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Mojolicious::Plugin::Multiplex::Multiplexer - Dispatcher class for multiplexing websockets


# a simple single-threaded message relay example

use Mojolicious::Plugin::Multiplex::Multiplexer;
my $multiplex = Mojolicious::Plugin::Multiplex::Multiplexer->new(tx => $tx);

my %topics;
$multiplex->on(message => sub {
  my ($multiplex, $topic, $payload) = @_;
  return unless my $cb = $topics{$topic};
  $multiplex->$cb($topic, $payload);

$multiplex->on(subscribe => sub {
  my ($multiplex, $topic) = @_;
  $topics{$topic} = sub { shift->send(@_) };
  $multiplex->send_status($topic, 1);

$multiplex->on(unsubscribe => sub {
  my ($multiplex, $topic) = @_;
  delete $topics{$topic};
  $multiplex->send_status($topic, 0);


This class sends and receives messages over a websocket transaction using a variant of the sockjs websocket multiplex protocol. This variant defines five message types, they are: subscribe, message, unsubscribe, status, error. Further each message is assigned to a topic (channel) which is used to separate messages by subscribed listener. Note that though the protocol defines an error message, the event is also emitted on other errors; in the case of an error message the error string will be Client error.


This class is rather low level and is useful for writing bindings to backend message services like brokers. Notice that it does not store any connection state information either, which would be the responsibility of the consuming module or script. An example is given in the distribution for using this class with Mojo::Pg::PubSub to relay JSON messages between web-based chat clients.

As this module is low level it does no character encoding or decoding. If a topic or payload contains non ascii characters it must be manually encoded or decoded as necessary. Note further that topics cannot contain a comma due to the limitations of the simple protocol.


Inherits all of the events from Mojo::EventEmitter and implements the following new ones.

subscribe / unsubscribe

$multiplex->on(subscribe => sub { my ($multiplex, $topic) = @_; ... });

Emitted with a topic when the client expresses an interest in subscribing to or leaving the given topic.

A server should respond to this message event with a "status" reply indicating the new subscription state.


$multiplex->on(message => sub { my ($multiplex, $topic, $payload) = @_; ... });

Emitted when a message is received from the client. It is passed the topic and the payload in original encoded form (bytes).


$multiplex->on(status => sub { my ($multiplex, $topic, $payload) = @_; ... });

Emitted when a client attempts to indicate its own subscription status of a topic (rare) or else requests the subscription status for a given topic (proposed usage). Emitted with a topic name and either true or false (but defined) value when indicating the state or undefined when requesting a state.

The server may reply to these requests but none is required. For agreement with an indicated state or sending the requested current state, use "status". For disagreeing with the indicated state, an error should be sent with "send_error".


$multiplex->on(error => sub { my ($multiplex, $topic, $error) = @_; ... });

Emitted when a client sends a message which is not understood or other errors. Fatal if not handled Passed the topic and an error data structure. This structure contains an error key which defines the error and a message key which contains the raw parsed error.


$multiplex->on(finish => sub { my ($multiplex, $tx, $code, $reason) = @_; ... });

Emitted when the websocket connection is finished. This event is proxied from the transaction for convenience.


Inherits all of the attributes from Mojo::EventEmitter and implements the following new ones.


The transaction associated with the websocket. This should be an instance of Mojo::Transaction::WebSocket.


Inherits all of the methods from Mojo::EventEmitter and implements the following new ones.


$multiplex->send_status($topic, $state, $cb);

Send the current state of a topic subscription (as in the response from "subscribe" and unsubscrive or request the client's subscription state (rare). Takes a topic, a state, and an optional drain callback. The state variable will be coerced from any true, false or undefined values, where true and false values indicate subscribed or not subscribed respectively. Undefined propts the client to respond with its own notion of the subscription state, which is a rare thing for a server to do; additionally the client may not implement the response to the request.


$multiplex->send($topic, $payload, $cb);

Send a message to the client on the given topic. Takes a topic, a payload, and an optional drain callback. As mentioned above, neither the topic name or payload are encoded before sending, so be sure to do so manually if necessary.


$multiplex->send_error($topic, $payload, $cb);

Send an error message to the client on the given topic. Takes a topic, a payload, and an optional drain callback.


The original protocol (extended below) was proposed by SockJS, can be found at

The underlying protocol is quite simple. Each message is a string consisting of three comma separated parts: type, topic and payload. There are three valid message types:

sub - expresses a will to subscribe to a given topic. msg - a message with payload is being sent on a topic. uns - a will to unsubscribe from a topic. err - a message with a payload that is emitted as an error sta - a status message stating whether the other party believes you are subscribed to the topic the playload is either "true" or "false" this message is sent as a response to sub/uns messages (TODO: consider empty status message to request the status from the other party?)