CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Interface::EdgeCastWebServices::EdgeCastWebServicesSoap - SOAP Interface for the EdgeCastWebServices Web Service


version 0.01.00


use CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Interface::EdgeCastWebServices::EdgeCastWebServicesSoap;
my $interface = CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Interface::EdgeCastWebServices::EdgeCastWebServicesSoap->new();

my $response;
$response = $interface->CustomersGet();
$response = $interface->CustomerGet();
$response = $interface->CustomerAdd();
$response = $interface->CustomerUpdate();
$response = $interface->CustomerDelete();
$response = $interface->CustomerUserAdd();
$response = $interface->CustomerUserDelete();
$response = $interface->CustomerUserUpdate();
$response = $interface->CustomerUsersGet();
$response = $interface->CustomerUserGet();
$response = $interface->CustomerCustomIdUpdate();
$response = $interface->CustomerAccountMeasuredByUpdate();
$response = $interface->CustomerAccountMeasuredByGet();
$response = $interface->CustomerStatusUpdate();
$response = $interface->CustomerStatusGet();
$response = $interface->CustomerHttpUpdate();
$response = $interface->CustomerHttpGet();
$response = $interface->CustomerHttpLargeGet();
$response = $interface->CustomerHttpLargeUpdate();
$response = $interface->CustomerHttpSmallUpdate();
$response = $interface->CustomerHttpSmallGet();
$response = $interface->CustomerFmsUpdate();
$response = $interface->CustomerFmsGet();
$response = $interface->CustomerWmsUpdate();
$response = $interface->CustomerWmsGet();
$response = $interface->CustomerAccessModuleUpdate();
$response = $interface->CustomerAccessModuleGet();
$response = $interface->CustomerUserAccessModuleUpdate();
$response = $interface->CustomerUserAccessModuleGet();
$response = $interface->CustomerOriginAdvancedUpdate();
$response = $interface->CustomerOriginUpdate();
$response = $interface->DeliveryRegionsGet();
$response = $interface->CustomerDeliveryRegionUpdate();
$response = $interface->CustomerOriginAdvancedAdd();
$response = $interface->CustomerOriginAdd();
$response = $interface->CustomerOriginDelete();
$response = $interface->OriginShieldPOPsGet();
$response = $interface->CustomerOriginAdvancedGet();
$response = $interface->CustomerOriginGet();
$response = $interface->CustomerOriginsAdvancedGet();
$response = $interface->CustomerOriginsGet();
$response = $interface->CustomerCnameAdd();
$response = $interface->CustomerCnameDelete();
$response = $interface->CustomerCnameGet();
$response = $interface->CustomerCnamesGet();
$response = $interface->CustomerUrlUpdate();
$response = $interface->CustomerServiceUpdate();


SOAP Interface for the EdgeCastWebServices web service located at

SERVICE EdgeCastWebServices

Administration API

Port EdgeCastWebServicesSoap


General methods



All arguments are forwarded to SOAP::WSDL::Client.

SOAP Service methods

Method synopsis is displayed with hash refs as parameters.

The commented class names in the method's parameters denote that objects of the corresponding class can be passed instead of the marked hash ref.

You may pass any combination of objects, hash and list refs to these methods, as long as you meet the structure.

List items (i.e. multiple occurences) are not displayed in the synopsis. You may generally pass a list ref of hash refs (or objects) instead of a hash ref - this may result in invalid XML if used improperly, though. Note that SOAP::WSDL always expects list references at maximum depth position.

XML attributes are not displayed in this synopsis and cannot be set using hash refs. See the respective class' documentation for additional information.


Gets list of customers for partners.<br>Required fields: strCredential

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomersGetResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomersGet( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string


Gets customer information.<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerGetResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerGet( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string


Add customer. <br>**Use methods CustomerHttpUpdate, CustomerFmsUpdate, and/or CustomerWmsUpdate to enable customer media types. Media types are disabled until you call these methods.<br>**Use method CustomerUserAdd to create a user for the Media Control Center. No logins exist for the Media Control Center until this method is called.<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCompanyName, intStatus <br>Status: 1=Active, 3=Trial (deleted after 14 days)

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerAddResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerAdd( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCompanyName =>  $some_value, # string
   intStatus =>  $some_value, # unsignedInt
   strWebsite =>  $some_value, # string
   strAddress1 =>  $some_value, # string
   strAddress2 =>  $some_value, # string
   strCity =>  $some_value, # string
   strState =>  $some_value, # string
   strZip =>  $some_value, # string
   strCountry =>  $some_value, # string
   strBillingAddress1 =>  $some_value, # string
   strBillingAddress2 =>  $some_value, # string
   strBillingCity =>  $some_value, # string
   strBillingState =>  $some_value, # string
   strBillingZip =>  $some_value, # string
   strBillingCountry =>  $some_value, # string
   strNotes =>  $some_value, # string
   strContactFirstName =>  $some_value, # string
   strContactLastName =>  $some_value, # string
   strContactTitle =>  $some_value, # string
   strContactEmail =>  $some_value, # string
   strContactPhone =>  $some_value, # string
   strContactFax =>  $some_value, # string
   strContactMobile =>  $some_value, # string
   strBillingContactFirstName =>  $some_value, # string
   strBillingContactLastName =>  $some_value, # string
   strBillingContactTitle =>  $some_value, # string
   strBillingContactEmail =>  $some_value, # string
   strBillingContactPhone =>  $some_value, # string
   strBillingContactFax =>  $some_value, # string
   strBillingContactMobile =>  $some_value, # string


Update a customer's basic information. <br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId <br>

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerUpdateResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerUpdate( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCompanyName =>  $some_value, # string
   strWebsite =>  $some_value, # string
   strAddress1 =>  $some_value, # string
   strAddress2 =>  $some_value, # string
   strCity =>  $some_value, # string
   strState =>  $some_value, # string
   strZip =>  $some_value, # string
   strCountry =>  $some_value, # string
   strBillingAddress1 =>  $some_value, # string
   strBillingAddress2 =>  $some_value, # string
   strBillingCity =>  $some_value, # string
   strBillingState =>  $some_value, # string
   strBillingZip =>  $some_value, # string
   strBillingCountry =>  $some_value, # string
   strNotes =>  $some_value, # string
   strContactFirstName =>  $some_value, # string
   strContactLastName =>  $some_value, # string
   strContactTitle =>  $some_value, # string
   strContactEmail =>  $some_value, # string
   strContactPhone =>  $some_value, # string
   strContactFax =>  $some_value, # string
   strContactMobile =>  $some_value, # string
   strBillingContactFirstName =>  $some_value, # string
   strBillingContactLastName =>  $some_value, # string
   strBillingContactTitle =>  $some_value, # string
   strBillingContactEmail =>  $some_value, # string
   strBillingContactPhone =>  $some_value, # string
   strBillingContactFax =>  $some_value, # string
   strBillingContactMobile =>  $some_value, # string


Delete a customer. Once a customer is deleted, it cannot be reactivated. To suspend service, use CustomerStatusUpdate instead.<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId <br>

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerDeleteResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerDelete( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string


Create a user for the Media Control Center. User access will default to the customer's access modules. Use method CustomerAccessModuleUpdate to modify access at the customer level.<br>Use method CustomerUserAccessModuleUpdate to modify access at the user level.<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId, strEmail, strPassword <br>IsAdmin: For no, enter "0" or "false". For yes, enter "1" or "true". Admin users have all access rights to the MCC, and they can not be deleted. There can only be one admin user per customer. <br>Please consult the API documentation for the time zone ID mapping. <br>

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerUserAddResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerUserAdd( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   strFirstName =>  $some_value, # string
   strLastName =>  $some_value, # string
   strEmail =>  $some_value, # string
   strPassword =>  $some_value, # string
   strIsAdmin =>  $some_value, # string
   strTitle =>  $some_value, # string
   strAddress1 =>  $some_value, # string
   strAddress2 =>  $some_value, # string
   strCity =>  $some_value, # string
   strState =>  $some_value, # string
   strZip =>  $some_value, # string
   strCountry =>  $some_value, # string
   strPhone =>  $some_value, # string
   strFax =>  $some_value, # string
   strMobile =>  $some_value, # string
   strTimeZoneId =>  $some_value, # string


Delete a customer user. <br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId, intCustomerUserId <br>

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerUserDeleteResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerUserDelete( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   intCustomerUserId =>  $some_value, # unsignedInt


Update a customer user's basic information. If Email, Password, or TimeZoneId is empty, it will not be updated. All other values will be updated if empty.<br>Required fields: strCredential, intCustomerUserId <br>Status: 0 for disable, 1 for enable

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerUserUpdateResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerUserUpdate( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   intCustomerUserId =>  $some_value, # unsignedInt
   strFirstName =>  $some_value, # string
   strLastName =>  $some_value, # string
   strEmail =>  $some_value, # string
   strPassword =>  $some_value, # string
   strTitle =>  $some_value, # string
   strAddress1 =>  $some_value, # string
   strAddress2 =>  $some_value, # string
   strCity =>  $some_value, # string
   strState =>  $some_value, # string
   strZip =>  $some_value, # string
   strCountry =>  $some_value, # string
   strPhone =>  $some_value, # string
   strFax =>  $some_value, # string
   strMobile =>  $some_value, # string
   strTimeZoneId =>  $some_value, # string


Gets list of customer users for a customer.<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerUsersGetResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerUsersGet( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string


Get a customer user's basic information<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId, intCustomerUserId <br>Status: 0 for disable, 1 for enable

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerUserGetResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerUserGet( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   intCustomerUserId =>  $some_value, # unsignedInt


Update Custom Id. The Custom Id field may be used if partners have their own Ids associated with customers.<br>This value must be unique across all of the partner's customers.<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId, strCustomId <br>

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerCustomIdUpdateResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerCustomIdUpdate( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string


Update Account Measured By. This describes how a customer account is measured by, and usually reflects customer's payment method.<br>The default is bandwidth, set upon CustomerAdd.<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId, intAccountMeasuredBy <br>Account Measured By: 0=Bandwidth (Mbps) (default), 1=Data Transferred (GB)

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerAccountMeasuredByUpdateResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerAccountMeasuredByUpdate( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   intAccountMeasuredBy =>  $some_value, # short


Gets whether a customer account is measured by bandwidth or data transferred. This usually reflects customer's payment method.<br>The default is bandwidth, set upon CustomerAdd.<br> Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId <br>Returns Account Measured By: 0=Bandwidth (Mbps) (default), 1=Data Transferred (GB)

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerAccountMeasuredByGetResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerAccountMeasuredByGet( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string


Update Customer Status. Only valid paths are Active -> Suspended, Suspended -> Active, and Trial -> Active.<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId, intStatus <br>Status: 1=Active, 2=Suspended, 3=Trial <br>

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerStatusUpdateResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerStatusUpdate( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   intStatus =>  $some_value, # short


Get Customer Status. <br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId <br>Status: 0=Inactive, 1=Active, 2=Suspended, 3=Trial <br>

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerStatusGetResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerStatusGet( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string


Deprecated. Use CustomerHttpLargeUpdate.

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerHttpUpdateResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerHttpUpdate( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   strStatus =>  $some_value, # string
   strContentURL =>  $some_value, # string


Deprecated. Use CustomerHttpLargeGet.

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerHttpGetResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerHttpGet( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string


Get customer information for HTTP Large Object.<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId <br>Returns Status: 0 for disable, 1 for enable <br>Returns Content URL

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerHttpLargeGetResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerHttpLargeGet( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string


Update HTTP Large Object. Enable or disable a customer for HTTP Large Object, and set content URL string. Only non-empty values will be updated.<br>Default value for Content URL is .<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId, <br>Status: 0 for disable, 1 for enable

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerHttpLargeUpdateResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerHttpLargeUpdate( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   strStatus =>  $some_value, # string
   strContentURL =>  $some_value, # string


Update HTTP Small Object. Enable or disable a customer for HTTP Small Object, and set content URL string. Only non-empty values will be updated.<br>Default value for Content URL is, where 'xxxx' is the customer id.<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId, <br>Status: 0 for disable, 1 for enable

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerHttpSmallUpdateResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerHttpSmallUpdate( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   strStatus =>  $some_value, # string
   strContentURL =>  $some_value, # string


Get customer information for HTTP Small Object.<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId <br>Returns Status: 0 for disable, 1 for enable <br>Returns Content URL

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerHttpSmallGetResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerHttpSmallGet( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string


Update FMS. Enable or disable a customer for FMS, and set content URL string. Only non-empty values will be updated.<br>Default value for Content URL is rtmp://<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId <br>Status: 0 for disable, 1 for enable

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerFmsUpdateResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerFmsUpdate( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   strStatus =>  $some_value, # string
   strContentURL =>  $some_value, # string


Get customer information for FMS.<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId <br>Returns Status: 0 for disable, 1 for enable <br>Returns Content URL

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerFmsGetResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerFmsGet( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string


Update WMS. Enable or disable a customer for WMS, and set content URL string. Only non-empty values will be updated.<br>Default value for Content URL is mms://<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId <br>Status: 0 for disable, 1 for enable

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerWmsUpdateResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerWmsUpdate( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   strStatus =>  $some_value, # string
   strContentURL =>  $some_value, # string


Get customer information for WMS.<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId <br>Returns Status: 0 for disable, 1 for enable <br>Returns Content URL

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerWmsGetResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerWmsGet( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string


This method allows you to update access to the MCC on the customer level. The first two levels of access modules correspond to MCC navigation items.<br>The CustomerAdd method will by default allow the customer access to all modules EXCEPT Token Auth for all media types, and Advanced Reports & Analytics.<br>All users created for this customer will have access to what the customer has by default, but you may modify access at the user level by using CustomerUserAccessModuleUpdate.<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId, intAccessModuleId, intStatus <br>Status: 0 for disable, 1 for enable <br>Please consult the API documentation for the access module ID mapping. <br>

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerAccessModuleUpdateResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerAccessModuleUpdate( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   intAccessModuleId =>  $some_value, # int
   intStatus =>  $some_value, # short


Gets whether a customer has access to a module in the MCC. The first two levels of access modules correspond to MCC navigation items.<br>The CustomerAdd method will by default allow the customer access to all modules EXCEPT Token Auth for all media types, and Advanced Reports & Analytics.<br>All users created for this customer will have access to what the customer has by default, but you may modify access at the user level by using CustomerUserAccessModuleUpdate.<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId, intAccessModuleId <br>Returns Status: 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled <br>Please consult the API documentation for the access module ID mapping. <br>

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerAccessModuleGetResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerAccessModuleGet( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   intAccessModuleId =>  $some_value, # int


This method is used to update access to the Media Control Center at the user level. The first two levels of access modules correspond to MCC navigation items.<br>Even though user access may be enabled, the customer must also have access to a module in order for the user to. To modify customer access, use CustomerAccessModuleUpdate.<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId, intCustomerUserId, intAccessModuleId, intStatus <br>Status: 0 for disable, 1 for enable <br>Please consult the API documentation for the access module ID mapping. <br>

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerUserAccessModuleUpdateResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerUserAccessModuleUpdate( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   intCustomerUserId =>  $some_value, # unsignedInt
   intAccessModuleId =>  $some_value, # int
   intStatus =>  $some_value, # short


Gets whether a user has access to a module in the MCC. The first two levels of access modules correspond to MCC navigation items.<br>Even though user access may be enabled, the customer must also have access to a module in order for the user to. To modify customer access, use CustomerAccessModuleUpdate.<br>Required fields: strCredential, intCustomerUserId, intAccessModuleId <br>Returns Status: 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled <br>Please consult the API documentation for the access module ID mapping. <br>

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerUserAccessModuleGetResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerUserAccessModuleGet( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   intCustomerUserId =>  $some_value, # unsignedInt
   intAccessModuleId =>  $some_value, # int


Updates an existing customer origin entry of media type id 3 or 8 (Http large and Http small).<br>To update customer origins of media type id 2 - Flash, please use CustomerOriginUpdate API instead.<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId, intCustomerOriginId, strDirName,<br>strHttpLoadBalMode and strHttpHostnames OR strHttpsLoadBalMode and strHttpsHostnames.<br> Load balance options are: "PF" (for Primary and Failover), and "RR" (for Round Robin).<br>Hostnames should be complete with a valid protocol and optionally a port number.<br>List of hostnames used in strHttpHostnames or strHttpsHostnames should be separated by commas ",".<br>HTTP host header value should not include the protocol part.<br>List of Shield POP Codes should be separated by commas ",".<br>Origin Shield information is for customers who have Origin Shield enabled. Origin Shield only applies to Large Object (Media Type 3) and Small Object (Media Type 8).<br>

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerOriginAdvancedUpdateResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerOriginAdvancedUpdate( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   intCustomerOriginId =>  $some_value, # int
   strDirName =>  $some_value, # string
   strHttpLoadBalMode =>  $some_value, # string
   strHttpHostnames =>  $some_value, # string
   strHttpsLoadBalMode =>  $some_value, # string
   strHttpsHostnames =>  $some_value, # string
   strHostHeaderValue =>  $some_value, # string
   strShieldPopCodes =>  $some_value, # string


You may also use CustomerOriginAdvancedUpdate API, for media types Http Large and Http Small, to control more advanced settings.<br>Updates an existing customer origin entry.<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId, strCustomerOriginId, strOriginString,<br>Origin Shield: For No, enter "0". For Yes, enter "1". This is for customers who have Origin Shield enabled. Origin Shield only applies to Large Object (Media Type 3) and Small Object (Media Type 8).<br>

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerOriginUpdateResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerOriginUpdate( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   intCustomerOriginId =>  $some_value, # int
   strOriginString =>  $some_value, # string
   strOriginShield =>  $some_value, # string


Returns a list of available Delivery Regions and their ids.<br>Required field: strCredential.<br/><b>North America /Europe</b> – utilizing this regional delivery selection will deliver content to users all over the world, but do so only from the POPs located in North America and Europe (therefore this excludes the 3 POPs in APAC).<br/><b>Global Standard</b> - utilizing the Global CDN platform leverages all 16 POP's globally, all North American and European transit routes, and global peering routes (excludes select premium APAC routes in Hong Kong, Japan, and Australia POPs).<br/><b>Global + Premium Asia</b> – utilizes the Global Standard network as well as Premium APAC Routes. The Premium APAC Routes will leverage the 3 POP's in APAC(Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Australia), distributing traffic across both the transit providers in region and peering routes established in each market/exchange. When this is selected for a particular customer, the usage will be metered separately for all APAC POPs; Pricing in the North America and Europe POPs will be at the Global Standard pricing and Pricing for APAC will be at the Premium APAC Route pricing.<br/>

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::DeliveryRegionsGetResponse object.

$response = $interface->DeliveryRegionsGet( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string


Updates the delivery region setting for an existing customer.<br>Use this API to modify the delivery region for an exisitng customer.<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId, and intDeliveryRegionId.<br>You may use DeliveryRegionsGet API for a listing of available regions and their Ids.<br><b>North America /Europe</b> – utilizing this regional delivery selection will deliver content to users all over the world, but do so only from the POPs located in North America and Europe (therefore this excludes the 3 POPs in APAC).<br/><b>Global Standard</b> - utilizing the Global CDN platform leverages all 16 POP's globally, all North American and European transit routes, and global peering routes (excludes select premium APAC routes in Hong Kong, Japan, and Australia POPs).<br/><b>Global + Premium Asia</b> – utilizes the Global Standard network as well as Premium APAC Routes. The Premium APAC Routes will leverage the 3 POP's in APAC(Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Australia), distributing traffic across both the transit providers in region and peering routes established in each market/exchange. When this is selected for a particular customer, the usage will be metered separately for all APAC POPs; Pricing in the North America and Europe POPs will be at the Global Standard pricing and Pricing for APAC will be at the Premium APAC Route pricing.<br/>

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerDeliveryRegionUpdateResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerDeliveryRegionUpdate( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   intDeliveryRegionId =>  $some_value, # int


Creates a new customer origin.<br>Use this API to create new customer origins of type Http Large (Media Type 3), and Http Small (Media Type 8).<br>You may use CustomerOriginAdd API for Flash (Media Type 2) customer origins.<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId, intMediaType, strDirName,<br>strHttpLoadBalMode and strHttpHostnames OR strHttpsLoadBalMode and strHttpsHostnames.<br> Load balance options are: "PF" (for Primary and Failover), and "RR" (for Round Robin).<br>Hostnames should be complete with a valid protocol and optionally a port number.<br>List of hostnames used in strHttpHostnames or strHttpsHostnames should be separated by commas ",".<br>HTTP host header value should not include the protocol part.<br>List of Shield POP Codes should be separated by commas ",".<br>Origin Shield information is for customers who have Origin Shield enabled. Origin Shield only applies to Large Object (Media Type 3) and Small Object (Media Type 8).<br>

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerOriginAdvancedAddResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerOriginAdvancedAdd( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   intMediaType =>  $some_value, # int
   strDirName =>  $some_value, # string
   strHttpLoadBalMode =>  $some_value, # string
   strHttpHostnames =>  $some_value, # string
   strHttpsLoadBalMode =>  $some_value, # string
   strHttpsHostnames =>  $some_value, # string
   strHostHeaderValue =>  $some_value, # string
   strShieldPopCodes =>  $some_value, # string


You may also use CustomerOriginAdvancedAdd API, for HTTP Large and Small media types, to control more advanced settings.<br>Create customer origin.<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId, intMediaType, strOriginString <br>Origin Shield: For no, enter "0". For yes, enter "1". This is for customers who have Origin Shield enabled. Origin Shield only applies to Large Object (Media Type 3) and Small Object (Media Type 8).<br>

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerOriginAddResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerOriginAdd( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   intMediaType =>  $some_value, # int
   strOriginString =>  $some_value, # string
   strOriginShield =>  $some_value, # string


Delete a customer origin. <br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId, intCustomerOriginId <br>

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerOriginDeleteResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerOriginDelete( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   intCustomerOriginId =>  $some_value, # int


Returns a list of available Origin Shield POPs for the specified customer.<br>Required fields: strCredential, and either a strCustomerId or a strCustomId.

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::OriginShieldPOPsGetResponse object.

$response = $interface->OriginShieldPOPsGet( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string


Get a customer origin information<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId, intCustomerOriginId

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerOriginAdvancedGetResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerOriginAdvancedGet( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   intCustomerOriginId =>  $some_value, # int


You may also use CustomerOriginAdvancedGet API which provides complete details for each origin.<br>Get a customer origin information<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId, intCustomerOriginId <br>Status: 0 for disable, 1 for enable

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerOriginGetResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerOriginGet( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   intCustomerOriginId =>  $some_value, # int


Gets all customer origins of a given media type for a specific customer.<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId, and intMediaType

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerOriginsAdvancedGetResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerOriginsAdvancedGet( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   intMediaType =>  $some_value, # int


You may also use CustomerOriginsAdvancedGet API for complete details of each origin.<br>Gets list of customer origins for a customer.<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId, intMediaType

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerOriginsGetResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerOriginsGet( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   intMediaType =>  $some_value, # int


Create customer cname. Cname can be to the EdgeCast origin or to your customer origin. If EdgeCast origin, the cname will point to /00xxxx/, xxxx being your alphanumeric customer hex id. If customer origin, the cname will point to /80xxxx/ You must create a customer origin first using CustomerOriginAdd.<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId, intMediaType, strCname, intOriginId <br>Origin Id: Enter the customer origin id of the origin you would like to use, or enter -1 for EdgeCast origin.<br>MediaTypeId: 3 for Large Object, 2 for Flash, 8 for Small Object<br>

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerCnameAddResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerCnameAdd( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   intMediaType =>  $some_value, # int
   strCname =>  $some_value, # string
   intOriginId =>  $some_value, # int
   strDirPath =>  $some_value, # string


Delete a customer cname. <br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId, intCustomerCnameId <br>

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerCnameDeleteResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerCnameDelete( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   intCustomerCnameId =>  $some_value, # unsignedInt


Get a customer cname information<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId, intCustomerCnameId <br>Status: 0 for disable, 1 for enable

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerCnameGetResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerCnameGet( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   intCustomerCnameId =>  $some_value, # unsignedInt


Gets list of customer cnames for a customer.<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId, intMediaType<br>MediaTypeId: 3 for HTTbr

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerCnamesGetResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerCnamesGet( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   intMediaType =>  $some_value, # int


Update CDN Domain URLs for customer. Only non-empty URLs will be updated.<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId, strDomainTypeId, strUrl <br>Domain Types are as follows:<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-HTTP Large Object URL = 1<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-HTTPS Large Object URL= 2<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-HTTP Small Object URL = 3<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-HTTPS Small Object URL = 4<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-Windows Live and On-Demand URL = 5<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-Windows Live Origin DCA URL = 6<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-Windows Live Origin SJO URL = 7<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-Windows Live Origin AMS URL = 8<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-Flash On-Demand URL = 9<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-Flash Live Origin DCA URL = 10<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-Flash Live Origin LAX URL = 11<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-Flash Live Origin LHR URL = 12<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-Flash Live Player DCA URL = 13<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-Flash Live Player LAX URL = 14<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-Flash Live Player LHR URL = 15<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-Flash Live Streamcast Origin DCA URL = 16<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-Flash Live Streamcast Origin LAX URL = 17<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-Flash Live Streamcast Origin AMS URL = 18<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-Flash Live Streamcast Origin SYD URL = 19<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-Flash Live Streamcast Player URL = 20<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-FTP LAX URL = 21<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-FTP AMS URL = 22<br>

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerUrlUpdateResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerUrlUpdate( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   strDomainTypeId =>  $some_value, # string
   strUrl =>  $some_value, # string


Enable or disable services / features for a customer.<br>Required fields: strCredential, strCustomerId OR strCustomId, intServiceId, intStatus <br>Service Ids: <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-Advanced Reports = 7<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-Real-Time Stats = 8<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-Token Auth = 9<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-Edge Performance Analytics = 10<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-Rules Engine = 17<br>Status: <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-Enable = 1<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;-Disable = 0<br>

Returns a CDN::Edgecast::Client::auto::Administration::Element::CustomerServiceUpdateResponse object.

$response = $interface->CustomerServiceUpdate( {
   strCredential =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomerId =>  $some_value, # string
   strCustomId =>  $some_value, # string
   intServiceId =>  $some_value, # int
   intStatus =>  $some_value, # short


Generated by SOAP::WSDL on Tue Sep 21 17:24:54 2010

2 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

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