Changes for version 0.026 - 2023-01-23
- Jean-Damien Durand <>
- workflows/dzil-build-and-test.yml: dev+
- workflows/dzil-build-and-test.yml: Remove AUTHOR_TESTING and RELEASE_TESTING when testing the distribution
- workflows/dzil-build-and-test.yml: Set PAUSE identity bis
- workflows/dzil-build-and-test.yml: Set PAUSE identity
- workflows/ci.yml -> workflows/dzil-build-and-test.yml
- workflows/ci.yml: Trying to understand why dzil test --verbose does not work on windows workflow...
- workflows/ci.yml: use perl -MDist::Zilla::App instead of dzil directly for windows workflow
- engine/ Add a section HOW TO CONTRIBUTE
- dist.ini: Move AUTHOR_TESTING=1 EXTENDED_TESTING=1 RELEASE_TESTING=1 to the run instead of the full workflow - this is causing List::SomeUtils::XS to fail because AUTHOR_TESTING sets -Werror compilation flag that makes clang-13 bail
- dist.ini: Use cpan to install (and see why it fails on macos) List::SomeUtils::XS
- dist.ini: Removed non-needed git identity, explicit install of Test::Perl::Critic (cpanm bug on MacOS ?)
- Commit dzil regenerated files
- dist.ini: Generated Changes from git
- workflows/ci.yml: Run dzil test with --verbose option
- workflows/ci.yml: Try to fix git identity
- workflows/ci.yml: dev+
- engine/ Dummy commit to get actions to run (!?)
- workflows/ci.yml: Removed a comment
- workflows/ci.yml: Fetch repo history (no that big fortunately)
- workflows/ci.yml: Set git identity
- workflows/ci.yml: ~ issue
- engine/ ## no critic when getting $version
- workflows/ci.yml: ~/.pause file tentative fix
- workflows/ci.yml: Create a dummy .pause file
- re/engine/ Bootstrap even when VERSION is not defined
- workflows/ci.yml: fix syntax
- workflows/ci.yml: testing github workflow
- dzil regenerate(d)
- dist.ini: Add cpanfile
- dist.ini: Add Changes to Git::Check.allow_dirty
- Makefile.PL: copied from release
- dist.ini: Revisit following comments in #6
- t/re-engine-GNU.t: explicit show array and hash forms
- weaver.ini
- weaver.ini: Initial commit
GNU Regular Expression Engine