HTMLUtils - a module for useful HTML utilities for Genex DBs
use HTMLUtils;
%new_hash = post_process(%args);
$html_string = objs2table(HEADER=>1, CGI=>$cgi, OBJECTS=>\@obj_list);
Methods for transforming information from a GeneX DB into HTML.
- post_process($cgi,%args)
Begin to post-process information from a Genex table before writing it to an HTML table. In order to write HTML we use, so any calling routine must pass in the current CGI object.
handles the following tasks:Lookup foreign key values from the appropriate table.
Change the output of fkeys to be hyperlinks to the cgi script for that table type.
Modify URLs and email addresses to be active hyperlinks.
Filter out sensitive information such as login names and passwords.
For example, after generating a Genex object, we can create a hyperlinked HTML table output for that object by doing the following:
# we need a CGI object my $q = new CGI; my $object = Bio::Genex::Species->new(id=>25); foreach (@{Bio::Genex::Species->column_names()}) { no strict 'refs'; $tmp_values{$_} = $object->$_; } # call post_process() to HTML'ize the values %tmp_values = post_process($q,%tmp_values); # make a header that's human readable my @rows; my @keys = keys %{Bio::Genex::Species->column2name()}; my @values = values %{Bio::Genex::Species->column2name()}; push(@rows,td([@values])); # add the data in the same order of the header push(@rows,td([@tmp_values{@keys}])); # now contstruct the table, print $q->html_start("Information for Species: $object->primary_scientific_name"); print $q->table({-border=>''}, Tr(\@rows) # Tr() distributes over an array reference ); print $q->html_end();
- objs2table(HEADER=>1, CGI=>$cgi, OBJECTS=>\@obj_list)
Returns an HTML string encoding the list of objects as an HTML table rows using the $cgi object. Each attribute will be printed out as a separate column for each object. Before printing the value for each object the data will be fed through
.The 'HEADER' parameter pair is optional and specifies that a human readable header row should be included as the first row of the table output.
NOTE: The returned string must still be wrapped by a $cgi->table() function call. This is so that the application can pass optional parameters to the table call.
CAUTION: it is assumed that all the objects in @obj_list are of the same class.
Jason Stewart (