picture-in-Picture already exists, exit the mode
        else {
            await document.exitPictureInPicture();

    } catch (error) {
        console.log(`Oh Horror! ${error}`);
    } finally {
        togglePipButton.disabled = false; //enable toggle button after the event

Check for Picture-in-Picture event changes

let video = document.getElementById('videoElement');
video.addEventListener('enterpictureinpicture', function (event) {
    console.log('Entered PiP');
    pipWindow = event.pictureInPictureWindow;
    console.log(`Window size -  \n Width: ${pipWindow.width} \n Height: ${pipWindow.height}`); // get the width and height of PiP window

video.addEventListener('leavepictureinpicture', function (event) {
    console.log('Left PiP');
    togglePipButton.disabled = false;

Example taken from


Jacques Deguest <>


Mozilla documentation, Mozilla documentation on video element, W3C specifications for PiP


Copyright(c) 2021 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd.

All rights reserved

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.