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Lingua::Phonology::FileFormatPOD - Documentation for the xml file format written and read by Lingua::Phonology


<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?>

    <!-- Feature definitions are contained within the <feature> tag -->
        <feature name="TOP" type="privative">
            <!-- Children may be named with the <child> tag -->
            <child name="Middle" />
        <feature name="Middle" type="privative" />
        <feature name="bottom" type="privative" >
            <!-- Parents may be named with the <parent> tag -->
            <parent name="Middle" />

    <!-- Symbol definitions are contained in the <symbol> tag -->
        <symbol label="A" >
            <feature name="bottom" value="1" />

    <!-- Syllabification settings are within the <syllable> tag -->
        <set_complex_onset />
        <no_coda />
        <min_son_dist value="2" />

    <!-- Rules are defined in the <rules> tag -->
        <!-- By default, you are allowed to use n:method shortcuts -->
        <rule name="Default" >
            <!-- Equivalent to '$_[1]->bottom' -->
            <where> 1:bottom </where>

            <!-- Equivalent to "$_[0]->delink('Middle')" -->
            <do> 0:delink('Middle') </do>

        <!-- If you don't want shortcuts, you can specify "plain" code -->
        <rule name="Plain" >
            <where type="plain" >$_[-1]->bottom</where>
            <do type="plain" >$_[1]->delink('bottom')</do>

        <!-- You can also use more powerful linguistic-style rules -->
        <rule name="Linguistic" >
            [bottom] => 0 / _$



As of v0.3, Lingua::Phonology is able to read and write an XML file that defines a complete Lingua::Phonology object. This file is meant to be human-editable, so you can write a phonology definition in a text file and then load it using Lingua::Phonology. Your perl script itself can be quite minimal, as most of the work of creating your phonology is done in the file.

For example, the following script reads the phonology defined in my_phono.xml, then reads a list of underlying forms from STDIN, applies the rules to them, and writes the surface forms to phono.out.

use Lingua::Phonology;

my $phono = new Lingua::Phonology;


open OUT, '>phono.out' or die $!;

while (<>) {
    chomp $_;

    # The following assumes one word per line. It also assumes that all of
    # our symbols are one character and that there are no diacritics.
    # Implementing this script if any of the preceding are false is left as
    # an exercise to the reader.
    @word = $phono->symbols->segment(split //, $_);


    print OUT $phono->symbols->spell(@word), "\n";

Of course, having this be successful depends on my_phono.xml working properly. The rest of this document describes how to do that.


The root element of your phonology should be <phonology></phonology>. Within those tags are four major sub-sections:


    Defines the features your phonology uses. Enclosed in <features></features> tags, described in the "FEATURES" section.


    Defines the phonetic symbols your phonology uses. Enclosed in <symbols></symbols> tags, described in the "SYMBOLS" section.


    Defines syllabification rules for your phonology. Enclosed in <syllable></syllable> tags, described in the "SYLLABLE" section.


    Defines rules that apply to words in your phonology and the order in which they apply. Enclosed in <rules></rules> tags, described in the "RULES" section. Linguistic style rules are also included in the rules section, and are described in "LINGUISTIC-STYLE RULES".

ALL phonology files must have EACH of these sections. Trying to read a phonology which is missing some section will usually result in errors. (Exception: If you use the loadfile() method of one of the sub-objects, then the file given only needs to have the section corresponding to the object used. For example, if you call $phono->features->loadfile('phono.xml'), 'phono.xml' only needs to have a <features></features> section.)

However, if a certain section is unneeded or unnecessary for your phonology, nothing keeps you from using an tags with no content.


Your feature definitions should be enclosed in <features></features> tags. This section defines the feature set that your phonology uses and the heirarchy between them, which in turn controls the way you define your symbols and rules. For a discussion of the general principles behind making a feature set, see Lingua::Phonology::Features.

Within the <features></features> tags, you use the <feature></feature> tag to define a single feature. (That's singular: don't confuse the outer <features> tag with the inner <feature> tag.) The <feature> tag must contain at least two attributes: a name, given by the name attribute, and a type, given by the type attribute. The name may be any string, but the type must be one of 'privative', 'binary', or 'scalar'. For the meanings of these settings, see Lingua::Phonology::Features.

If you don't need to specify parents or children for a feature, this is all you need. You can use unary tag for such simple features, like this:

<feature name="foo" type="binary" />

If a feature has children , you may list them inside <child /> tags inside the <feature></feature> tags. The name of the child feature is given in the name attribute of the <child /> tag. For example:

<feature name="Parent" type="privative" >
    <child name="Child 1" />
    <child name="Child 2" />

Alternately, you may use the <parent /> tag to name the parents of a feature, like so:

<feature name="child" type="scalar" >
    <parent name="Parent 1" />
    <parent name="Parent 2" />

Remember that the features you name inside <parent> or <child> tags must ALSO be defined elsewhere with a <feature /> tag. Trying to include a child/parent that is not defined on its own will generate a warning.

Also, the parent/child relationship is symmetrical. A feature is the child of all of its parents and the parent of all of its children. You do NOT need to include both <child> and <parent> tags for a child-parent pair, one or the other will suffice. It's up to you whether you prefer to do this with <child> tags or with <parent> tags.

To see a full example of a feature definition, see "THE DEFAULT FEATURE SET" in Lingua::Phonology::Features and look at the DEFAULT FEATURE SET section. That section describes the default feature set and shows the XML structure used to generate that feature set.


Your symbol definitions must be enclosed within the <symbols></symbols> tag. You define your symbols based on features in your feature set, and associate each of them with a label. For a discussion of the general ideas behind making a symbol set, see Lingua::Phonology::Symbols.

With the <symbols></symbols> tag are a series of <symbol> tags. (Once again, the interior <symbol> tag is singular, while the outer <symbols> tag is plural.) The <symbol> tag must have a label attribute, the value for which is the symbol string. Thus, the opening tag looks something like this:

<symbol label="k" >

Inside the <symbol></symbol> tags are a series of unary <feature> tags. Each of these <feature> tags takes two attributes: a name attribute that gives a feature name from the current feature set, and a value attribute that gives the value of the symbol prototype for that feature. The value attribute can be either a number or a text value. Whatever it is, it will be converted according to the number_form and text_form conversions described in Lingua::Phonology::Features. Some examples:

<feature name="privative_feature" value="*" />
<feature name="binary_feature" value="+" />
<feature name="scalar_feature" value="2" />

A whole symbol definition looks like this:

<symbol label="k" >
    <feature name="dorsal" value="1" />
    <feature name="voice" value="*" />

You can define as many symbols as you want in your file. For an example of a complete symbol set definition, see "THE DEFAULT SYMBOL SET" in Lingua::Phonology::Symbols. That section describes the default symbols and shows the XML structure used to generate those symbols.


Your syllable section is enclosed with the <syllable></syllable> tag. The syllable section of your file defines the syllabification parameters used in your phonology. Unlike the other sections, this section does not consist of an unlimited number of definitions but of settings to a given number of parameters. Each of the parameters is represented by its own tag.

Parameters for the syllable section fall into several categories.

  • Boolean

    Boolean parameters are either true or false. To set a boolean parameter to true, include a unary tag with 'set_' prefixed to the name of the parameters. You can turn on codas, for example, by including a <set_coda /> tag. Conversely, you can set a boolean parameter to false by including a tag and prefixing 'no_' to its name. You can turn codas off with a <no_coda /> tag.

    Including a tag that has the name of the parameter without any prefix turns that parameter on. Thus, including a <coda /> tag turns codas on in exactly the same way that <set_coda /> does.

    Boolean parameters are onset, complex_onset, coda, complex_coda.

  • Integer

    Integer parameters may have any whole number as their value. They may be set by including the name of the parameter as a tag with a single value parameter. E.g. <min_son_dist value="2" />.

    Integer parameters are min_son_dist, onset_son_dist, coda_son_dist, min_nucl_son, min_coda_son, max_edge_son.

  • Code

    Code parameters must have perl code as their value. The perl code is contained between opening and closing tags of the name of the parameter. For example, you might set 'clear_seg' with <clear_seg> not $_[0]->SYLL </clear_seg>.

    The perl code is subject to shortcut expansion. See "Notes on writing perl code" below.

    Code parameters are clear_seg, begin_adjoin, end_adjoin.

There are two additional parameters which don't fit into any of the above types. These are direction and sonorous.

The direction parameter is set with a unary tag that has a value attribute, rather like the integer tags. Like so: <direction value="leftward" />. However, the only valid values it may have are "leftward" and "rightward."

The sonorous parameter is set with a paired <sonorous></sonorous> tag, within which are one or more <feature /> tags. Each <feature /> tag has a name attribute that defines the feature, and a score attribute that gives the number of sonority points that feature is worth. As an example, the following defines the default sonority values:

    <feature name="sonorant" score="1" />
    <feature name="approximant" score="1" />
    <feature name="vocoid" score="1" />
    <feature name="aperture" score="1" />

The meaning and application of these parameters is described in more detail in Lingua::Phonology::Syllable. As a more complete example, the following defines the default settings for Lingua::Phonology::Syllable:

    <set_onset />
    <no_complex_onset />
    <no_coda />
    <no_complex_coda />
    <min_son_dist value="3" />
    <min_coda_son value="0" />
    <max_edge_son value="100" />
    <min_nucl_son value="3" />
    <direction value="rightward" />
        <feature name="sonorant" score="1" />
        <feature name="approximant" score="1" />
        <feature name="vocoid" score="1" />
        <feature name="aperture" score="1" />
    <clear_seg> return 1; </clear_seg>
    <begin_adjoin> return 0; </begin_adjoin>
    <end_adjoin> return 0; </end_adjoin>


Your rules section is enclosed in <rules></rules> tags. This section defines the rules which act in your phonology. Rule definitions are enclosed in <rule></rule> tags, rule order is written with <order></order> tags, and persistent rules are written with <persist></persist> tags. Each of these is discussed below. For a complete discussion of how to write rules and the meanings of these parameters, see Lingua::Phonology::Rules.

Rule declarations

You may make as many rules as you would like. Each rule is enclosed in <rule></rule> tags. The opening <rule> tag must contain a name attribute, which gives the name of the rule to be added. E.g. <rule name="Metathesis" >

Within the <rule></rule> tags you may include a tag for each of the properties that a rule normally has. These properties include direction, domain, tier, filter, where, do, result.

The first three properties (direction, domain, tier), take a simple text string as their value. They are represented by a unary tag with a single value attribute. E.g.:

<direction value="rightward" />
<domain value="SYLL" />
<tier value="vocoid" />

The other four properties (filter, where, do, result) take perl code as their value. They are represented as a pair of tags with perl as their contents. E.g.:

    $_[0]->vocoid and $_[1]->nasal
<!-- Likewise for other code properties -->

Considerations for writing code inside the XML structure and some shortcuts are described below in "Notes on writing perl code". A complete discussion of rules and what they do is in "WRITING RULES" in Lingua::Phonology::Rules.

You may also use linguistic-style rules as the content of a rule declaration. This is discussed in "LINGUISTIC-STYLE RULES"

Rule order and persistent rules

To give the order in which your rules apply, use the <order></order> tags. Within the <order> tag you include one or more <block></block> tags, which in turn contain unary <rule> tags. Each <rule> tag has one name attribute, which gives the name of the rule to be applied. For example:

        <rule name="A1" />
        <rule name="A2" />
        <rule name="B" />
        <rule name="C1" />
        <rule name="C2" />
        <rule name="C3" />

Persistent rules are given within <persist></persist> tags. Between these tags you may have any number of unary <rule> tags with a name attribute, just as above. Example:

    <rule name="P1" />
    <rule name="P2" />

Rule order and persistent rules are described in more detail in "apply_all" in Lingua::Phonology::Features and following sections.

Notes on writing perl code

When you write perl code as the content of a <where></where> tag or any other similar tag, your code is evaluated in the package main. Thus, if you reference $foo or any other variable other than @_, you're getting $main::foo. If you want your code to be evaluated in some other package, be sure to include the appropriate package declaration.

The code for rule properties usually works on the contents of @_, and we write things like $_[1]->feature_name constantly. It becomes tiresome to repeatedly type this whole string, and when such strings are printed back out they are escaped into the near-unreadable $_[1]-&gt;feature_name. To solve both problems, this module provides a shortcut method. Anything like $_[n]->method can be rewritten as n:method, where n is an integer and method is a method name. The module will expand such shortcuts appropriately before evaluating them. Thus, all of the following are equivalent:

1:nasal                         $_[1]->nasal
0:delink('vocoid')              $_[0]->delink('vocoid')
-1:BOUNDARY                     $_[-1]->BOUNDARY
0:voice(1:value_ref('voice'))   $_[0]->voice($_[1]->value_ref('voice'))

In order for this to work, there must be NO WHITESPACE between the number, the colon, and the following method name. (This is to avoid most conflicts with the ternary ?: operator.) Also, the number must be an integer matching the regular expression /-?\d+/, and the method following must be a valid perl method call. Thus, all of the following are incorrect:

1: labial
0:'long feature name'

By default, all perl code found in your XML file is expanded this way. If you need to keep this from happening, then you can add a type="plain" attribute to the opening tag. The following two are identical:

<where> 1:nasal </where>
<where type="plain" > $_[1]->nasal </where>

Though as a matter of fact, there's nothing wrong with just doing this:

<where> $_[1]->nasal </where>

The only time you really have to use the type attribute is if you insist on doing something like this:

<where type="plain">
    $_[0]->aperture > 1 ? 1:0

If you didn't use the type="plain" attribute, this would come out to:

$_[1]->aperture > 1 ? $_[1]->0

Which is a syntax error, of course. But if your use of whitespace is sane, you should rarely, if ever, run into conflicts.


Generative phonologists have developed a more-or-less standard notation for writing their rules, and Lingua::Phonology can now parse such rules. To include a linguistic-style rule in your rule set, simply write the rule as the content of a <rule></rule> tag (i.e. not inside any other tag). For example:

<rule name="Vowel Nasalization" >
    [vocoid] => [nasal] / _[nasal]

If you are familiar with generative phonology literature, you will probably find such rules easier to write and understand than the pure perl rules discussed above. This section will discuss exactly how you can write such rules and how the Lingua::Phonology module will turn them into perl code.

Input segments and output segments

The simplest form of linguistic rule is an unconditional change, in which some segment or feature is changed regardless of what other segments are present. Such rules follow this format:

input_segments => output_segments

You write the input segments on the left side, and what they become on the right side. In the middle you write =>. Actually, because people have their own styles, you can write any of =>, ->, or >. In this document we'll always use =>.

To write this kind of rule, you simply need to know how to describe input segments and output segments. In linguistic literature, this is generally done by writing feature descriptions. A feature description consists of a set of feature values enclosed in square brackets '[]', like this:

[-anterior voice]

The features inside the square brackets may be specified in three different ways:

  • privative style

    In this style, you simply list the name of the feature to test or set any true value: [nasal]. To test for or set a false value, you precede the name of the feature with an asterisk: [*nasal]. This is most appropriate for privative features which are either true (present) or false (absent).

  • binary style

    In this style, you put a '+' before the name of the feature to test or set the value 1: [+anterior]. You put a '-' before the name of the feature to test or set the value 0: [-anterior]. You may also put an '*' before the name of the feature to set its value to undefined: [*anterior]. This is most appropriate for binary features which are either positive, negative, or undefined.

  • scalar style

    In this style, you put the name of the feature first, followed by an '=', then any value. If the value you give is a numeral or a word with no non alphanumeric characters, you do not need to include the value in quotes: [aperture=2], [scalar=word]. If the value you wish to assign includes non-alphanumeric characters, you need to put the value in double quotes: [scalar="long, strange value"]. This is best for scalar features which can have a range of values.

Strictly speaking, any type of feature can be tested or set with any of the styles above, but it's recommended that you use each style with the appropriate type of feature.


[dorsal -anterior] => [nasal]

Read: "Any segment that is dorsal and -anterior (i.e. a palatal) becomes nasal."

In formal linguistic literature you must always define your segments with feature bundles like above. However, Lingua::Phonology also allows you to define a segment with a symbol from the current symbol set. This is done by writing the symbol between /slashes/, like so: /s/. This makes many rules clearer. Example:

/z/ => /s/

Read: "All /z/'s become /s/'s."

You can, of course, mix the two styles

[Coronal] => /s/

Read: "All coronals (dentals, alveolars, etc.) become /s/."

Remember that whatever comes between the slashes is the symbol. If you write /sk/, Lingua::Phonology will look for a single segment whose symbol is 'sk'. If you want an /s/ followed by a /k/, write /s//k/.

Another extension of strict linguistic form is the fact that you can include more than one segment in your input and output segments. Your linguistics professor might not like the following rule, but Lingua::Phonology has no problem with it:

/s/[nasal] => /z/[*nasal voice]

Read: "/s/ followed by a nasal is replaced with /z/ followed by a voiced stop."

The only stipulation here is that your statement must be balanced: there must be the same number of segments on both sides of the arrow.

One final trick is to use an empty set of braces, [], which will match anything at all on the left side of an arrow, and leave a segment unchanged on the right side. For example:

/s/[]/r/ => /S/[]/l/

Read: "/s/ followed by anything, followed by an /r/, becomes /S/, followed by the same thing, followed by an /l/."

The only thing that [] does not match is nothing at all--it implies that some segment exists there, but you don't care what it is. (To match nothing at all you can use 0, but see below at "Inserting and deleting".

See "Details of parsing" for some warnings and more detail about how segments are parsed.


The rules we have written so far have been unconditioned rules, which don't depend on segments other than the ones being changed. However most linguistic rules are not unconditional, and so we need to add the condition clause. The general format for rules with conditions is this:

input_segments => output_segments / conditions

A slash normally separates the condition from the rest of the rule. However, this can sometimes get lost amid the slashes used around symbols, so you can also write it with a colon:

input_segments => output_segments : conditions

The condition itself is written just like the input and output segments, with bracketed feature bundles or symbols. However, you put an underscore '_' where the input/output segment(s) go. No matter how many segments you use, you only put a SINGLE underscore there to represent them. For example:

/s/ => /S/ : _/i/

Read: "Replace /s/ with /S/ when the next segment is /i/".

You can put segments before and after the underscore:

[vocoid] => [nasal] / [voice]_[nasal]

Read: "Vocoids become nasalized when the next segment is nasal and the preceding segment is voiced".

You often want to do something at the end of a word or at the beginning of a word. For this, the special symbol $ is used. If you use a '$', it must be either the very first symbol or the very last symbol in the condition (or you can put one at both ends, but this implies that you know the whole word you're looking for). Example:

[Coronal] => /s/ : _$

Read: "Coronals become /s/ at the end of a word."

Sets of segments and conditions

Sometimes you want to do something when this OR that is true, and nothing can be found in common between this and that. (Linguists hate such rules, but they do exist, unfortunately.) To accomplish this, you need a set, which lists a group of segments or conditions. In either case, a set consists of two parenthesis '()' enclosing the options, which are themselves separated by pipes '|'.

Here's an example segment set:

/s/ => /x/ : _(/r/ | /k/ | /u/ | /i/)

Read: "/s/ becomes /x/ when the next segment is any of /r/, /k/, /u/, or /i/". This rule, by the way, actually exists in Old Church Slavic. I didn't make it up, unlike most of the other example rules.

You can mix different kinds of feature definitions in a set, of course:

(/d/ | /g/ | [labial]) => [*Place] / _$

Read: "/d/, /g/, or any labial delink their Place node (and become glottals) at the end of a word."

You can also make a set of conditions. Example:

[labial] => /m/ : ( _/m/ | [nasal]_ )

Read: "Any labial becomes /m/, either when the next segment is /m/ or when the preceding segment is a nasal."

When you make a set of conditions, the set must be the entire condition part of the rule. For example, the following variation of the preceding rule is wrong, and won't parse:

[labial] => /m/ : ( _/m/ | [nasal]_ )$

Intention: "Any labial becomes /m/, either when it precedes an /m/ which is the last segment in the word, or when it follows a nasal and is the last segment in the word." As nice as this sounds, it doesn't work. Sorry.

Inserting and deleting

Insertion and deletion are both accomplished with the special symbol '0'. You can use a '0' on either the left-hand or right-hand side of the arrow in a linguistic rule, but it has a slightly different meaning on each side. You CANNOT use a 0 in the condition part of the rule, nor inside a segment set. Both of the following are wrong:

(/k/ | [voice] | 0) => [nasal] #WRONG, will not parse
/s/ => /z/ : _0/d/ # WRONG, will not parse

On the left-hand side of an arrow, the 0 means "Don't look for a segment here, but insert a segment in this spot." The segment to be inserted is whatever is in the corresponding spot on the right side of the arrow. Example:

/s/0[Coronal] => []/i/[] : _[*vocoid]

Read: "Insert an /i/ between /s/ and another coronal when the following segment is not a vocoid". Remember that [] can be used on the left-hand side of a rule to mean "match anything" and on the right-hand side of an arrow to mean "don't change anything". This rule is exactly equivalent to the following rule:

0 => /i/ : /s/_[Coronal][*vocoid]

The second form here is more formally correct, but the first illustrates how you can include a 0 anywhere in a rule to insert a segment at that point.

On the right-hand side of an arrow, the 0 means "Delete whichever segment is in this spot." The segment to be deleted is whichever segment occupies the same spot on the right-hand side of the arrow. Example:

/s//k/ => /S/0 : _$

Read: "An /s/ followed by a /k/ becomes /S/ followed by nothing at the end of a word."

Here's a similar example:

[vocoid][nasal coda] => [nasal]0

Read: "A vowel folllowed by a coda nasal is nasalized, and the nasal is deleted."

Using linguistic rules with other rule parameters

You can use a linguistic rule together with other tags or parameters that are normally part of a rule. In fact, it is often necessary to do so to create a rule. For example, suppose you wish to have a front vowel harmony rule. You could try to write something like this

[vocoid] => [-anterior] / _[][-anterior vocoid]

Read: "A vocoid becomes [-anterior] (front) when the segment after the next one is also a front vocoid". Here we assume that the [] represents the intervening consonant, which we don't care about. However, this rule will break if there is not exactly one consonant between the vowels. To remedy this, you should specify a tier of vocoid, which will cause the rule to ignore all non-vocoids. The whole rule declaration would then look like this:

<rule name="Vowel Harmony" >
    <tier value="vocoid" />
    [] => [-anterior] / _[-anterior]

Note that we've removed the vocoid statements from the feature bundles. That's because they are now redundant--we know that only vocoids are included in this rule. We also removed the [] from the condition, because any intervening consonant will not appear at all in our word. This rule will work no matter how many consonants appear between the vowels.

The parameters that you can specify this way are direction, tier, filter, domain, result. You should not try to specify a where or do property together with a linguistic rule, because the linguistic rule is the where and do properties. Any where or do that you specify will be ignored.


There is one important aspect of linguistic rules which is missing in the current implementation. That is the ability to include variables, usually denoted by Greek letters in generative rules. Variables let you assign the value of one segment to be the same as the value of any other segment. The current linguistic rule parser has no mechanism for variables, although this will be implemented at a future date.

Details of parsing

Internally, Lingua::Phonology uses the strings '__TRUE', '__FALSE', '__BOUNDARY', '__NULL' as markers. DO NOT attempt to use symbols with these names or assign these as values to a scalar reference.

For the curious, here is the perl code that Lingua::Phonology generates from the feature declaration formats. These are all illustrated with $_[0], although the actual element of @_ acted upon varies and should be irrelevant:

Linguistic form     When testing               When assigning
[feature]           ($_[0]->feature)           $_[0]->feature(1);
[*feature]          (not $_[0]->feature)       $_[0]->delink('feature');
[-feature]          ($_[0]->feature == 0)      $_[0]->feature(0);
[+feature]          ($_[0]->feature == 1)      $_[0]->feature(1);
[feature=val]       ($_[0]->feature eq 'val')  $_[0]->feature('val');
/sym/               ($_[0]->spell eq 'sym')    Lingua::Phonology::Functions::change($_[0], 'sym');

The parser for linguistic rules was written with Parse::RecDescent. What follows is the Parse::RecDescent grammar, minus some irrelevant detail.

Rule: From Arrow To When(?)

From: (Segment | SegmentSet | Null)(s)

Arrow: '>' | '->' | '=>'

To: (Segment | Null)(s)

When: ('/'|':') (Condition | ConditionSet)

ConditionSet: '(' <leftop: Condition '|' Condition> ')'

Condition: Boundary(?) (Segment | SegmentSet)(s?) '_' (Segment | SegmentSet)(s?) Boundary(?)

SegmentSet: '(' <leftop: Segment '|' Segment> ')'

Segment: ( '[' Feature(s?) ']' | '/' Text '/')

Feature: Text '=' Text | /[\+\-\*]/ Text | Text
Text: /\w+/ | <perl_quotelike> 

Boundary: '$'

Null: '0'


Lingua::Phonology objects can save their state to a file with the savefile() method. This method accepts a filename as its argument, and is documented in Lingua::Phonology/"savefile". When you use this method, the XML document generated has a couple of idiosyncrasies:

  • The order of elements will not be preserved from the file you loaded (if you loaded a file), except for those handful of elements for which ordering is crucial.

  • Formatting is made as human-readable as possible, but there may be some problems.

  • Code references are deparsed using B::Deparse. B::Deparse is not always able to deparse a code reference correctly, though I have never had problems with it.

  • Deparsed code is always written out with n:method shortcuts. There is no capability for remembering or re-creating linguistic style rules, and probably never will be. As a corrolary, if you want to see how your linguistic rules are parsed into perl, you can load your XML file and then save it to a different file to see what comes out.


Lingua::Phonology has little or no resources for dealing with files that are valid XML but don't follow the format given here. It is likely to die with unhelpful error messages, instead.









Jesse S. Bangs <>.


This module is free software. You can distribute and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.