Respite::CommandLine - Provide an easy way to get commandline abstraction of Respite::Base

$Id: CommandLine.pod,v 1.4 2013/09/23 19:13:18 paul Exp $


use Respite::CommandLine;

# run under a local interface (on the server)
    api_meta => 'Some::Class',

# Also on the server
    api_meta => {  # will use Respite::Base
        methods => {
            foo => sub { return {FOO => 1} },

# run under a remote interface (on a client)
use Respite::CommandLine;
    api_meta => {
        remote  => 1, # will use Respite::Client
        service => 'foo',
        host    => 'localhost',
        brand   => 'test',
        pass    => '-',
        port    => 50000,
        no_ssl  => 1,

# it is also possible to use this as a reusable service in other utilities
my $cmdclient = Respite::CommandLine->new({api_meta => {service => 'dist', port => 50905, host => ''}});
my $data = $cmdclient->run_method(hello => {foo => 1});

# will prompt for password
my $data = $cmdclient->run_method(hello => {test_auth => 1});



May be a class name, or a hashref of information necessary for passing to Respite::Base or Respite::Client. If it is a classname, it should be capable of handling run_method (typically should be a subclass of Respite::Base). Otherwise the hashref should conform to the standards for Respite::Base. If a api_meta contains a true value for "remote", then Respite::Client will be used instead.